Galesburg-Augusta High School
November Newsletter
Note from Principal Newton
Happy November.
We have a lot to be thankful for at G-AHS. We are fully staffed with hard working and student-focused staff. Our students are focused on their credits and doing a great job with following expectations and creating a safe and friendly culture. As we navigate through November, I challenge you to have a heart of gratitude. Who can you thank? What can you be thankful for?
I'm so thankful for my Ram Family! The students here are so caring, silly and all around great kids. Thank you for sharing them with us everyday!
My Best,
Principal Newton
National Honor's Society
National Honors Society
Induction Ceremony of our newest members
G-A NHS Alumni Joyce Henson
Joyce gave an inspirational message to our NHS at our induction ceremony. Joyce is an involved and influential G-A community member! She even had her NHS pin from high school on!
G-A NHS Alumni Jenny Kudlo
Program Enrollments at G-A High School
WorkForce Wednesday in Full Effect
10th Grade Reality Fair
On October 26, 10th grade students attended the Get Real, Reality Fair at KRESA. Students had to choose a career and then decide how they were going to budget their monthly net income.
Students learning about income tax and other deductions
Figuring out how income deductions could impact lifestyle goals
Students find a career on Xello and use the Median Salary to determine the annual net pay
Coming this month to WorkForce Wednesdays!
- 9th grade students are working on their organizational and study skills
- 10th grade will develop their own interview pitch and how to dress for success.
- 11th and 12th grade are learning about postsecondary pathways; 2 year 4 year, industry and military representation will be at the school sharing resources.
Senior Scholarship Opportunities
Seniors - Be sure to check the scholarship document on the website for up to date scholarship opportunities.
Winter Sports Schedules
We put the FUN in FUNdraiser!
- Our next AFGAK meeting will be Tuesday, November 14 @ 6:30pm at the Gull Lake Distilling Co. Come check us out and learn how you can get involved!
- Cookies & Canvas
Join us on Saturday, Nov. 11th from 1:30-3:30pm for Cookies & Canvas at the G-A Primary! Cost is $30/person and includes all painting supplies and a small snack! Registration forms can be found in the office and are due by Nov. 3rd! We can't wait to see you there!
- Parents Night Out!
AFGAK is teaming up with NHS to offer "Parents Night Out" on Friday, Dec. 1st! Keep an eye out for flyers coming home soon with more details!
Music Boosters:
- Our next Music Booster meeting will be Wednesday, November 15 @6:30pm in the high school band room! Join us to hear what exciting things are happening with our Ram bands!
- Band Students are selling delicious treats, household items and more! Stock up for yourself, or find the perfect gift for someone else! All money raised will help support future band purchases! Orders due by Nov. 6 and will be delivered before Christmas break! Order online through: https://needsyoursupport.org/ (school code 7C635). Thanks for your support!
Class of 2025:
- Our next Class of 2025 meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 16th @ 12pm in the library!
-The Class of 2025 is selling fresh holiday wreaths and door swags! Decorated wreaths are $40, undecorated wreaths are $30, and door swags are $20! Orders are due by Nov. 13th and will be delivered around Thanksgiving! Contact a Class of 2025 student or Laura at (269)348-8735 to place your order!
Important Dates
11/3 1/2 Day for students
11/15 1/2 Day for students
12/13 1/2 Day for students
1/17 1/2 Day for students
1/25 Exams
1/26 Exams
2/14 PD
2/21 Conferences 4-7pm
2/22 Conferences 1-3pm, 4-7pm
3/13 1/2 Day for students
3/21 1/2 Day for students
4/17 1/2 Day for students
5/15 1/2 Day for students
6/6 Exams
6/7 Exam
Halloween Fun!
Group Costume Winners!
Deputy Murphy and Students -Staying out of trouble!
Double Costume Winners!
"Did we just become best friends!"
Single Costume Winner!
Leedle Leedle Leedle Lee
Staff Costume Winner
Staff Group Costume Winner
All Staff Having Spirit
Lots of Fun!