Square Up to RTI2
Response to Instruction & Intervention: October 2024
In this issue...
Universal Screening has concluded and intervention groups have started. Please use "The KCS Way for Intervention" as your guide. Progress monitoring will occur bi-weekly on instructional level and once per month on grade level. This document provides guidance as you determine progress monitoring goals and schedules. It is also important to utilize other tools to monitor progress within each intervention program such as student usage reports ( ex. CORE 5, Math 18, PowerUP, Language Live, FastForWord, MathSpace), cumulative assessments, and student observation forms. These data sources are so valuable at data meetings!
There are some valuable resources available from the state; use the link below.
State RTI2 WebsiteMiddle School Math Intervention
Middle School Math Intervention Canvas Course
In accordance with our district goals of aligning interventions with core curricula and providing HQIM the Middle Mathematics Intervention Canvas Course has been updated. Click on the picture to self-enroll in the Middle Math Intervention Canvas course. Arrive Math Game Kits and Building Fact Fluency Kits may be utilized within intervention. Every middle school has these resources at the school.
Professional Development Opportunities
The Perfect Storm: When Reading and Math Meet
Students with language based challenges may experience difficulty with word problems in math for a variety of reasons. Decoding is only one challenge. For many students, working memory and comprehension make organizing and performing the appropriate calculations especially difficult. The What Works Clearinghouse Practice Guides from the Institute for Educational Science updated the problem solving guide in 2018. Based on the recommendations there are some surprising strategies which can help all students succeed but which are especially helpful for students with challenges. Bring your colored pencils or colored markers to the session and experience some different strategies for helping students succeed when reading and math meet. Click here to register for this Webinar to learn strategies to support your students with Reading and Math.
Educator Spotlight
Sara Heigaard is an educational assistant at Lonsdale Elementary. She teaches 1st grade T2, 3rd grade T2, 4th grade T3, and 5th grade T3. This is Sara's 15th year as an EA. She was an EA at Sam E. Hill Developmental Preschool and came to Lonsdale when the two came back together recently with the opening of the new Lonsdale Elementary School building. She has two bachelor's degrees - one in psychology, and the other is a BFA in musical theater! She likes trying her acting skills to engage students in learning how to read! We love Ms. Heigaard!
Data Meetings
Beginning of year Data Meetings
Data teams will meet to consider multiple sources of data to determine how to best meet students' needs. The Coherence Map can help identify appropriate interventions. All student plans will be housed in the TNPulse platform using the MTSS tab. When planning for data meetings, teams will use various sources of data including progress monitoring, progress within the intervention program, and whether their is evidence of application of skills in Tier I.
This coherence map details the supports that are available for KCS students.
GT Enrichment Tier II and Tier III
Teacher: GT Advancing Resources for teachers are found in Commons and can be imported into their course to use digitally or printed off for paper pencil. This strategy is the Acrostic. Acrostic poetry is a great way to show advanced thinking about a topic. Teacher directions will be in the module. Student: GT A.I.M.s are mini modules for Tier II enrichment that focus on either math or ELA. Just plop one into your course and assign away! Another great option for Tier II OR Tier III enrichment are our Research and Inquiry Project Modules. There is one created for almost every unit in Benchmark. They are meant to take 3 weeks to complete and are a great way to deepen their understanding of the Benchmark lessons!
Enrichment Grouping
Click here
Grouping Options
KCS Intervention Overview
Elementary School Grouping Options
Middle School Grouping Options
Click here to see grouping options for our Middle School students.
Sold a Story (includes new episodes Spring 2024)