Ride Connection

Sally K. Ride Elementary
4920 W. Panther Creek
The Woodlands, TX 77381
Email: donotreply@conroeisd.net
Website: ride.conroeisd.net
Facebook Ride Elementary, Conroe ISD, Instagram: @ridecisd
Twitter: @RideCISD, RidePTO.com
Transportation Changes - ridetransportation@conroeisd.net
Important Dates
3-7 Counselor Appreciation Week
3-7 GT Testing Continues this week
3 - 100th Day of School- Kinder Activities
4 -101 Day of School - 1st Grade Activities
5 STAAR Reading & Language Arts Released Test (3rd-4th)
6 Tammi Sauer - Author Visit
10-14 Kindness Week
12 STAAR Math Released Test (3rd-4th)
13 NAEP Testing for selected 4th grade students
14-17 School Holiday
27 2nd Grade Storybook Program 6 pm
24-28 Love a Pet- Donation Collection
28 Go Texan Day
Dear Ride Families,
What a wonderful week of learning! We have a lot of special events coming up, and we can’t wait to share them with you.
Counselor’s Week - Celebrating Kristy Johnson
Next week, we’ll be celebrating Counselor’s Week, and we want to take this time to show our appreciation for our amazing counselor, Kristy Johnson! Kristy plays such an important role in the lives of our students, providing guidance, support, and encouragement to our Challengers every day. We are so lucky to have her at Ride!
100th Day of School - Kindergarten Celebration (Feb. 3rd)
It’s hard to believe, but we are already celebrating the 100th day of school on February 3rd! Our kindergarten students are excited to dress up like they are 100 years old. Remember to please leave canes or walkers at home. Here’s to the first 100 days!
101st Day of School - First Grade Celebration (Feb. 4th)
Our First Grade students will celebrate the 101st day of school on February 4th! Students will dress up in black and white or like a Dalmatian. We’re sure it’s going to be a fun day filled with 101-themed activities and plenty of excitement.
STAAR Released Test (Feb. 5th)
On February 5th, our 3rd and 4th-grade students will take part in the STAAR Reading & Language Arts Released Test. This test will help our teachers assess students' progress and prepare for upcoming STAAR Test. We encourage our students to get plenty of rest the night before and to come to school ready to do their best!
Tammi Sauer - Author Visit (Feb. 6th)
We are thrilled to announce that Tammi Sauer, an author of children’s books, will be visiting our school on February 6th! Students will have the opportunity to hear from her about her writing process and the stories she creates. It’s sure to be an inspiring visit for our young readers and writers!
We have so much to look forward to in the coming days. Thank you for your continued support in making this best year for our Challengers!
Laura Collins & Angela Fonville
Growing, Learning, Leading TOGETHER
Attention First Grade Parents!
Parent Access Center Transition to Home Access Center
Home Access Center (HAC) will go live on January 21 and will operate alongside the Parent Access Center (PAC) until at least Spring Break.
During this transition, parents will have access to both applications. As HAC launches, PAC will display a notification informing users that HAC is now online and that student information in HAC updates in real time.
Here is the link to assist in login into Home Access Center.
College Park Cavalier Merchandise
Our wonderful high school, College Park has set up a store if you'd like to purchase College Park Cavalier merchandise. Check it out in the link below.
Donate to Ride's Spring Fundraiser
"RideFest: Blast Off for Fun" is Friday, March 28th. We'd love your help collecting donations (live and silent auction) as well as underwriting so we can fund more activities and lower the cost to attend. Please see donation letter that explains the event in greater detail and a donation form for companies to fill out and return to Ride PTO. Ride is a 501(c) organization so all donations are tax deductible, which can be a big selling point.
Vote for your "THROWBACK FIT" t-shirt
Grade Level Newsletters
We are so excited to roll out our Grade Level Newsletters! 🙂
Please follow the link to learn more about your child's monthly curriculum and happenings.
WATCH D.O.G.S. at Ride
WATCH D.O.G.S. at Ride
Check out all the opportunities available at our WATCH D.O.G.S. program at Ride Elementary. Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact Angela Fonville (aakinfonville@conroeisd.net) or call 281-465-2804. We are excited to have Watch DOGS at our school!
Attention 4th Grade Families
The last day to order Ads for your fourth grader will be February 13. See attached photo for directions on how to order.
Lost & Found
Check out our lost and found! Are you missing a jacket or water bottle?
Label Your Child's Belongings
Each year multiple jackets, lunchboxes and backpacks are lost at school. The number one way to guarantee your child gets their items returned, is to label them with their first and last name.
At the end of each grading period we will donate any lost items that are not labeled. We are donating all jackets on Friday, December 20, 2024 @ 5 pm.
Labels For Your Kids
Please see picture to order your labels for children's belongings. They work on clothing and water bottles.
Box Top Instructions
Our school referral code is Z28M44TD, and for the month of October, our school will earn 50 bonus box tops ($5.00) when anyone uses the referral code and then scans their first receipt within 14 days! What a great and easy way to give back to Sally K. Ride!
Preorder Your Yearbook
Attendance Matters
Being at school each and every day is so important for your child's learning. Please see vacation dates below when booking your fun trips.
Transportation Changes
All transportation changes must be received by 2:00 p.m. Please send all changes of transportation to ridetransportation@conroeisd.net. The e-mail must include the date, your child’s full name, homeroom teacher, bus number (if applicable), and the guardian's full name. All emails must be received before 2:00 p.m. If you submit a transportation change by email, it must go to the email address referenced above; transportation changes should not be emailed directly to the teacher. If an emergency arises, please contact 281-465-2800.
Please send a new email for each day the change occurs. We cannot accept notes for multiple days or with multiple changes. District policy states that a student may only ride the bus they are registered to ride; therefore, students may not have a transportation change to ride a different bus.
Lunch Visitors
** Please consider limiting lunch visits to once or twice per month for each student, so that all parents have an opportunity to visit for lunch.
**Please limit the number of visitors to no more than two adults.
**Students may enjoy lunch with their parents/family only; please do not invite other students to eat lunch with your family.
**Please keep students and other children at the tables with you; do not allow them to run or play during lunch time.
NEW FOR 2025:
**We want to ensure the safety and security of everyone as they enjoy time together while visiting at lunch. If a grandparent or other family member wants to visit your child during lunch, the parent must send in written permission to the front office. The note will only need to be sent in once per school year, and at that time a notation will be made in the visitor system so that the school will have a record of the permission being granted. If a note is not sent, we will call a parent to grant permission before the visitor is allowed to join a student for lunch. Notes can be sent to: cvanloh@conroeisd.net
Lunch Schedule:
Kindergarten 11:30am-12:00pm
1st Grade 11:40-12:10- updated
2nd Grade 11:45am-12:15pm
ECSE / Pre-K 12:00pm-12:30pm
3rd Grade / 4th Grade 12:15pm-12:45pm
Visitation Days:
Monday: ECSE, Pre-K, Kinder
Tuesday: 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade
Wednesday: ECSE, Pre-Kinder, Kinder
Thursday: 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade
Friday: Any Grade Level
Healthy Relationships
Webinar: Thursday, February 6, 2025
6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Healthy Relationships_English 2-6.png
Healthy Relationships_Spanish 2-6.png
Hidden in Plain Sight (Current Alcohol, Drug, and Concealment Trends & Identifiers)
Registration Required!
In Person: Thursday, March 20, 2025
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (ADULTS ONLY)
Prepare for School Lunch
Keeping Youth Safe Online
Know what apps your child is using. Some apps are designed to hide photos and other content.
Know youth aren't where you think they are online. Once you, a parent/ guardian, are on a social site (Facebook, Instagram), your child has already found a newer, hipper one.
Know who your child's friends are online.
Know how much time your child is spending on their device and apps or games.
Safe gun storage is critical to preventing unintentional shootings, suicide, and other tragedies. Learn more about the Keep ‘Em Safe Texas initiative and view resources at the provided link. Gun locks are also available through the Conroe ISD Police Department.
English letter: http://tiny.conroeisd.net/ezGFN
Spanish letter: http://tiny.conroeisd.net/xpSwo
Establish clear guidelines for screen time to ensure a healthy balance between online and offline activities.
School Zone Safety Tips
The speed limit in the Ride school zone is 20 mph. This is to ensure the safety of all of our community members during very busy times in the morning and afternoon. As families enter and exit the car line, please take care to drive slowly and carefully.
In addition, cell phone use in a school zone is prohibited. As you enter areas around schools, please end your calls and put your phone away.
The CISD Police and Montgomery County Sheriff's Department patrol our school zones to ensure everyone's safety, and will issue citations if necessary.
Thank you for your help in keeping our community safe!
In the Know
Please check out the links below for important campus information.
Campus Visitors
All visitors must be able to provide a government issued, photo I. D. at each visit. Photos of the I.D. will not be accepted. Visitors will check in at the front office and receive a Visitor Badge which must be worn at all times in the building. When leaving the building, visitors must check out with the front office and return the badge.
Do you want to recognize an AWESOME Ride teacher/staff member? If so, follow the steps below:
- Log in to Parent Access.
- Click on communication.
- Choose Staff/Teacher excellence from the drop down menu.
- Select the employee to receive recognition from the drop down menu.
- Click create TAE.
- Click any of the pre-populated choices that apply.
- Type any additional comments in the Additional Comment box.
- Click the box labeled Create Teachers Achieving Excellence button.
- Done!
Volunteer at Ride or any CISD School
We value the contributions you make to Ride to support our outstanding students, teachers, and programs. It is our goal to provide a safe environment for our students and visitors. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the Volunteer Application. This includes working in the classroom, reading to students, working in the library, etc..
CISD Cell Phone/Smartwatch Guidelines
- Cell phones and smartwatches may be used respectfully and responsibly before school and after school.
- Cell phones and smartwatches should not be used to capture video, audio, or images at school or on the bus.
- Cell phones and smartwatches should be set on silent mode and kept in backpacks, lockers, or other designated storage areas and should not be visible during school hours including instructional time, reward time, free time, lunch, and in the hallways.
- Use of cell phones and smartwatches may be permitted in extenuating circumstances with permission from a staff member. (ex. to notify parent/guardian of a late bus)
School Cash Online
School Cash Online is an easy to use and safe way to pay for your children’s school fees.
- Conveniently make payments for student fees online
All you have to do is register, attach your students and in no time, you will be able to make payments online.
Please visit the link below for more information and a link to register.
Personal Google Chrome Profiles interfering with CISD Accounts and Applications
To assist in keeping the CISD Single Sign On (SSO) portal from interfering with personal Google accounts, it is best to either create an individual Google profile account for each user. Each CISD student would benefit in having their own Google User desktop shortcut.
Student accounts are not to be used for personal use, only for completing assignments. Please sit down and review with your student what is in their drive and delete any personal items.
CISD Parent Portal
The district has transitioned FROM Parent Access Center TO Parent Portal. You will login similar to the way your child does for school (similar to the SSO) to access school information. All parents/guardians will need to enroll to create an account. You will need the email address that is in your child’s record. Once you enter the email, you will be prompted to create a password.
Please click Parent Portal Directions for instructions or go to Conroe ISD Webpage then Parents/Students to access the link to the Parent Portal.
Canvas can be viewed as the virtual classroom. This is where assignments can be found. There are calendars, links to needed assignments, resources, a message center for students to send questions and comments to each teacher, and more. Students and parents can go into settings to be notified when announcements are sent out by teachers.
SSO - Single Sign-On - All CISD students must login through the SSO in order to access any of their online programs.
Having Difficulties Logging Into Parent Canvas Account?
Please remember that the exact same credentials are used to login to both the Parent Access Center (PAC) and CANVAS (which is case sensitive).
School Messenger
All SMS messages received from the Conroe ISD District Office and your child's campus will begin with "Conroe ISD:" and come from the subscribe code 67587. If you have not yet opted-in to receive SMS messages, you can do so at any time throughout the school year by texting "Y" to 67587.