Bea Underwood Family Newsletter
January 2025
Dear Bea Underwood Families,
Welcome back! We hope that your winter break provided you time to spend with your family. We want to express our gratitude for your continued support and partnership. Here's a look at what’s coming up for the month of January.
Warm regards,
Amber Scott - Principal
Ioana Costas - Assistant Principal
Note from our School Counselors
Every Day Counts!
Students at BUE continue to grow in their social emotional skills. All lessons are geared toward self awareness, self management, responsible decision making, relationship skills, and social awareness. Students at BUE will learn about Make-A-Wish week which includes building empathy for others. Be sure to check out the information provided for Make-A-Wish week and how you can support Jeremy.
School counselors at BUE provided a vast amount of support for students. These include supporting academics, careers, and social emotional skills. Sometimes students need help with friendship skills, conflict resolution or getting through a tough time. If you would like one of our counselors to help support your student please contact tsherraden@garfield.com, jdemaio@garfield16.org, or by calling the office at 970-285-5703.
Perfect Attendance for the 1st Semester
Congratulations to 10 of our students who had perfect attendance for the 1st Semester! This is an amazing accomplishment! Way to go!
We would like to give a special thank you to Jessica Barton, a former school counselor and community member. Jessica has donated bikes and helmets to be raffled to perfect attendance students along with additional gifts. Thank you Jessica for supporting our students at BUE!
From the Gym with Ms. Stark
Hello and welcome back to the gym at Bea Underwood. Please remember to send gym shoes with your student on the 2 days a week that they have PE. I encourage them to wear winter boots for warmth and snow and allow them to change in the gym and they stack their boots on the stage.
We are going to begin our basketball unit. We will work on basic basketball skills like dribbling and shooting. This will take us into February.
We have also taken our third fitness test, to be completed by the end of this week. Ask your child how many laps they have completed or how many push ups, pull ups and sit ups they completed!
We are also beginning a fundraiser and awareness campaign/competition for the American Heart Association. It is called Kids Heart Challenge. I will be sending home sign up information this week. All money raised goes to the American Heart Association, however your child can earn thank you gifts and the more money raised the more money the school can earn to buy equipment for the gym.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me, skinsey@garfield16.org or call the school and leave a message. Stay warm and active this January and February!
Music News from Mrs Humphrey
Thank you to all the parents, family, and friends that came to support their 2nd-5th grader in their concert/musical in December! The students did such a great job. In Jan. each class will be working on composing and improvising. This includes movement and creating their own music. At the end of Jan, each class will start working more on music theory. The 1st semester music theory lessons laid the groundwork for playing recorders and glockenspiels (for 2nd graders). So now the students get to put that learning to use by reading music to play an instrument. Save the date: The 2nd/3rd grade spring musicals will be on April 29th at 6 & 7pm and the 4th/5th graders spring musicals will be on May 1 at 6 & 7pm.
Other News from Mrs. Humphrey:
-K-Kids will resume for 10 more weeks starting Feb. 6
-Choir will resume for 10 more weeks starting Feb. 25 with a performance at Elitch's on May 9 at 11am.
-Mrs. Humphrey is currently working with the high school to schedule one to two days for the choir to sing the national anthem at a winter sporting event.
-Fundraisers for the yearbook will be starting this month with 1-2 hat days per month (pay $1 to wear a hat; help reduce cost of yearbook for everyone who buys one), a family movie night, and maybe a few more.
More info to come soon...Yearbooks cost $21.50, and we usually raise enough money to reduce the cost to $15 per yearbook. Let Mrs. Humphrey know if you would like to donate some money or know of a business who would like to donate to help reduce the cost.
Wish Week
Wish Week is coming up! GVHS Leadership is running their 2nd Annual Make a Wish Campaign this year, 1/28 - 1/31. This year we are supporting Jeremy, a student from Montrose and his wish is to go to Alaska!
There will be a Silent Auction Held during the home Basketball game on 1/28/25 to raise money for Jeremy's wish. Local businesses, schools and families have donated items that can be bid on during the GVHS game.
BUE students will be supporting Wish Week by participating in dress up days.
Wish Week Dress Up Days
Tuesday, 1/28 - Bear Hunting (Wear camo)
Wednesday, 1/29 - Despicable Me (Dress up like a minion or another Despicable Me character)
Thursday, 1/30 - Round up for Jeremy (Wear country clothes)
Friday, 1/31 - Reach for the Stars (Wear your purchased Wish Week shirt or a black shirt)
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Important Dates
Tuesday, 1/14
Access Testing
Report Cards in Tuesday Folders
Overdue Book Notices in Tuesday Folders
Wednesday, 1/15
Access Testing
G16 Board of Education Meeting 5pm - 7pm @ Dist Admin Building
Thursday, 1/16
Access Testing
Friday, 1/17
Access Testing
Tuesday, 1/21
Access Testing
Wednesday, 1/22
Access Testing
Thursday, 1/23
Access Testing
Friday, 1/24
Access Testing
Pastries with the Principals 8am @ BUE
Monday, 1/27
District Accountability Meeting (DAC) 6:30 pm @ Dist Admin Building
Tuesday, 1/28
Access Testing
Wish Week Dress Up - Bear Hunting (wear camo)
Wish Week Silent Auction during GVHS Bball game
Choir will sing the National Anthem @ GVHS Bball game
Wednesday, 1/29
Access Testing
Wish Week Dress Up - Despicable Me (Dress up like a minion or another Despicable Me character)
Thursday, 1/30
Access Testing
Wish Week Dress Up - Round up for Jeremy (Wear country clothes)
Friday, 1/31
Access Testing
Wish Week Dress Up - Reach for the Stars (Wear your purchased Wish Week shirt or a black shirt)
Winterfest Royalty announced at GVHS Bball game
We would like to invite you to Pastries with the Principals at BUE on January 24th, 8-9 am. We will talk all things BUE and get to know each other better.
Warm wishes,
Mrs. Scott and Ms. Costas
Principal and Assistant Principal