Business Day
July 30 from 2:00 PM- 6:00 PM
This is a great opportunity to get all the fees like parking and class dues done early while getting the student schedule and laptop.
Qualifying Seniors can complete Senior Release Forms (with parent signature).
- ANVER open to parents on July 18 to complete back to school forms. These must be completed to pick up the schedule and laptop.
Open House
August 12 from 4:00 PM- 6:30 PM
All students and families are welcome to visit CSHS. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet your teachers, tour the building, pay fees like parking and class dues, and pick up your student laptop.
There will be an informational Freshmen Meeting at 5:30 PM in the auditorium for students and parents. This is not a mandatory meeting.
Qualifying Seniors can complete Senior Release Forms (with parent signature).
First Day of School
August 15
Senior privilege(s) for late arrival and early release will be an option for Seniors who have a study hall the first or last block of the day who have Lived Like a Knight for their high school career. To qualify for senior late arrival or senior early release, students must be in good standing during their time at Cave Spring High School. Students must meet grade, attendance, and behavioral expectations.
Passing all subjects leading up to the Senior year and maintained during the Senior year
Have 5 or fewer tardies per semester
May not be chronically absent
2 or fewer major referrals for discipline, per year
Congratulations to the Regional Champs!
To celebrate the end of another successful year, members of Academic Team took their year end trip to Washington DC over Memorial Day weekend. They visited several museums, the Zoo, walked a million miles, and of course participated in some trivia! Over the course of the school year, they made it to the “Elite 8” in Battle of the Brains, placed 3rd at both Blacksburg Brain Bowl and VT Fall, placed 1st at EMIT, were River Ridge District Champs, and were Region 3D Runner Up. Congratulations on another wonderful year! If you would like to join the Academic Team, see Ms. Carson when we return to school in August.
Seventeen Cave Spring High School Choir students traveled to New York City and took the stage at Carnegie Hall for a concert performance on Memorial Day. These students joined a mass choir of 146 singers to perform American Folk Music. Bryant Moxley, a former Bluefield University music professor, conducted the Carnegie Hall concert. This was the trip of a lifetime for these students, and they enjoyed every minute of it.
Official page for school information and student activities. Follow for updates on all things CSHS!
Front Office Secretary- Doreen Malcolm- dmalcolm@rcps.us
Attendance Secretary- Jamie Borgman- jborgman@rcps.us
Bookkeeper- Gabriella Weston- gweston@rcps.us
Counseling Secretary- Anna Hollins- ahollins@rcps.us
Career and Student Services- Brandi Carson- bcarson@rcps.us
Website: https://www.rcps.us/CSHS
Location: 3712 Chaparral Drive Roanoke, VA 24018
Phone: 540-772-7550