Upper Dublin In Review
Legislative Briefs - January 2024
Upper Dublin Board of School Directors
Mr. Jeffrey Wallack, President, Mr. Mark Sirota, Vice President
Ms. Jenna Evans, Mr. John Held, Ms. Jennifer Iannitti, Ms. Alima Redding, Ms. Titia Scherpbier, Dr. Mary Beth Thomas, Mr. Stu Warshawer
Call to Order - Mr. Jeffrey Wallack, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.
President's Welcome - Mr. Wallack welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Student Government Association Report - Anthony Soriano provided his report of happenings at Upper Dublin High School. CLICK HERE to read the full report.
Superintendent's Report - Dr. Laurie Smith, Superintendent, provided her Superintendent's Report which included recognition of Board service for January's School Director Recognition Month, recognition of students at SRMS for their handmade bookmarks for the Board members, EASTERN student highlight, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service activities, thank you to our operations team for snow removal last week, and highlights from the Harlem Wizards fundraiser. CLICK HERE to view Dr. Smith's slideshow presentation.
Public Participation - This opportunity for public participation is for action items and presentations included on the agenda only. Public participation included the following topics:
- Proposed transportation facility location (traffic, zoning, permits, acreage, greenspace, drop off and pick up car lines, parking, real estate); and
- Taxes and budget.
Minutes - The December 18, 2023 legislative meeting minutes were approved by the Board.
Education Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- 2024-2025 School Year Calendar;
- District K-12 Guidance Plan;
- Professional development conferences; and
- Student activities.
Finance Committee Recommendations - *The Board approved the following:
- Routine matters - Treasurer's Report, the list of bill payments, and budgetary transfers;
- Agreement with ICS Consulting, LLC for Construction Management Services related to the transportation facility and land development process;
- CMTA contract change order for the MGES/TFES boiler GESA project;
- Single Audit Report for fiscal year ended June 30, 2023;
- Transfer to food service fund;
- Donations from the Upper Dublin Youth Wrestling Association and ACME markets; and
- One (1) settlement stipulation.
*The MCIU Member Services budget approval motion included on the agenda was tabled until next month (February 2024).
Personnel Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- Personnel Report inclusive of appointments, resignations, leaves of absence, changes of status, curriculum leader appointments, mentor appointments, carpool/bus duty, and extracurriculars; and
- Substitute pay rates.
Pupil Services Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- One (1) educational placement and one (1) educational agreement.
Policy Committee Recommendations - The Board affirmed the following first readings:
- Membership, Orientation, and Conferences (Board Operating Guideline 004);
- Meetings (Board Operating Guideline 006);
- Public Attendance at School Events (904); and
- Booster Clubs and Parent/Guardian Organizations (915).
Other Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- PSBA Principles of Governance and Leadership; and
- Superintendent's Goals 2024-2025.
Solicitor's Report - Ms. Gallagher reported that the Board met in executive session on January 22, 2024 prior to the legislative meeting to discuss the personnel agenda, substitute pay rates, a grievance, and real estate.
Public Participation - This opportunity for public participation is for any topic. The topics included:
- Proposed transportation facility location (funding, traffic, traffic study, air quality, green space impact);
- Commercial real estate;
- Community concerns;
- Town halls;
- Partial outsourcing - transportation;
- Legislative meeting votes; and
- Anti-bias training.
Comments from the Board and/or Superintendent - The Board and Superintendent commented on the following:
- Proposed transportation facility location (funding, traffic study, air quality, green space impact)
- Health and safety of students;
- Commercial real estate within the township;
- Budget and taxes;
- Anti-bias training; and
- Legislative meeting votes.
The following informational items were included on the agenda:
- Enrollment Report;
- Liaison Committee Reports;
- Monthly committee meeting approved minutes; and
- Schedule of upcoming meetings.
Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM.