Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 8th September 2023
Welcome Back!
Gymtastic Gym
You may have noticed a new addition to our school grounds. The KS2 outdoor gym has been funded through a grant from the Jepson Trust, a local registered charity whose aims are to promote young people's physical and social health, and a generous contribution from our school Friends group. Thank you also to last year's school ambassadors for helping us choose the equipment, supported by a class survey.
Exercising in the fresh air is proven to have added benefits, and outdoor gyms are also environmentally friendly. Many of the children have already enjoyed trying out the equipment and are keen to access the provision regularly so that they can keep fit and healthy.
A great Start
What a delight it has been to see the new Reception children settle so brilliantly into our school family. The children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring their new classroom and have shared with us their super creativity and imaginations whilst also making some lovely new friendships. It has certainly been an action-packed week, with the children having assumed the role of brave firefighters putting out terrible fires; great explorers on a camping trip in a homemade canoe; and minibeast hunters eagerly exploring the exciting world of creepy crawlies in our outdoor area. We can't wait to see where their imaginations and interests take us next!
A big thank you to everyone in school for being so welcoming and for helping the Reception children to have such a happy and settled first week.
School Update
Dear Parents and Carers
We have had a good first week back at school. I have been very impressed with how well the children have settled back into their routines and how they are engaging so positively with their learning. I am sure that we will have another great year.
Be on time at a quarter to nine
Please can we remind all parents and carers that doors open for the start of the school day at 8.45am. Gates and doors are locked by 8.55am so if you arrive after this time please do report to the school office.
Uniform and jewellery
It has been lovely to see such smart children arriving at school each day. Our uniform guide is on our school website and can be accessed via the link below. Please can we remind parents that children in Year 1 upwards should be wearing a shirt with a tie rather than polo shirts.
If children have their ears pierced they should wear studs. These should be removed for physical education lessons.
Children should not come to school wearing necklaces and bracelets. Watches are allowed but any smart watches should not be able to connect to a phone or take photographs.
Mobile technology and teddies and toys
Children should not bring mobile phones into school along with smart watches that connect to phones or take photographs. We do allow children in Year 5 and Year 6, who have permission to walk home, to have a phone. However, for safety and safeguarding reasons they must be handed in to a member of staff at the start of the day and must not be used whilst on the school premises.
Please can we also ask that parents do not send toys and teddies into school.
Water bottles
We encourage children to access water through the day and encourage children to bring in suitable water bottles. Please do ensure that water bottles are named and please only send children with water in their bottles.
Break time snacks
As you will be aware children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 are provided with a healthy snack at break times. In Key Stage 2 children are allowed to bring in a mid morning healthy snack which should be a piece of fruit or veg.
Sweets and cakes
As we are a healthy school and for allergy reasons, we do hope that parents will appreciate that we are not able to distribute cakes and sweets from families on special occasions. Thanks for your understanding.
Up to date information
If there are any changes to addresses, emails or phone numbers for your family, please can you email rbingham@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk so that we can update records accordingly.
Many thanks for your continued support
Kind regards
Steven Holmes
Lindisfarne Information session
In our celebration worship the children shared their thoughts about what is the most important characteristic of a great friend and why.
As always the children had some great ideas:
"A friend will always be supportive and stand up for you."
"Encouraging, because if you had to run a mile race they would encourage you to keep going."
"Friends should be kind and share with you."
"Forgiveness, because if you make your friend upset they can then forgive you."
"Loyalty and trust are important so you know that they will always be there for you."
"Love because it is kind."
"Kind hands are important and we should treat our friends how we want to be treated."
"Remember our manners and say please and thank you to our friends."
"Say sorry to our friends, it is important to forgive."
"You have to kind and helpful and respectful."
"Give people help when they get hurt."
"Someone who thinks about others before themselves."
"Someone who plays with others and shows their true character."
Welcome Mrs Dallaston
Stars of the Week
All Reception for an excellent start to school. They have shown enthusiasm and kindness all week.
Year 1
Ivy for an excellent attitude to learning and exploring all areas of provision with focus.
Year 2
Rafi for making a super start in Year 2. He has been an amazing helper and has taken his new monitor job very seriously. We are very proud of you.
Edward for such a good start in Year 2, following instructions and working really hard. Well done Edward.
Year 3
Jacob for a fantastic start to Year 3. He has completed every task with confidence and presents his work beautifully.
Year 4
Jack for his wonderful attitude and effort in his first week of Year 4.
Year 5
Charlotte for settling into Year 5 so well, giving great contributions to class discussions and always giving 100%.
Year 6
Isobel for a fantastic first week at Ripon Cathedral School.
Felix for a fantastic first week at Ripon Cathedral School.
Dates for Diaries
We are currently organising a range of events for the term. Below are dates that we currently have planned. We will add more dates over the term so please do check each week for new events.
Wednesday 13th September 2023 - Parent and carers information session for Lindisfarne
Thursday 21st September 2023 - Year 6 visit to Howstean Gorge
Tuesday 26th September 2023 - European Day of Languages
Wednesday 27th September - Friday 29th September 2023 - Year 5 visit to Lindisfarne
Monday 3rd October 2023 - Year 3 trip to Bewerley Park
Tuesday 4th October 2023 - Year 4 trip to Bewerley Park
Wednesday 11th October 2023 - Year 5 trip to Go Ape
Thursday 26th October 2023 - School closes for October half term
Friday 27th October 2023 - School Training Day
Monday 6th November 2023 - School reopens
Wednesday 8th November - Blue Cross Workshop - animals in WW1
20th - 24th November 2023 - Road Safety Week
Thursday 30th November 2023 - Year 4 sound day
Friday 1st December 2023 - Year 3 Hindu Temple visit
Friday 22nd December 2023 (at 1.30pm) - Key stage 1 Nativity in the Cathedral
Friday 22nd December 2023 - School closes for Christmas break at 2.30pm
Community Events
Like us and follow us...
Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool
Twitter: @riponcathschool