Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 20th September 2024
The Adventures Continue!
Year 6 Adventure Day
This week Year 6 had an amazing day out at How Stean Gorge. They took part in two fun and exciting activities that really tested their stamina and resilience. The children crawled and climbed through underground caverns using their head lamps to find their way. They also squeezed themselves into wetsuits to explore the gorge. The class encouraged and cheered on their friends as they were lowered down the 45ft drop to the gorge below. They all had a fabulous time and demonstrated great teamwork. Well done, Year 6 - you were amazing!
Spiritual Coucil
Thank you to all the children who wrote letters of application to join the Spiritual Council this year. It was a very difficult choice but eventually we appointed 8 pupils who will support the school’s spiritual life this year. They are Primrose, Millie, Ivy, Thomas, Felix, Boaz, Katherine and Ella. Their first role will be on Monday when they help out with our Open the Book worship! Well done to them all.
Stars of the Week
We have continued our weekly tradition celebrating the children's achievements in our Friday worship and proudly present another set of superstars!
Nursery - Ronnie for growing in confidence in all areas helping him to explore the provision areas.
Reception - Olivia S for always showing she is ready to learn, engaging well in our provision activities and producing her very best work.
Year 1 - Harry for showing an excellent attitude to learning at school at home! Well done Harry, you are flourishing.
Year 2 - Ellie for always being respectful to her peers and teachers. Ellie has also shown a fantastic attitude to learning this week and has particularly impressed us with her enthusiasm in English lessons. Well done Ellie!
Year 3 - Isla-Grey for her super learning attitude and enthusiasm in class. What a brilliant start to the year!
Year 4 - Sophie for fantastic effort and ideas with our setting description of Pompeii and for listening carefully to the feedback given.
Year 5 - Freya for her excellent resilience and reflection in our maths learning when comparing and ordering numbers to 1,000,000.
Year 6 - Lewis for having a positive 'can do' attitude on our trip to How Stean Gorge.
Congratulations to all our Stars of the Week!
Class Dojo
This week’s Dojo champions were Year 3 who collected an incredible 734 points! They selected Prize B which this week is a non-uniform day! Mrs Spencer and Mrs McIlmurray will let parents know through Class Dojo when this will take place.
Football Tournament
On Wednesday morning, a group of pupils from Year 4 and Year 5 visited Outwood Academy for a football festival with other local primary schools. The children played multiple games of football over the morning and represented the school excellently. Year 4 came third overall. Year 5 won and will be moving on to the finals later in the year! A special well done to Sammy and Tobias for being given awards for showing excellent determination on the morning.
Information Sharing
Nursery Playground
Please can we ask parents not to allow or encourage children to play in the Nursery playground. This is a particular issue after parents have picked up children from the EYFS and KS1 classrooms at the end of the day. We are not insured for your children to be on the equipment whilst under parental rather than staff supervision. The yard is carefully set up to maximise opportunities for our youngest children and the staff cannot be expected to tidy it after older children have been playing unsupervised.
Free Fruit Friday
EYFS and KS1 children are given a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables each day through the national School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme. In an effort to reduce food waste, any spare fruit or vegetables that children have not eaten during the week (after they have been offered to Oscars and KS2) will be put into a box in the playground on Fridays after school. Please help yourself to any fruit or veg for the journey home or the weekend.
School Lunch Thursday 3rd October
The funding for the free Reception and KS1 meals is provided by the Department for Education. The amount we receive is based on the average take up on three days, this year Thursday 3rd October, Thursday 16th January and Thursday 15th May. We are sure you will all understand that we would like maximum take up on those three days as it will affect our funding. Therefore, on 3rd October the kitchen will be serving a ‘U.S. Diner’ themed meal of chicken nuggets and ‘sides’ followed by cupcakes. There will be a vegetarian alternative of Quorn nuggets. We think you’ll agree that this should prove popular with most children and hope that as many as possible will take school dinner on that day. If your Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 child will still be bringing a packed lunch to school, we hope to offer them at least a taste of the school meal e.g. the cupcake or some nuggets. KS2 children will also be served this change to the menu.
Instrument Lessons
We have visiting music teachers for strings, keyboard, flute and brass. If you are interested in your child learning a musical instrument (paid by parents), please contact:
Brass - Mark Sidwell marksidwell72@hotmail.com
Flute - Emily Taylor emily.taylor1402@gmail.com
All others - northyorkshiremusichub.co.uk
Dates for Diaries
Monday 23rd September – Y3 to Bewerley Park
Tuesday 24th September – Y4 to Bewerley Park
Wednesday 2nd October to Friday 4th October – Y5 residential Lindisfarne
Wednesday 2nd October - Year 6 class worship 9am - parents welcome to attend (school hall)
Wednesday 2nd October - Harvest Festival 1.30pm in the Cathedral- parents welcome to attend
Thursday 3rd October - Schools Census Day - U.S. Diner themed school lunch
w/b Monday 7th October – Poetry Week
Wednesday 9th October - Year 3 class worship 9am - parents welcome to attend (school hall)
Wednesday 9th October – Y5/6 Netball Tournament at Outwood (am)
w/b Monday 14th October – Parents’ Evenings (further details tbc.)
Wednesday 16th October – Y6 River Skell project
Wednesday 23rd October -Spiritual Council worship 9am - parents welcome to attend (school hall)
Thursday 24th October – Flu immunisation programme
Friday 25th October – Training Day: School Closed
w/b Monday 28th October - Half Term Holiday
Monday 4th November - Return to school
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Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool