2024 Welcome Back to Rock Bridge
RBHS Counseling Newsletter
Meet Your Counselor
See below to find your counselor! 😃
- Students with last names beginning with A and T-Z: Samantha Cassmeyer
- Students with last names beginning with B and D: Jordan Alexander
- Students with last names beginning with C, E-G, I: Hannah Wilson
- Students with last names beginning with H, and J-L: Gretchen Cleppe
- Students with last names beginning with M-P: Reagan Fox
- Students with last names beginning with Q-S: Kellie Austene
- All AVID students: Rachel Reed
- All Success Center students: Melissa Coil
Mrs. Samantha Cassmeyer: A and T-Z
Dr. Jordan Alexander: B and D
Mrs. Hannah Wilson: C, E-G, I
Mrs. Gretchen Cleppe: H, J-L
Mrs. Reagan Fox: M-P
Mrs. Kellie Austene: Q-S
Mrs. Rachel Reed: AVID Counselor, Director of Counseling
Mrs. Melissa Coil: Success Center Counselor
Lesley Thalhuber: Outreach Counselor
Schedule Availability
Remember, you must have completed the 2024-25 registration process in the Family Portal to see your schedule.
To get started with the registration process, log in to the CPS Families Portal with your CPS-issued user ID and password.
Forgot your user ID and/or password? Guardian ID and/or password information can be found at the CPS Families Portal Username and Guardian Email Check.
For more information about registration and back-to-school details, visit the district's back-to-school webpage: https://www.cpsk12.org/back2school
Fee Waiver & Scholarship Opportunities
If you qualify for Free & Reduced Lunch, you could be eligible for fee waivers and scholarship opportunities including ACT and SAT fee waivers and dual credit scholarships!
In order to receive these financial aid opportunities, you must:
1. Complete and submit the application for Free/Reduced Lunch, AND
2. Grant permission for your lunch status to be shared with your school.
You must do this during the 2024-25 Registration Process. See instructions linked HERE for how to grant this permission.
Scheduling Reminders
The Master Schedule was created based on student course requests; therefore, schedule changes will not be possible.
The only adjustments that can be made to a student’s schedule are as follows:
1. Dropping a class for an AUT, study hall, or to go part-time.
- Part-time is anything less than three (3) credits per semester and is only applicable for Seniors who do NOT need to be MSHSAA eligible.
- The Part-Time Application is linked HERE
2. Dropping a class due to a medical condition or safety concern.
- For example, a student who must drop their Strength Training class because they broke their arm and cannot participate.
- In this situation, if a student needs to remain MSHSAA eligible, they can add another class with openings during the block they dropped or during their AUT.
3. Changes made as part of a student’s 504 or IEP accommodations.
4. Changes to correct an error in the schedule. Schedule errors include:
- Incorrect level of math or world language
- Missing a core class (English, Social Studies, Math, Science)
- Missing course / credit required for graduation (Seniors only)
- Missing a performing arts class for which you auditioned and were accepted
- Placed in a class you already completed (does not apply to choir, band, or PE courses that can be repeated for credit)
- After viewing your schedule on Aug. 13th, if you have an error (as listed above) on your schedule first OR second semester you should email your counselor to receive a link to their Schedule Correction Request form.
Counselors cannot accommodate schedule adjustments for:
- AUT, Advisory, or Study Hall in a specific block.
- A change to a lunch shift: lunches are tied to 2nd block classes and cannot be individually changed.
- A request to have a specific teacher.
- A request to have a class a certain block or a certain semester.
- A request to have classes with friends or a learning cohort.
- Level changes (i.e., AP to honors, honors to regular) will not be considered until the student has been in the course long enough for the teacher to determine the appropriateness of a change, usually not until after the first IPR or the first major test/assignment. Level changes can only be made if there are seats open in a lower-level section that fits in the student’s schedule.
Counselors will review the Schedule Correction Request Form and follow-up with the student via email. In situations where the counselor needs to communicate further with the student regarding the change, they will reach out to schedule a follow-up appointment.
ALL schedule corrections must be completed by Friday, August 23rd.
The PSAT/NMSQT exam will be given on Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024 from 7:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (approximate end time) at The Crossing, 3615 Southland Dr.
Registration is open to all Juniors. Sophomores with a 3.5+ unweighted GPA who are interested in competing for Missouri Scholars Academy may also register for this year's test.
The PSAT is NOT a college admissions exam. Students are not required to take this test. Juniors scoring in the top 1% on the PSAT may be eligible for academic recognition through the National Merit Scholarship program.
The cost of the PSAT exam is $25.
To have an exam ordered for you/your student, the Registration Form and payment must be submitted by **Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024.
**Students with an IEP (Special Education) or 504 Plan wishing to request accommodations for the PSAT must register by *Friday, August 30, 2024 to meet the deadline set by the College Board. You can still register for the PSAT between Sept. 1st and Sept. 11th; however, your request for accommodations may not be approved if submitted after the deadline.
If you have an IEP or 504 Plan and would like to apply for accommodations, please check the appropriate box on the registration form and email Mrs. Reed (rreed@cpsk12.org) so the accommodations application can be submitted to College Board on time.
** More information about how to register for the PSAT will be sent after the start of the school year.
We continue to partner with Revolution Prep to provide PSAT Prep and a Practice PSAT test for our students. This year we are offering two opportunities for both the PSAT Strategy Session and the PSAT Practice Test to allow for as many students as possible to take advantage of these opportunities! : )
PSAT 101 Strategy Sessions:
- Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 7:00 PM
- Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024 11:00 AM (this is a Teacher Workday and school is not in session for students).
Practice PSAT Exams:
- Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024 9:00 AM
- Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024 11:00 AM
PSAT Prep opportunities are $15 each. Students can register online at: http://www.revolutionprep.com/partners/57540
Practice materials can also be found online at: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt-psat-10/practice