Newsletter week 8 Term 2
East Gore School June 24th 2021
Principal's Report
Exciting news this week!! The new senior playground is on its way to Gore from Auckland. We are hoping that the container with the playground in it will be in arriving here next week. Mr Jeremy Yates is planning on installing the playground in the next holidays - over the weekend of 17th and 18th of July (middle weekend). If you are available to help with the installation this weekend, it would be appreciated. We will confirm the start time once the playground arrives. This will allow us time to get the playground installed and bark chips in place before we return to school for Term 3.
This fundraising by the school PTA (Trudy, Rachel Sarah and other members) along with the grant applications which Erin spearheaded for us has got us to this exciting point of having the playground arrive and get installed.
Next week, we are celebrating Matariki (Maori New Year). We have had to change the original date and this will now be on Thursday 1 July starting at 2pm.
We invite all parents/whanau to join us on this afternoon, where our Kapa Haka group will perform along with the whole school singing. We will welcome parents with a mihi whakatau and share some kai after this. Then we will ask parents/whanau to enjoy the art on display which all students have created in the hall. Then you can go outside and plant a small plant around our pump track which will grow for many years to come. All whanau will have a peg to put beside their plant so that they can visit their plant in the future. A huge thank you to the Hokonui Runanga for donating all the plants that we are planting. If you are not able to make it during the afternoon time (2:00-3:00pm), the hall will be open between 5:00-6:00pm so you can check out the art work and plant a plant... you might want to bring a torch along at this time.
Kia pai tō rā whakatā (have a great weekend).
Wendy Kitto
School Notices
The start of winter illness is starting to affect our students. Please keep students home if the are unwell and help slow the spread of these coughs and colds. We have also had a vomiting bug doing the rounds, remember that a student must be 48 hours clear of any vomiting or diarrhoea before returning to school.
Reporting an Absence
If a student is away from school for any reason we need to know. Please text, phone or use the school app to report an absence. We need a reason for absence please, this a legal Ministry of Education requirement so please don't be offended if we ask for this.
Cellphones at School
We are noticing a few students are bringing cellphones to school. They do not need them at school because we have numerous devices for the students to complete school work on. If your child needs to bring a cellphone because of an after school activity, they must hand it in at the office. At the end of the day they can collect it from Mrs Nicholson.
Lunches in School
Unfortunately the daily fruit we were enjoying last term is not been supplied this term, we would ask parents to please send morning tea and something for healthy snack each day - ie: piece of fruit/cheese/nuts/yogurt.
Koha Kai are suppling a lovely range of lunches that our students enjoying this term - mac cheese is a definite hit!
Staying in Touch
Please remember to update any changes in your contact details to the school office, its very important that we have you latest details in case of an emergency. Thank you.
Spare Clothes
We are running short of spare clothes at school. If you child has come home in school clothing could it please be returned asap. A spare set of clothes in the school bag is a good idea this time of year.
Matariki - Thursday 1 July (note change of date)
Matariki is a star cluster that begins to rise in the last few days of May and into June. This symbolises the coming of the Māori New Year. Each iwi can celebrate different aspects during the period of the 19th of June to 11th of July for different reasons.
East Gore School is inviting all Whānau (family) to share with us an afternoon whakanui (celebration) on Thursday 1 July 2021.
Our celebration will begin at 2pm with a welcome, we ask that whānau wait in the library and you will be welcomed into the hall by your tamariki followed by kai (food).
When this has concluded you may walk around and look at the art everyone has created.
In honor of the Matariki’s connection to whenua (land) we ask each family plant a native to signify new beginnings for the Māori New Year - plants will be supplied.
We will also have an open hour between 5pm and 6pm if you are unable to come earlier due to work to enjoy our art and plant a native.Room Kauri -
Week 6 Term 2 Enviro Group
Enviro Group kids had lots of fun at Friday lunchtime making bird feeders using pinecones, peanut butter and bird seeds.
Mai Mai Building
Our Play is the Way focus for Term 2 is.
Last Term we had a big focus around ‘doing the right thing,’ it has been a good lead in to this terms focus - treating others as you would like them to treat you.
Respect is a very important quality to have at East Gore School and this focus will help to encourage this.
Some Play Is The Way language you could use at home:
“Are you doing the right thing or the wrong thing?”
“Are you making a strong decision or a weak decision?”
“Are you being the boss or your decisions, or are you asking me to be your boss?”
GRIP Leadership
Rugby Goal Posts
If you can help we would love to hear from you. Please call into the office- we are sure someone out there has the skills to help solve this dilemma.
Highlights from the day:
Sophia - was the loud noises group, where you had teams and I was in the "like a tiger" team. We had to say our name and make the noise and show that we were a team.
Marie - was to plan something we could bring back to East Gore and make it happen. I, alongside the others have a grand plan that we are working with Ms Kitto to put into action.
Addison - was when they dressed up as primary students and role played what primary school looks like. It was funny and chaotic. It taught me to listen carefully to all instructions.
Brooke - I really enjoyed the games we played at GRIP. I learned a lot about being a leader. I really enjoyed talking to kids from other school and hearing their ideas about making their school a fun place to be.
Watch this space from these four leaders when they put their plans into action around our school.
Senior Camp - Chocolate Fundraiser
Bars of chocolate are available again for those senior camp students wanting to fundraise. Each box contains 30 bars @ $2 each.
$24 profit is made from each box sold which comes off your camp cost.
Please see Debbie in the office to collect your chocolate!
Breakfast Club
Just a reminder Breakfast Club starts at 8:30am and finishes at 8:53.
Thank you again to our volunteers who provide this service - if you would like to be involved for half an hour any day of the week please contact the office - helpers are always very welcome.
A huge shout out to BP Gore who very generously donate bread to Breakfast Club.
Community Notices
Contact Us
Email: office@eastgore.school.nz
Website: https://www.eastgore.school.nz
Location: East Gore School 3 Wentworth St, East Gore, Gore 9710, New Zealand
Phone: +64 03-208 5331
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eastgoreschoolgore