Central Junior High School
Week 4 September 21, 2018
Since yesterday was Mr. Cauthen's Birthday and we just finished Week 4, let's all do 4 random acts of kindness this week to celebrate his special day.
Celebrate Freedom Week
Mrs. Basham's 8th Grade US History classes enjoyed the Constitutional Escape Room while celebrating Constitution Week. Mrs. Basham's students enjoyed the problem-solving, team collaboration, and critical thinking involved in breaking the codes in order to escape.
The Mobile Dairy Visited CJHS students on Thursday
During Challenge class last Thursday, our 8th graders learned about the work involved in milking a cow. A Southwest Dairy trainer educated students about dairy nutrition and even gave some fun facts about cows. For more information (& recipes) on the mobile dairy, visit: https://www.southwestdairyfarmers.com/pages/mobile-dairy-classroom
Fun Fact about COWS
Cows do not sweat, and that's why they like the shade. Also, cows drink a lot of quality H2O (about a bathtub full) each day!
Central Junior High School
Email: hinesr@centralisd.com
Website: www.jhs.centralisd.com
Location: Pollok, TX, USA
Phone: (936) 853-2215
Facebook: www.facebook.com/centraljhPollok/