Updates from the Primrose Library
February 2020
Hello Primrose Families!
The members of the News Committee from our 3rd Grade Library Council recently met. The students reported library news to each classroom and wrote the following updates for families.
Happy Reading!
Miss O'Kane
Library News
In the library students are trying to get free seats on the rug and the new rug. 3rd graders have created a reading nook near the poetry section.
- Andre & Owen
A Look Ahead
In kindergarten they will be learning about internet safety.
In 1st grade they will be learning finishing and sharing your slideshows.
In second grade they will be learning about the power of words as they work on their diverse recommendation projects.
In third grade we will vote on our favorite RICBA books and think about the impact of photos shared online.
- Alice, Alivia, AJ
Book Love
Book Suggestion by Eva & Lila T.
Read of the Week by Caleb & Lila B.
The truth about Crocodiles gives you info about them while being Really funny! How cool is that!? I might even want
To get this exciting book, but not if you get it first!
Before it's too late,I say you should check it out! Have fun reading!
A Popular Book by Levi & Otto
We think this book was popular last month because football is a very popular sport. Lots of kids have been playing football with our P.E. teacher. Also the Super Bowl happened recently so many kids want to become more familiar with the sport or learn about the sport.
RICBA is coming up!Were all very excited to see which book wins. All of the third graders at Primrose Hill school will vote on their favorite book.One of the most popular books is Monster Mayhem.Monster Mayhem is a graphic novel.It was written by Christoper Eliopoulos.Stay tuned to see what book will win!!!
- Anna & Abby
This month we have 323 books overdue.
That's more than last month!That’s not a good thing.
Let's try to decrease.
- Eleanor & Maddie
Find more about the Primrose Library at . . .
Email: okanek@barringtonschools.org
Website: www.missokane.com
Twitter: @primroselibrary