Edgemont MS Parents
September 23- October 1, 2024
Ready, Set, Go!
Greetings ESA Parents and Scholars! I would like to introduce myself as the new Assistant Principal of ESA. I have already meet some parents and grand parents at our first back to school night. Thank you for the warm welcome. I am excited to report a productive September at ESA Middle School. We are close to the end of September and are seeing continued success at the Middle School. We’ve already made significant strides in refining our dismissal procedures, ensuring safety in our car pickup line, and that buses and vans are arriving on time. Every day, we see improvements, thanks to the cooperation of students, staff, and teachers.
Our focus on academic excellence and instructional planning is well underway. Teachers are entering grades in PowerSchool, so make sure to have conversations with your child about handing in assignments on time and studying for tests. We have started Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Teachers have submitted names of students who are doing and consistently have been doing the right thing. We are thrilled to begin celebrating student achievements for those who are taking ownership of their behavior, academics and attendance, with certificates and school wide recognition of them on our, PBIS bulletin board, "Star Students". Every month there will be a different fun activity for these students. Teachers will also be celebrated for their dedication, with recognition of milestones such as 100% attendance every month. I’ve personally visited each classroom, not only to introduce myself, but to emphasize the importance of maintaining a clean and positive environment. This is a continued effort.
- We have received laptops for iReady and will be giving them out to teachers for their student to take the iReady diagnostic assessment. iReady is used for Reading and Math. It is an online custom curriculum that provides students with differentiated instruction and supports them on their individual paths to success. We will be testing students for the next two weeks so please make sure they come to school on time.
- Wednesday, September 25, 2024: DAY OFF FOR STUDENTS , Teachers have a full day PD
With all of us working together, this promises to be a great year! Thank you for all of your support as Parents/Guardians.