ECC Families Newsletter
This newsletter is for incoming ECC parents.

Welcome to ECC!
We are so excited about the upcoming 24-25 school year and meeting all of our ECC families! Check out the video below, to see a glimpse of what it is like at ECC! It all starts here at ECC!
Life at ECC Video!
August 14th- 1st Day Procedures ONLY
7:25- doors open and parents may walk their child to their classroom.
7:55- parents can say their good-byes and make their way to Boo-Hoo Yahoo
Let's CELEBRATE the first day!
First day pick up procedures for August 14th ONLY
Below is the schedule for the first day only. We will begin our normal schedule on August 15th. If your student is a car rider, please place your car tag in the front window of your car or hang it with a clothes hanger from your rear view mirror.
Pre-k students that have a sibling in kindergarten, will be dismissed with the kinder. student.
Morning drop-off for car and bus
The map below, shows you where to enter ECC. All cars and buses enter the West entrance.
If you are walking your child inside, you will still enter the West entrance, park in the parking lot and walk your student to the foyer.
If you are dropping your child off in the car line, the officer will direct the flow of traffic. The car line can seem a bit slow at first, please be patient and kind as we all learn the car and bus line procedures.
ECSE pick-up and drop off procedures on Bell Street
KINDER. Afternoon Pick-Up Procedure
Afternoon car line
For car line dismissal, enter the West entrance. Please have your car tag placed in your front windshield or hanging from a hanger on your rear-view mirror. This allows our staff to easily see your car tag. As the staff member is calling cars, another staff member is typing names, while teachers are lining students up in the cafeteria. It is a very systematic process. Please avoid jumping into a short line because this does cause a delay in our dismissal process. Watch the video below, to see how the morning routine is different from the afternoon pick-up procedure.
Reduced/free lunch forms
If you would like to apply for reduced or free lunch, complete the form below. Keep in mind that breakfast is free to all reduced students this upcoming school year. Breakfast is served beginning at 7:25 each morning. We ask that if your child needs breakfast, to please be at school by 7:45. This gives students time to eat breakfast before announcements.
August Breakfast and Lunch Menu
In August, you will electronically sign that you agree to the LISD dress code. Students MUST be in compliance of the LISD dress code to begin school.
Blue Out Shirts
Blue Out Shirts can be purchased at the link below. The shirts will be delivered to your child's classroom teacher. Blue Out Shirts will also be for sell at Meet the Teacher.
Child Find
Special Programs
If you suspect your child has a learning disability or his/her speech is delayed, please feel free to contact Special Programs. The contact information is below. Theses evaluations and services are provided through LISD.