Tremont Family Update
July 2023

What's Coming Up
September and October
October 3-Multilingual Family Information Night 6:30-7:30pm (info below)
October 4-Walkathon!!!! (grade level times below) AND Fall Festival 5:30-8:00pm
October 8-Early Dismissal 11:05am (conferences)
October 18-School Picture Day!
Looking Ahead:
October 21 & 22-3rd Grade ELA Ohio State Test
October 23, 24, & 25-3rd Grade ELA Ohio State Test Make Up Dates
Arrival Time by 8:15
Parents we're doing great but we have noticed an uptick in late arrivals this week, especially on rainy days. Please help us protect our instructional time by ensuring you kiddo is at Tremont by 8:15am. Remember, you can drop off as early as 7:45am.
We know things happen and we're all late sometimes, but please keep trying your best!
Explorations Update
Here is a link to the latest Elementary Explorations newsletter. In this issue you will find a recap and photos from Lesson 2, as well as a preview of Lesson 3.
Coming Up on Good Morning Tremont
Good Morning Tremont (GMT) is Tremont Elementary School’s daily video announcement show featuring timely information for students and staff, as well as celebrations of classroom learning, community, and school events. GMT is hosted as “unlisted” on YouTube, viewable only though the link emailed to Tremont staff and families each school day. Throughout the school year, students have the opportunity to create content for GMT individually and as a class, in addition to being recognized as a part of school events.
During the month of October, be sure to watch for recognition of Rosh Hashanah, Filipino, German, & Italian American Heritage Months, Yom Kippur, Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Digital Citizenship Week, Halloween & more! In addition, we are excited to feature takeovers from the following classes: Mrs. Greenlee, Ms. Caradonna, Mrs. Hegemier, Mrs. Rekstis, & Mrs. Porterfield!
Safety First
On an episode of GMT this week, there was a special news report from Mrs. Prati and Mrs. Karst. They encouraged students to WALK THEIR BIKES/SCOOTERS along the sidewalk by the Tremont Pool. We have had many students ride up behind people who are walking in front of them and almost hit into them! Thank you for helping us enforce this new procedure.
Multilingual Family Night
Come and learn more about the program Upper Arlington offers for Multilingual students! We will discuss a variety of topics, and provide resources related to school and the Upper Arlington community. In addition, we hope this event provides an opportunity for families to connect.
If you will be bringing your child, we will have quiet activities for them to do during the event.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your ML Teacher (see below.)
Please RVSP using the Google Form by clicking HERE!
Cynthia Redman, Tremont
Anjali Das, Wickliffe, Windermere, and Barrington
Mary Ann Dunn, Greensview
Tremont PTO
Walk-A-Thon/Fall Fest-October 4th!
We are 1 week away from the Walk-A-Thon and Fall Fest celebration on Friday, October 4th. Help us continue to strengthen and build our Tremont Lions community by raising money for our school as each student will be bringing home a manilla envelope with a Walk-A-Thon Letter and Pledge sheet today to start collecting donations! Join in on the fun and cheer on our students as they walk/run laps around the turf field to benefit PTO-sponsored events during their designated grade timeslot.
Walk-A-Thon Walk Times
K&2: 8:45am-9:15am
1&3: 10:00am-10:30am
4&5: 2:00pm-2:30pm
Then, come celebrate all of the hard work and fundraising efforts at an evening Tremont celebration from 5:30pm-8:00pm. Fall Festival will have carnival games, inflatables, food trucks for purchase, and everyone’s favorite gift basket raffle to end the evening! Each student will be gifted a "punch card" to participate in all of the fun activities and can pick up from our volunteer table upon entry to Fall Fest. If siblings plan to attend and need punch cards, they can be purchased for $5 each. Be on the lookout for volunteers selling raffle tickets for the Fall Fest Baskets from 9/30-10/4 before and after school and during lunch. Only cash will be accepted.
We are still in need of a handful of volunteers for the week of Walkathon/Fall Fest and for the Fall Fest evening event. Please see the two SignUp Genius links below:
Week of Walkathon & Fall Fest Volunteers:
-Volunteer for a shift before school/during lunch/after school to sell Fall Fest raffle tickets for baskets and help collect Walkathon pledge donations during the week of September 30th-October 4th.
Week of Walkathon/Fall Fest Volunteers
Fall Fest Day of Volunteers:
-Volunteer in the late afternoon or early evening on Friday, October 4th for a short shift during the Fall Fest to help with check ins, carnival games and the baskets.
Tremont Fall Festival Parent Volunteers 2024
Please reach out to co-chairs Heather Adams at
and Tina Daniel at for any questions or to get involved! Click HERE to view the flyer!
Walk + Roll Thursdays Started September 19th!
Every student that rides a bike, scoots or walks to school on Thursdays from September 19th through October 24th (*skipping Oct. 3rd due to Fall Fest*) will receive a hole punch in a punch card. Please ensure your students’ name and teacher name are written on the card! For every hole punch, the PTO will donate $.05 to World Bicycle Relief!
At the conclusion of the fall session, students should turn in their punch cards to the volunteers! Additionally, the class with the most hole punches will earn an extra recess!
Interested in being one of those volunteers? Click on this SignUp Genius! Any further questions, please contact Kristen Pastor at
Click HERE to view the flyer!
To sign up for a shift (as few or as many as you want!), please use the SignUp Genius link below. Remember to check in at the front office when you arrive and grab a volunteer lanyard. Thank you in advance for your dedication and support!
Sign Up:
Walking Club Returned On September 17th!
For every lap, students receive a check mark on their Walking Club cards. For every 8 laps, students earn a bracelet charm and for the completion of their cards (20 laps), students receive a token 5 mile charm. Volunteers are necessary to make this club possible so click HERE and sign up today!
General PTO Meeting-October 1st
Interested in the Tremont PTO? Please feel free to join us on Tuesday, October 1st for our second general PTO meeting of the year. It will be located in the Tremont cafeteria at 6pm. Simply knock on the exterior door of the cafeteria to be let in. Hope to see you there!
From the District
Elementary Progress Reports
Elementary Principals, please share the following with your staff and then include in an upcoming parent update:
Because the elementary school years are so critical to a student’s academic and personal growth, our teachers will be increasing the amount of communication regarding each student’s achievement this year.
In previous school years, elementary students have received Progress Reports three times a year, at the end of each trimester. There have also been conference opportunities for families in the fall and the spring.
Beginning this school year, teachers will provide Progress Reports in January and June. In the fall and the spring, they will provide Interim Reports for each student. Teachers will share each student’s fall Interim Report with families during conferences on October 8th-9th, 2024. While spring conferences are optional for families, all students will receive another interim report at that time. Interim and Progress Reports will be accessible to families in PowerSchool.
Our goal is to increase meaningful conversations between teachers and families regarding each student’s individual achievement, growth and learning needs. We are excited to launch this expanded reporting system this year and look forward to collaborating with you!
Family Support-Food Resource
For a second year, the district is partnering with the Tri-Village Packers (TVP), a group of community volunteers who work to reduce food insecurity in Upper Arlington. Families with UA students can register throughout October and early November to receive grocery items that supplement their pantries during the upcoming Thanksgiving break. This is not a Thanksgiving meal but support to offset food insecurity by providing breakfast and lunch items during the extended break from school.
If you’re interested in more information you can take a look at this flyer and registration form
September 27, 2024
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