CCPS Express
Monthly Newsletter

Superintendent's Message ~ It's Time to Tackle Growth and Aging Infrastructure
Are you seeing rooftops going up as you travel around Caroline? Is your child’s school above or near capacity? Caroline County housing developments continue to see sizable growth and so is CCPS’ student population! By the numbers, CCPS has experienced an increase of 433 students over the past three school years. With this in mind, CCPS hired RRMM Architects in the spring of 2024 to complete facility condition assessments at all school (BGES, LCES< MES< CMS, and CHS) and auxiliary buildings (Lotus, Maintenance, Transportation, School Board Office, the Annex). CCPS also contracted the completion of a demographic study to project CCPS enrollment for the next 10 years using low, moderate, and high projections.
RRMM Architects combined the results of the demographic and facility studies to inform the development of options (new build and/or renovations) to consider in planning for countywide student enrollment increases and significant aging infrastructure. RRMM recently presented a comprehensive summary to the School Board and Parent Advisory Meeting. Additionally, CCPS staff and RRMM will be sharing this information at a Joint School Board and Board of Supervisor meeting tonight, February 3, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. in the Caroline County Community Services Center. This meeting is a public meeting and we invite you to join us to learn more about the findings and recommendations.
CCPS has developed a Facilities Information website which contains all completed facilities and demographic studies, as well as presentations which have been shared with the School Board. We will be developing a FAQ in the near future to add to the site. The new site can be located by clicking the following link.
While there is a sense of urgency around the need for a comprehensive growth plan, CCPS is committed to thoughtful and feasible planning, community engagement, and sound fiscal decision making. This period marks the beginning stage of developing a comprehensive construction plan for our schools, and there will be numerous opportunities for community engagement in the upcoming weeks and months. Information will be shared at upcoming staff meetings, PTA/PTO meetings, local churches and community locations, and more.. We look forward to the community joining us at these upcoming events to share input related to the RRMM Architecture recommendations.
Sarah Calveric, Ph.D.
Federal Policies Update: Immigration
Caroline County Public Schools is dedicated to fostering a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment for all students. We understand that recent discussions and policy changes related to immigration may cause uncertainty or concern for some families. Please know that our primary focus remains on ensuring that every child feels supported, valued, and protected while in our schools.
By law, every child has the right to a public education, and we are committed to upholding that right for all students. Our schools do not collect information regarding immigration status, nor do our policies permit the sharing of confidential student records unless required by law. The school division intends on following all applicable federal and state laws protecting students’ privacy.
We recognize that families may have questions or need additional support. Our building leaders, family engagement specialists, and school counselors are available to provide assistance and connect families with trusted community resources. We have also developed a webpage with helpful information, which you can access here or at www.ccps.us (parents tab to immigration resources).
As always, we appreciate your partnership in making our schools a place where every student can learn and thrive. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s school or our central office for guidance.
Disclaimer: The resources shared by Caroline County Public Schools are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Families seeking legal guidance should consult a licensed immigration attorney. CCPS does not endorse or align itself with the political views of any organization listed here; these resources are shared solely to support our families in accessing helpful information.
Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Caroline se dedican de proporcionar un ambiente seguro, inclusivo, y amable a todos los estudiantes. Entendemos de que las conversaciones y cambios de poliza acerca de la imigracion se puede causar incertidumbre o duda para algunas familias. Asegurense que nuestra responsabilidad principal es que cad estudiante se sienta apoyado, apreciado, y protegido mientras que estén en nuestras escuelas.
Según la ley, cada estudiante tiene el derecho de recibir una educación publica, y nos dedicamos a defender este derecho por cada estudiante. Nuestras escuelas no cobran información con respecto al estado migratorio, y nuestras polizas no permiten que compartamos informacion y registros privados a menos que se lo requiera por la ley. La division escolar seguira todas las leyes del estado y federal para proteger la privacidad del estudiante.
Reconocemos de que las familias quisa tengan preguntas o necesiten apoyo adicional. Los lideres de los edificios escolares, especialistas de participacion familiar, y consejeros escolares estan disponibles para proveer asistencia y materiales confiables en la comunidad para las familias. Tambien hemos edificado un sitio de web con informacion util que se puede accesar aqui o por www.ccps.us.
Como siempre, apreciamos nuestra asocacion para hacer nuestras escuelas un lugar donde cada estudiante puede aprender y lograr. Si se tiene duda o preocupacion, favor de ponerse en contacto con el edificio escolar de su hijo o con el edificio central.
Aviso legal: Los recursos que comparten las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Caroline son solo para fines informativos y no constituyen asesoramiento legal. Las familias que buscan orientación legal deben consultar a un abogado de inmigración autorizado. Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Caroline no respaldan ni se alinean con las opiniones políticas de ninguna de las organizaciones enumeradas aquí; estos recursos se comparten únicamente para ayudar a nuestras familias a acceder a información útil.
FY26 Budget update
The Board of Education held a Public Hearing on the FY26 Budget priorities at the January 13, 2025 CCPS School Board meeting. The priorities were developed using CCPS data, 500 staff and family survey responses, and input from numeous advisory committees. The priorities noted below represent mandatory budget items and/or critical needs:
Total Employee Compensation Cost TBD (Including salary and health insurance)
Exceptional Education Cost $1,026,207
5 Skilled Nurses
5 Instructional Assistants
4 EE Building Case Managers
1 EE Teacher (MES)
Student Support Services Cost $135,231
1 Mental Health Provider (Lotus, CMS, CHS)
2 Counselor Contract Conversions from 10.5 months to 11 months (CHS)
.5 School Counselor (BGES)
General Education Teachers Cost $943,388
1 Reading Coach (CMS- Currently in Grant, SOQ Required)
1 Innovation Specialist (Currently in Grant, SOQ Required)
1 Spanish FTE (CMS/CHS)
.5 American Sign Language Teacher
2 English Language Learner FTE (SOQ Required)
2 Elective Teachers (CMS/CHS)
1 English Teacher (CHS- SOQ Required)
2 Unassigned Teacher Positions (Growth)
Support Staff Cost $353,507
Lunch Buddies (BGES, LCES, MES)
Payroll Specialist (Currently in Grant)
Admin Intern (BGES- Currently in Grant)
2 Admin. Assistants (LCES/SBO)
Technology Cost $519,700
Student Chromebook Replacement
Classroom Projector/TV Replacement
Staff Laptop Replacement
***Please note, the funding noted is an approximate cost. Additionally, all position amounts are fully loaded with benefits (insurance, VRS, etc.).
***SOQ = Standard of Quality (outlines VA staffing requirements)
There are 2 upcoming public meetings on the FY26 Budget: (1.) Dr. Calveric will present the proposed CCPS FY26 Budget at the February 10, 2025 School Board meeting; and (2.) Dr. Calveric and the School Board will present the approved CCPS FY26 Budget at the February 11, 2025 Board of Supervisors meeting at the Caroline Community Center at approximately 6:00.
Parent Guidance Corner
Raising Resilient Kids: The Role of Failure in Development
At the Cook Center for Human Connection, we celebrate the journey of parenting and the opportunities it brings to shape resilient, thriving children. In the February Mental Health Newsletter (English / Spanish), we’re highlighting an important aspect of your child’s growth: how embracing failure can lead to resilience.
In this newsletter, you’ll discover uplifting advice and actionable strategies to help your child face challenges with confidence, grow from setbacks, and build the resilience they need to succeed. We’re thrilled to share valuable resources, including ParentGuidance.org - a supportive platform designed to empower you in navigating your child’s mental health journey. Whether you’re seeking expert insights, practical tools, or a welcoming community, we’re here to support you every step of the way.
We also want to remind you of our unique 1:1 parent coaching services. Join Parent Coaching to nurture and strengthen your connection with your children. This free resource pairs you with a parenting coach and offers content designed by therapists. Click here to register and receive ongoing support: https://cookcenter.info/coaching
If you have any questions, contact Coordinator of Student Support Services, Rachel Wheeler at rwheeler@ccps.us.
CCPS Celebrates our School Counselors During National School Counseling Week, February 3-7, 2025
National School Counseling Week 2025, “School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive,” sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), will be celebrated from Feb. 3–7, 2025, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems and how students are different as a result of what school counselors do. National School Counseling Week highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career.
“School counselors work with all students to remove barriers to learning by addressing students’ academic concerns, career options and social/emotional skills,” said Jill Cook, ASCA executive director. “School counseling programs help to increase student achievement and provide a much-needed resource for students, parents, teachers and administrators. School counselors are integral to student success.”
More than 100,000 school counselors nationwide will be participating in the week’s festivities. Many schools will be hosting special events and activities to call attention to the countless benefits of a comprehensive school counseling program.
As part of its celebration for National School Counseling Week, Caroline County Public Schools will be sharing daily social media posts to highlight school counselors in each of our buildings. We encourage you to celebrate with your school counselor as well!
Black History Month: Labor and Legacy
This month, CCPS will celebrate the rich and diverse legacy of African American labor, its transformative power, entrepreneurial spirit, and connection to building community. The National Museum of African American History and Culture reflects on the theme well when they write, “Black men and women have always been vital to transforming and tooling America.” Read on to discover just a few ways that CCPS will engage and recognize the legacy of labor that built this community:
The CHS Mass Media Class will begin capturing Port Royal voices and African American Business Leaders in the greater Caroline community to share their stories.
Art teachers and students around the county are partnering with Historic Port Royal to create a Labor of Love exhibit that showcases art and poetry inspired by the local African American workforce.
The CCPS Facebook Page will post weekly.
By engaging and supporting CCPS students to examine the workforce surrounding them, we aim to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for the visible, invisible, and transformative power of African American workers while inspiring others to learn and appreciate the labor, in all of its forms, it takes to sustain community.
CCPS Virtual Teacher Job Fair
Join us for our CCPS Virtual Teacher Job Fair from February 3rd to March 31st! Simply register for a time that works best for you, and we’ll schedule an interview with a principal or an HR team member. We look forward to connecting with you!
Please note this fair is for external candidates only!
Substitute Interview Day!
Mark your calendars! CCPS will host a Substitute Interview Day on February 26th from 10 AM-12 PM. Substitute teachers can earn $110 per day, while long-term substitutes earn between $180 and $210 per day. Interested applicants can apply directly on our website. For any questions about substitute opportunities, contact Alexcis Callahan at Acallahan@ccps.us. Ready to join our team? Apply here: CCPS Substitute Application.
Pathways to Teaching in Caroline
Interested in becoming a full time teacher? Caroline County Public Schools offers several routes to teacher licensure for individuals holding a Bachelor's degree. Join us for a virtual information session on Feb 25, 2025. The registration link is: https://forms.gle/txfNG8Cnwr9rDUft8.
To see all of our opportunities and/or apply with us online, click here.
Disability Awareness: Specific Learning Disability
"Specific learning disability" means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or do mathematical calculations. The term includes such conditions as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. The term does not include learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities; of intellectual disabilities; of emotional disabilities; of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage.
Please visit the Virginia Department of Education Resources page for more information and helpful resources.
Empowering Future Educators: WELV Scholarship
At a time when the U.S. is experiencing a critical teacher shortage, supporting the next generation of educators is more important than ever. Women Education Leaders in Virginia (WELV) is committed to fostering the growth of future teachers and is excited to announce two $500 scholarships for aspiring female educators!
Scholarship Details
WELV invites female high school seniors and undergraduate students pursuing their bachelor’s degree in education to apply for this exciting opportunity. The scholarship aims to support passionate students who are eager to make a lasting impact in the classroom and beyond.
How to Apply
To be considered for the scholarship, applicants must submit an essay explaining their aspirations to become a teacher. We encourage you to share your personal journey, the experiences that have inspired you, and your vision for how you will make a difference in the lives of students.
Application Deadline
The deadline to apply is February 21, 2025. Don’t miss your chance to receive financial support for your education and take a step closer to your dream of becoming a teacher!
Submit Your Application
Complete your application by visiting the following link: https://forms.gle/X33DfSiUcQrjsNiG7 or head directly to our website.
Thank A Teacher Art Contest
The Virginia Lottery is now accepting art submissions from K-12 students for their annual Thank a Teacher Art Contest. Click HERE for more information. Submissions are due February 3, 2023.
MES Teacher Anna Fox - CCPS Teacher of the Year
Last month, Madison Elementary School teacher Anna Fox was named the 2025-2026 CCPS Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Fox has been an educator with Caroline County Schools for 20 years, bringing a total of 24 years of experience in teaching grades 2 through 5. She resides in Richmond with her husband Kevin and is the proud mother of two sons Ethan Owen. In the classroom, her passion is for the growth and achievement of all of her students. She meets each child where they are and works every day to teach with her heart, support her students’ social and emotional skills, and to develop a love of reading.
Mrs. Fox serves as the third grade team leader and has held this role for several years. Under her leadership, the team consistently strives for excellence, and she is instrumental in guiding her novice colleagues to achieve outstanding outcomes for their students.
Mrs. Fox is the 3rd grade representative for the CCPS History Team and a trainer for Benchmark Advance (3-5). She is also serving on the division Budget Advisory Committee. This past summer, Mrs. Fox was part of the VDOE 3rd Grade Reading SOL Committee. Over the years, she has served as a new teacher mentor, helped to write science curriculum, served on numerous division committees, welcomed student teachers, and been a part of the Teacher’s for Tomorrow program at Caroline High School.
Mrs. Fox is an asset to MES and CCPS and deserving of this recognition as MES Teacher of the Year.
Student Nominated for the Congress of Future Medical Leaders Award of Excellence
CCPS is proud to announce that 8th grader, Taylor Heflin, has been nominated for and accepted into The Congress of Future Medical Leaders. This prestigious program recognizes outstanding students with an interest in science and medicine. Taylor was nominated by Dr. Mario Capecchi, a 2007 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine. This esteemed selection marks a significant achievement for Taylor and a testament to her dedication to academic excellence.
In June, Taylor will travel to Boston, Massachusetts, to represent the Commonwealth of Virginia at the annual convention. There, she will have the unique opportunity to, learn about cutting-edge medical technology, network with medical professionals, and explore potential career paths. This experience will undoubtedly be invaluable for Taylor as she explores her passion for science and medicine.
CCPS Division Spelling Bee
Spelling Bee winners from CMS, BGES, LCES, and MES came together last month for the CCPS Division Spelling Bee. Congratulations to LCES student London Jones who won the CCPS Division Spelling Bee today! Two-time division champ CMS student Joel Washington was the runner-up. London will represent CCPS in a regional spelling bee later this semester.
Thanks to everyone who helped organize and run the event, families, staff, and School Board members in attendance, and BIG congratulations to all of the students that participated. They did an outstanding job!
School Menus and Meal Information
Click HERE to access school menus and meal information.
The Caroline School Nutrition Department uses the NutriSlice app, which gives everyone access to nutritional information about our menu:
Caroline Career Connections
Community Partnerships Power ASE Certification Renewal
This month, we’re proud to highlight the incredible local businesses supporting us in our ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certification renewal process. Their expertise and dedication ensure that our automotive program remains aligned with industry standards, providing students with top-tier training and preparation for future careers.
A special thank you goes to Ferber’s Collision, Sheehy Ford, Richmond Ford, Luck Chevrolet, and Whitten Brothers for their invaluable assistance. These business partners have gone above and beyond by helping us tackle the critical tasks involved in the renewal process, including itemizing shop tools and verifying that our equipment meets current industry requirements. Their commitment to our program ensures that we are audit-ready and maintain the highest standards of excellence.
We are deeply grateful for their support and collaboration. Partnerships like these not only strengthen our CTE programs but also demonstrate the power of community in shaping the next generation of skilled professionals. Thank you to all our partners for helping us achieve our goals and ensuring our students are set up for success!
Celebrating CTE Month with Exciting Activities Across Caroline Schools
February is CTE Month, and we are celebrating with a series of engaging and inspiring activities that showcase the impact of Career and Technical Education on our students’ futures. This year, we are proud to spotlight our Junior Achievers and Teachers for Tomorrow students, who are taking their learning beyond the classroom. These skilled students are creating lessons and resources designed to introduce younger learners to key CTE concepts, using the beautifully crafted CTE coloring books from Mary Washington as a creative resource. Their outreach efforts are helping to spark interest in CTE pathways among the next generation.
Students at Caroline Middle School will join in the excitement with CTE Day on February 18th. Encore teachers will host virtual field trips that highlight various career clusters and pathways, providing an interactive and immersive learning experience. These activities are designed to engage students directly in hands-on learning that connects academic content with real-world applications, making this day a highlight of the month.
The celebrations will culminate at Caroline High School with a CTE Trade Show on February 28th, featuring hands-on engagement activities for students to explore different career pathways. We extend a special thanks to the U.S. Army for their partnership in making this event a success. Their contributions help ensure that students experience firsthand the skills and opportunities available through CTE programs. With three exciting field trips and numerous activities planned, CTE Month promises to be an inspiring showcase of creativity, collaboration, and career readiness in action.
School Board Highlights
Take a look at the January 2025 School Board Meeting highlights:
2025 Reorganization:
- Elected 2025 Chair: Mr. Calvin Taylor, Port Royal District
- Elected 2025 Vice Chair: Mr. Lydell Fortune, Mattaponi District
- Approved 2025 School Board Meeting Dates: Jan. 13, Feb. 17, Mar 17, April 14, May 12, June 9, July 14, Aug. 18, Sept. 8, Oct. 20, Nov. 10, Dec. 8
- Appointment of Clerk, Lisa Stevens and Deputy Clerk, Christie Shaw
- Approved 2025 Superintendent Designee: Marcia Stevens
- Approved 2025 CCPS School Board & Clerk Code of Ethics
January 29, 2024 Regular School Board Meeting:
- Workshop (4:30PM): Community Constituent Mtgs., Board Agenda Format, School Board Committee Responsibilities, & FY26 Budget Development Update
- Achieve 2027 Spotlight: Academies of Caroline
- Recognitions: Superintendent Art Honor, VA Schools Principal Appreciation Week, W&M Reading Specialist Cohort, iTeach Program, & VA Writer's Winter Journal
- Information from the School Division: Soup with the Superintendent Update, Monthly Update on Revenues, Expenditures, ADM Update, and recommendations presented by RRMM from the results of the facility and demographic study.
- Action: No Action Items
- New Business: No New Business Items
- Public Hearing (6:30PM): FY26 Operational Budget
The School Board would like to thank our citizens that attend, advocate, and speak during public comment. For more information on these topics, you can access the Boarddocs link or view the meeting at our CCPS YouTube Channel.
National School Board Appreciation Month
Caroline County Public Schools will join school divisions throughout the state in celebrating School Board Appreciation Month. Over 800 elected and appointed school board members throughout Virginia will be recognized by schools and communities for their service and dedication to public education. The theme of this year’s celebration, “Champions of Opportunity, Advocates for Excellence,” highlights the efforts made by school board members to create pathways for student achievement and innovation. We are proud of our division, and School Board Appreciation Month is the time to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of our elected members.
HVAC Project Updates
The CCPS Maintenance Department continues to work hip-to-hip with McClure Company on the completion of the 2-year CMS HVAC replacement project.. The Phase 1 (the Middle School Energy Performance upgrades) scope of work is almost complete with only the punchline list and warranty items remaining. This scope of work has included demolition and installation to the chill and hot water system, eighteen new pipe spools installed in the boiler room and piping pressure tested with no faults and new electric panels. Building controls are in the final stages of being fine tuned. The system is thriving and has been tested to peak performance with the recent winter conditions. Additionally, a previously decomissioned exhaust system for the welding/Ag. shop had its existing ductwork modified and tied into a new exhaust fan on the exterior of the building.
Phase 2 (Middle school and High School Energy Performance Upgrades) are in coordination efforts with plans to begin in the Spring and Summer of 2025. This work will include eight energy recovery ventilators (CHS) and five air handling units (CMS). The demolition and installation of this equipment is expected to begin May 23rd, 2025 following the last day of classes for students. The CCPS Maintenance Department will continue to provide updates regarding the close-out of Phase One and the start of Phase Two.
Partners in Education
Partners in Education Spotlight: Environmental Literacy Plan Team
Over the past year and into this fall, CCPS has collaborated with Robin Didlake from Friends of the Rappahannock, Anna Monroe from Hanover-Caroline Soil and Water Conservation, and Meredith Dash from the Chesapeake Bay Alliance to develop an Environmental Literacy Plan for our K-12 curriculum.
This comprehensive plan provides a structured framework for educating both students and teachers on environmental issues. Its goal is to foster the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for making informed decisions about the environment and promoting sustainable living.
All three organizations remain actively engaged in supporting Caroline County by assisting with the implementation of this program. They contribute through providing programs, activities, and teacher training to ensure its success.
We love our Partners in Education! If you are interested in being a Partner in Education, click HERE
Local Food Pantries
If you or someone you know is looking for local food pantries, you can use this Pantry Locater Map.
There is also an app: https://fredfood.org/Pantry-Locator-App
County Line Baptist Church Food Pantry is open on Wednesdays from 8:30am-1pm. Delivery possible if NO transportation.
Rehoboth UMC Food Pantry is located at 18580 Partlow Road, Beaverdam, VA 23015:
Hours of Operation:
Wednesdays - 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Fridays - 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Pet Food Pantry - 3rd Friday of the month, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
(804) 448-3619
Important Dates
Career and Technical Education Month
School Board Appreciation Month
Love the Bus Month
February 5- Global School Day of Play
February 3-7: National School Counseling Week
February 10-14: National FCCLA Week
Caroline County Public Schools
Website: www.ccps.us
School Board: 16261 Richmond Tnpk., Bowling Green, VA, USA
Phone: (804)633-5088 Twitter: @carolineschools
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carolineschools