Silverbrook Family Newsletter
Vol. 11 No. 21 January 31, 2025
Mission: Empowering ALL Students to be Successful Learners
2024-2025 Theme: Building SuperReaders!
Student of the Week
5 Red - Sam Tews
5 Orange - Emiliano ViIdal Ortiz
5 Purple - Lily Schlueter
5 Blue - Elsie Johnson
5 Yellow - Reid Malecha
6 Red - Aiden Campbell
6 Green - Ava Kopala
6 Yellow - Harper Brook
6 Purple - Easton Cook
6 Blue - Calex Rausch
Art - Klaire Kucharski
World Language - Max Wisth
Music - Amina Severson
PE - Caleb Berndt
Student Council Dance
Mark your calendars: Friday, February 28 is Silverbrook's all school dance after school, from 3:00-5:00. More information will be coming...
Spring Conferences
Thursday, February 27th, 3:30-7:30pm
More specific information regarding sign up will be coming soon.
Lost and Found
Please have your child check the lost and found. We will be bagging up and donating any clothes left behind at the end of the day on Thursday, February 6th.
Read-a-thon Results
It is with great pride that we announce this year's Read-a-thon results:
Total Amount Raised: $28,622
Total Hours Read: 3,494
- 5 Blue raised the most money with an average of $49.50/student.
- 6 Green read the most minutes with an average of 7.75 hours/student.
Prizes for this year's read a thon should be ready to disperse the first week in February.
Sub lunch will be March 12
Candy Man will be March 19
Medicine Drop Off
Friendly Reminder : All medications MUST be dropped off in the office and inventoried with a medication form. Do not send medication with your child to store in their locker to be taken by themself. Thanks for you help with this matter.
Second Step
Week of 2/3/2025
5th Grade
Lesson: When? Where? Who?
Summary: In this lesson, your child will consider when, where, and with whom it would be best to work on an interpersonal problem
Try This at Home: Ask your child why it’s important to think about when, where, and with whom it would be best to work on an interpersonal problem.
6th Grade
Lesson: Respectful Communication
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will practice using non-blaming language to resolve conflicts.
Bridging Brighter Smiles
Upcoming school activities
Week of February 3
Activities and clubs run from 3:10-4:05
February 4
- Intramural Volleyball
- Spanish Club
- Workspace
- Sounds Fun (incoming current 4th Graders) 4:00-8:00pm
February 5
- Strings of Steel
- Viking Attack
- MathCounts
- Trading Card Club
- Workspace
- Winter Guard Practice (3:10-6:00p)
- Bravo!
- Sounds Fun (incoming current 4th graders) 4:00-8:00pm
February 6
- Student Council
- Intramural Volleyball
- Yearbook
- Workspace
- PTO meeting in the Silverbrook Library
Febraury 7
- Dress up day - Football Friday Frenzy (Dress to support your favorite football team)
February 8
- Kiwanis Chili Cook-Off at Silverbrook
- Winter Guard Rehearsal Prior to Competition (7:30-8:30am)
February 9
- Winter Guard Practice (12:30-5:30pm)