Amy's Weekly Writeup
What you need to know for the week ahead (9/30-10/4, 2019)
Shout Out!
Melissa nominated Tabitha for this week's Shout Out! "I think Tabitha needs a shout-out because she did such a great job teaching her students (last year), to put away the Chromebooks "properly"! I didn't really need to do any teaching, they put them away correctly, even the first time! Yay!"
To nominate someone for a shout out, just email me!
On Deck For Next Week; CCS Events and Wacky Holidays
Monday: National Mud Mask Day
Tuesday: 1st and 2nd grade grade level meetings, National Homemade Cookies Day
Wednesday: Early Release, National Custodial Worker Day
Thursday: All-School Hike/Nature Day, PK grade level meeting, Virus Appreciation Day (whaaat?)
Friday: K and 5th grade grade level meetings, World Smile Day
Friday Fun
Friday fun for October 4th is Snacks! Stop by the staff room during the day to pick up a little pick-me-up snack.
News and Reminders
- I've gotten approval to hire a long-term sub in K for 4-6 weeks to help support Amy and Alice as they work to help establish routines and get our little ones used to school.
- Over the weekend, student passwords will be reset and easier usernames will be issued. You should be receiving a spreadsheet from Adam at Suzor with the new information. Please let me know if you run into issues.
- Remember to sign up for SMART goal meetings. My calendar is getting full, so you'd like to meet at a time not listed, please just let me know. Remember, your Ed Eval Plan needs to be posted by Oct. 15th.
- I'm asking you all to help the lunch duty crew by reiterating to the students that when they are asked to keep their voices off, they need to do so until the speaker is done. This remains our greatest issue during lunch. They will have assigned seats on Monday as a consequence for today's lunch.
- I have begun to conduct unannounced observations. For specialists who push in to classrooms, I'm going to try and catch you during a push-in period.