Commit to Be Fit Newsletter
April 18th, 2022
22 March 2024/ Issue No. 280
Photo of the Week
A young child enjoys hopping and matching up handprints along the RCES Sensory Pathway.
Sourdough Bread Workshop #2
Due to a large response for sign-ups, Kristin DiLello held a 2nd sourdough bread workshop on May 19th. While tasting a variety of delicious bread samples, participants learned the process of feeding and caring for their starter and the steps to make bread at home. Each attendee was given their own starter to take home. We would like to extend a huge thank you to Kristin for sharing her time and talent during the community workshops.
Who's interested in taking a Mindfulness, Meditation, and Relaxation Workshop to help relieve stress? This community workshop would help to teach relaxation techniques through the process of mindfulness and meditation. Please take the poll below to help us determine if there is interest in this type of workshop.
Are you interested in taking this type of workshop?
New Challenge Coming Soon
Stay tuned for our upcoming challenge! While this is a very different kind of challenge, taking time for yourself to relax is an important part of our mental health. This challenge will start on April 1st. All the details will be in our next newsletter. Stay tuned!
Walking Group
Lace up your shoes and join us for Walking Group on Mondays! This group meets at 3:45 pm at the RCES flag pole. Whether you are competing in one of our physical activity challenges or you would like to get a few extra steps in, we would love for you to come out and walk with us! This group is open to the entire community. Tell your friends or bring them with you!
Upcoming Cancellations-- Walking Group will not be meeting on April 1st (Spring Break) or April 8th (solar eclipse event).
Take a Break
Spring break is not only for kids, but is important for everyone. Taking a break is essential for both our physical and mental health. According to some studies, over half of Americans end the year with unused vacation time.
Those who take a break may be generally healthier. Getting away from daily duties can help you relax and sleep better. As most of us know, having a well-rested body causes us to have a more positive mood and can even lower blood pressure.
When we can get away from work, we give our minds time to refocus. You may gain new perspectives on an issue at work or home. Being relaxed will help you process ideas and situations with a more rational mind set.
Vacation doesn’t always have to be in the summer and it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to travel. Rejuvenate yourself early this year for a healthier you whether out of town or just relaxing at home.
Spring Clean Your Diet
Although it may not seem like it right now, spring is finally among us! You can’t find a better time to refresh your diet with healthy and happy eating patterns than with the start of a new season. It seems like every spring, we focus on cleaning out our closets or reorganizing drawers in hopes for a fresh start to the new season. Let's not forget to spring clean our eating habits too! Here are a few tips to toss out those old routines and brighten our diet with flavorful, nutritious foods:
Organize your pantry and fridge-Our eating habits revolve around convenience and what is quickly available. Clean out spaces in your kitchen and organize your pantries and fridges with the healthier options in the front where you can easily grab them. Meal prep healthy snacks, fruits and vegetables.
Fill your pantry and fridge with in season produce-Produce like avocados, strawberries, asparagus, carrots, pineapple, and mango are just some of the produce in peak season right now. You will find these to be much more nutritious and enjoyable around this time of year.
Meal prep before going to the grocery store-Not only does it save time and money, it also helps you eat healthier and avoid unnecessary wasting.
Hydrate-Our bodies are filled with many toxins and it's important to flush them out of our system. Throw some lemons or lime in water for an extra detox.
Grow your own garden-Whether its raised beds in your back yard or potted plants on your windowsill, it’s the perfect way to get some fresh herbs into your diet and can also be a good destresser!
Pan-Seared Scallops with Tomato, Olives, and Fresh Basil
This week's recipe comes from EatingWell and takes only 35 minutes to prepare. To view, CLICK HERE.
The winners of this week's FREE salad bar coupon goes to Bethany Bostic (RCES) and Viviana Tisera (RCHS).
Teacher Resources
RCPS Teachers-- As a friendly reminder, we have a massive database of brain breaks (PreK-12) and movement games/activities with SOL and content integration ideas (PK-5). CLICK HERE to view the Teacher Resource page. If you prefer, the C2BF team would be happy to come to your classroom and lead a brain break, activity, or even a mindful minute. Email to schedule a push-in.
Commit to Be Fit is a school sponsored, grant funded program in Rappahannock County, Virginia. Through the generosity of the PATH Foundation, Commit to Be Fit was created to promote a culture of wellness in Rappahannock County Public Schools and the Rappahannock community.