Bulldog Nation Insider- 12/02/24
Our weekly newsletter with important information!
Principal's Corner
Happy Monday Bulldog Nation Families,
I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving! As we are in the Holiday season, a few reminders:
Please ensure that you are aware of your child's Social Media use. We have seen an uptick in issues stemming from Social Media, and so please monitor and be aware of what they are doing online.
Also, please ensure that your child has either a plain White or Navy Sweatshirt/ Hoodie. Grey, Black, Khaki are not uniform colors.
Finally we begin our Q2 Benchmark Tests on Thursday, with our Writing Exam. Please ensure that your child attends each day, especially with their iPads charged. Those students who attend and do their best on the 3 benchmark days will receive Free Dress on Thursday, December 19th.
Yours in the service of education,
Luke van Schie, Principal
This Week at Mansfeld
Wednesday- Picture Retake Day
Thursday- Q2 Writing Benchmark- Site Council 4:30PM- Boys Volleyball Home Playoff Game v Roberts Naylor @ 4:30PM. 7th Grade Guitar & Ukulele Concert- 6:30PM (PTSO Cancelled)
Friday- Principal's List, Honor Roll & Golden Ticket Free Dress. 8th Grade Dropout Prevention Assembly. Girls Basketball Home Playoff Game v Roberts Naylor @ 4:30PM
Upcoming Events
December 4th - Picture Retake Day
December 5th - Q2 Writing Benchmark Test
December 5th - Boys VB Home Playoff Game @ 4:30PM v Roberts Naylor
December 5th - Site Council Meeting 4:30PM
December 5th - 7th Grade Guitar & Ukulele Concert
December 6th - Girls BB Home Playoff Game @ 4:30PM v Roberts Naylor
December 10th - Q2 Math Benchmark
December 10th - Band Winter Concert- 6:30PM
December 12th - Q2 ELA Benchmark
December 12th - Orchestra & Choir Winter Concert
December 18th - Lunch with the Principals
December 19th - Free Dress for Q2 Benchmark Attendance on 3 testing days.
December 20th - Grading Day
December 20th - January 5th - Winter Break.
Any events that are BOLD are new events to this newsletter.
Excuse Absences on ParentVUE (Synergy)
Did you know you can excuse a student absence right on your ParentVUE? This not only helps us out in the office but makes it quick and easy for you too. All you need to do is log into the App or go to the website on a computer. Please know that the attendance feature does not work from a phone unless you have the App downloaded.
The steps are simple: go to ALL-DAY attendance, then click report absence, select the date and reason for absence and you can add a note as needed and click save!
Please let us know if you have questions and thanks for your help in helping us keep accurate attendance for our students.
Study Smart- Free Small Group Tutoring
Mansfeld STEM+ Highlights
UA Chemistry
We all love the combustible fun of chemicals!
Planting Saguaros
Students not only got to take home a succulent but also were able to plant saguaros!
UA Bio/Diversity
Students were able to use plants to make amazing art!
STEM+ Night Success!!
STEM+ Night at Mansfeld was a huge success thank you to the over 200 participants that showed up as well as all the teachers and staff! We had students light their hands on fire (safely with science), learn about Optics, plant saguaros, power an energy bike, paint plants, play games, design paper airplanes and have FUN!
UA Chemistry Event
Saturday, November 23rd 10am- 1:00pm UA Koffler Building Rm 216
University of Arizona Chemistry club will be hosting a day of exciting science demonstrations to promote STEM and laughter. Perfect for the whole family to enjoy!