Weekly Email
Lake View Spirit Day Competition
More info to come soon!
First, this year (as we know) is unlike any other. It is ok if teachers do not have an abundant amount of grades entered in the system yet. We know that you spent time focusing on building relationships with your students and building background content knowledge that they may have missed last spring.
Please have at least 1-2 grades entered into the system for each class by the time IPR run next week so there is something for parents to view if they get into HAC and look. We will not be printing IPRs but they will be viewable for parents. We need to pay special attention to our virtual students as we have never done this before.
Let us know how we can support you!
Phone Directions
Please update your name and voicemail.
San Angelo Schools Foundation
Cards in your box. You may give them to Erika when you are ready.
Due date extended to Friday, September 18th
Quarantined Students
Instructional Handbook
Please take a look at this handbook. The updated grading policy is embedded in it.
Google Form
Make sure you are communicating with the C&I team through this form:
Birthday Treats
Hospitality Dues
Certified staff will contribute $25.00 and all support staff and split-campus employees will pay $12.50. Erika will collect the dues. Please pay by September 24th.
September Calendar - Link
Next Week:
No PLCs this week
9/8 - SUB Binder and Daily Schedule DUE
9/9 - Safety and Staff Social Committee Meeting @ 3:15
9/10 - Shannon @ Admin
9/11 - T-TESS Waivers Due
Goliad Elementary
Email: shannon.klepac@saisd.org
Location: 120 East 39th Street, San Angelo, TX, USA
Phone: (325) 659 - 3660