The Good News June 16, 2024
St. John XXIII Catholic School
Happy Father's Day
We are grateful for all the dads, grandpas, uncles, big brothers and father figures in our lives. Thank you for your love, support, and guidance.
June 2024
Monday, June 17
- Assembly
Tuesday, June 18
- Fun Run 12:30
- Year End Mass @ OLA Church 10 am
- No special events
- Talent Show 1pm
- Indigenous Peoples Day
- K Safety City
Looking Ahead...
June 25 - Kinder Grad
June 26 - Last Day for 1-4 Students, Year End Assembly 1 pm, Report Cards are available in PowerSchool
Grade 4 Farewell
This we week said farewell to our grade fours. As adults, we recognize that a Grade 4 farewell is a tiny step on a long and beautiful journey, however, it is a significant milestone for parents and staff as we witness the transformation from those baby-faced kinders to vibrant adolescents in five years. A lot of growth and change occurs in those years from K-4 with many milestones, challenges, and experiences.
Every challenge, every experience provided an opportunity to become more and more of who they are today. Students will continue to be challenged and grow, each time adding rich colours to the masterpieces they are. Our students are now ready to spread their wings and leap from the Saint John XXIII nest into the exciting new adventures and opportunities waiting for them at St. John Paul II! Each one of them have made their mark on us and we are grateful for the time we were able to share in their journeys.
Thank you to our AMAZING Grade 4 Banner Committee!
A huge thank you to the parents that helped create our beautiful Grade 4 Banner.
Thank you to the JPII students for the fantastic games at our Fun Day!
Annual Talent Show: St. John XXIII's Got Talent
We can't wait for our 11th annual school wide talent show to our students share the gifts and talents that God has blessed them with.
St. John XXIII’s Got Talent” will take place on June 20 at 1:00pm in the gym.
Transitions: New Teams shared Wednesday, June 19th for current K-3 Students
Many professional considerations are taking into account when determining optimal learning environments for all students next year. At St. John XXIII, staff work diligently every day to build connections and foster relationships with ALL students, regardless of class, they are all "our kids" and this makes transitioning so much easier. Every child is a part of community and not just one homeroom. Students next year will continue to be part of grade level teams, loved and supported by all STJXXIII staff.
On Wednesday, June 19th at 3:30 pm, your child's "home base" with be shared via PowerSchool. What is important to know is that while your child will have a home base teacher placement, they will be a part of team, which will also include our Student Support team.
Students' Home Base placement for the 2024-2025 school year will be available in the Powerschool Parent Portal. *This is only applicable to current students in K-3 at St. John XXIII (this does not apply to students coming from other schools or grade fours heading to SJPII).
To see your child's "homebase" placement for next year:
Login into PowerSchool Parent Portal
Click on child's name tab at the top of the page
Click on "Additional Resources" in the left hand column
Click on "Next Year Placements"
Repeat for each child.
Thank-you for your continued trust in all we do!
Our St. John XXIII Team for 2024-2025
At this time, here is some of our staff line-up for next year: (please note: changes may occur)
Pre- K: Kim Frey
1-4 Pathways: Kirsten Tabert
Nature Programs: Melanie Martinez
Kindergarten: Megan Yockey
Grade 1 Team: Korinne Walsh & Teagan Kamstra
Grade 2 Team: Amy Ekdahl & Rhonda Ganes
Grade 3 Team: Kathy Forslund & Michelle Ethier
Grade 4 Team: Jennifer Maynard & Kendra Rossignol
Music: Sarah Schaub
Early Learning Music: Melanie Doderai
Chaplain: Rhonda Ganes
Inclusive Learning Facilitator: Kendra Rossignol
Family Wellness Worker: Eleanor Heesing
Library Tech: May-Lee Buban
Secretary: Barb Potter
Assistant Principal: Erin Croft
Principal: Kristine Willis Dengler
Student Support Team: Mrs. Willis Dengler, Mrs.Croft, Mrs. Heesing & Mrs. Rossignol
*Educational Assistants: To be determinned
On Friday we honour and celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day-June 21st
Lost and Found Items
Can’t find that winter coat? Team hockey jacket? Check the Lost & Found! The Lost and Found is located across from the Library,. Students have been reminded in our daily announcements to check the Lost and Found.
All items will either be donated to our extra clothing supplies or to charity after June 27th, 2024. Thank you for reminding your child to pick up their Lost and Found items.
Grade 3 students moving to Grade 4
Students entering grade 4 in the fall will need to bring a device to school as another tool for learning. EICS recommends Chromebooks as the ideal device due to price, battery life, fast startup, and usability.
Action Required - 2024-2025 Demographic Validation Form
As the school year comes to an end, we would like to inform you that it’s time to update your child’s 2024-2025 Demographic Validation Form. Having the most up-to-date information about our students ensures that we receive all available funding to support your child's learning as well as current information to reach you during the day if necessary.
We ask that you please complete this form in PowerSchool
You can follow these steps to access, review and submit the form:
1. Log into PowerSchool at https://eics.powerschool.com/
2. Under the “Forms & Fees” menu click “School Engage Student Forms”
3. Students - Select your child’s name (please complete one form for each child)
4. Click on the word “New” beside the form name A.8) 2024-2025 Demographic Validation
Video tutorial link (**from 2021-2022) on how to complete the form https://www.eics.ab.ca/parents-and-students/powerschool-log-in
Thank you in advance for completing these forms so your child experiences the full learning benefits at St. John XXIII Catholic School.
Please contact our secretary at 780-998-7777 if you have any questions.
2023-2024 Outstanding Fee Statements
2023-2024 outstanding fee statements were emailed on May 14th. Instructions on how to pay fees are located on the bottom of every newsletter.
Please contact the school office if you have any questions or concerns. 780-998-7777
Growing Brains & Sharing Smiles! It's a GREAT Day to be a St. John Kid!
Kindergarten at the Zoo
Chalice Fundraiser- Pie Throwing Event
St. Andre Bessette Peer Mentors
Run Club
Important School Information
2024-2025 Online Registration is Now Open!
Registration for Kindergarten, Nature Programs and NEW students began ONLINE, February 1st. Please note that Nature programs will be number dependent.
- To go to the EICS Kindergarten webpage - please click here. This includes a Kindergarten calculator, programming and transportation information.
- Pre Kindergarten at St. John XXIII, screening information click here
- St. John XXIII Pathways Program click here
- EICS NEW Student Registration-click here
- To request transportation, click here
2024-2025 Elk Island Catholic Schools Pre-Kindergarten Inquiry Form
*Please note, you only need to register your child if they are entering Kindergarten or are brand new to St. John XXIII
*If your child is currently attending St. John XXIII, and you would like to register in one of our Nature Programs (K,1 or 2) please submit a B.3)Nature Program Application
Community Information
Saint John XXIII Catholic School
Email: stj@eics.ab.ca
Website: https://stj.eics.ab.ca/
Location: 9526 89 Street, Fort Saskatchewan, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-998-7777
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/St.JohnXXIII
Twitter: @St_JohnXXIII