Redwing News
November 2024 Edition
From the Office
- Wishing all students and families a wonderful Thanksgiving and great Holiday Season!
- All students entering and exiting during the school day must do so through the main office.
- See below for some December fun from our Renaissance Group.
Emergency Procedures Explained
- There is the potential for a threat to safety.
- Instruction will stop.
- Classroom doors will be shut, locked, and secured. Sightlines will be obstructed where applicable.
- Students will gather out of sight from doors/windows.
- Students should be silent, as well as silencing cell phones.
- Students will remain in place until contacted by administration or law enforcement.
- Students may need to make a situational decision to seek cover in the nearest open classroom or restroom.
This is a precautionary measure, often pertaining to an external situation.
Instruction is continuing as normal.
Doors should be closed locked, and secured.
Students should not be permitted in the hallway without explicit permission from the office.
Passing time will not occur without explicit permission from the office.
There is no immediate threat to our students and staff.
(Medical) Emergency Response Team (MERT)
- Designated staff will respond.
- The immediate area surrounding the medical situation should be cleared.
- Students should not be permitted in the hallway without explicit permission from the office.
- Passing time will not occur without explicit permission from the office.
- Instruction is continuing as normal.
- Students and staff will exit building and report to a predetermined location and await further instructions.
- Staff will verify attendance using class rosters.
- Students will exit classrooms and go to a predetermined location avoiding exterior walls and windows.
- Staff will verify attendance using class rosters.
Communication and follow up is an important part of these processes. Sometimes that follow up is minimal (after a fire drill); other times, we will try to get an update to families as soon as possible.
Upcoming Dates and Events
11/28-11/29: No Classes- Happy Thanksgiving
12/3/24: 9th Grade Field Trip to MiCareerQuest
12/6/24: Sophomore Seminar Meeting about CCRESA offerings
12/12/24: B4 Foundation Assembly (Alternate Schedule)
12/21-1/5: Holiday Break
1/20/25: No Classes for Students
1/28/25: Parent Teacher Conferences 5-8pm
1/29/25: Parent Teacher Conferences 3-5pm
1/31/25: No Classes for Students
2/14 & 2/17: No Classes for Students
5/29/25: Class of 2025 Commencement
Holiday Spirit Week
Monday 12/16: PJ Day
Tuesday 12/17: Holiday Accessories Day
Wednesday 12/18: Country Christmas
Thursday 12/19: Grinch Day
Friday 12/20: Ugly Sweater Day
Deck the Halls
November 25 - December 13
Seminar classes can decorate their door, walls next to the door and/or ceiling in some type of holiday and/or winter scene. No seminar class? No problem! Decorate your office door, window, etc!
We will keep decorations up until the end of January to jazz up the hallways during the winter!
No judging, but as an incentive, rooms/doors that are decorated by Friday, December 13 will receive sugary treats (candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup ) on Tuesday, December 17!
More info here
Holiday Photo Booth
December 2 - 20.
There will be paper slips and a QR code to record participation. Enter each time your picture is taken…no limit…take multiple pictures/selfies every day!
Prizes will be given to the student AND staff with the most participation
Milk & cookies will be given on Wednesday, Dec. 18 to the class with the most participation.
More info here
12/3: 9th Graders to attend MiCareerQuest
All St. Johns High School 9th Grade Students are scheduled to attend the MiCareerQuest on December 3, 2024 hosted at the Lansing Center. 9th Grade Students will depart SJHS at 8:50am, and will return for B lunch. Students will be transported by SJPS bus. Because the entire freshman class is going minimal instruction will be missed. To checkout what our students will be experiencing you can visit: https://www.micareerquestcapitalarea.com/
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the SJHS Office 989-227-4100 or email dobsonm@sjredwings.org.
B4 Foundation to Visit SJHS 12/12
The social-emotional well-being of our staff and students continues to be a high priority for our entire school community. Accordingly, we will be partnering with the B4 Foundation to bring an important message to our students. There is a long standing myth that the Holiday Season is the most difficult time of year for social emotional well-being. The reality is that mental well-being impacts all of us in different ways all year long. There is never a right or wrong time to address our wellness.
This assembly will undoubtedly be difficult for some of our community. However, we find it to be a much needed message. If you would prefer your child to not attend this assembly or have questions, please contact the main office at 989-227-4101 or email dobsonm@sjredwings.org.
Lastly, please see the attached letter from b4 Foundation Founder and Presenter, Terry Hessbrook.
Recent Events
St. Johns High School Theatre Presents... Chicago Teen Edition
The Chicago Musical was a smashing success Nov 8-10. The students put on 4 performances in front of 2000 patrons. The cast and crew are also up for Sutton Foster Awards (TBA). All participating musicals across the state of Michigan receive a professional review. A panel of adjudicators, composed of performing arts educators and professionals, attend each musical and provide feedback on everything from individual performances to technical elements. The scores and review are based on each school’s own merit and is not a competition between schools. Teachers and students use the feedback to learn for future productions. The year culminates in a professionally produced Sutton Foster Awards Showcase. In addition to celebrating the schools, the two nominees for the National High School Musical Theater Awards will be revealed. The 2025 Showcase will be held at Wharton Center in East Lansing.
Important Visitor for SSHCO
SSHCO (South Sudan Healthcare Organization) had a visit from its founder, Jacob Atem, on November 15th. Dr. Atem, a lost boy, was a former student of Mr. Barry Palmer and is now helping a country where he lost everything. As a chapter, we try to fundraise and donate $1000-2000/year to the cause. For more information go to: https://sshco.org/
Information for Seniors
Yearbook Information for Seniors
Senior Recognition Advertisements are a great way to recognize your senior with meaningful baby pictures and senior photos, while leaving them with a special message from you. Ordering for the 2025 senior recognition ads can be found on Jostens.com
Speaking of Seniors...
The counselors have prepared this document for need-to-know information for Seniors and their Families.
Buying a Yearbook
When do you have to order your yearbook by?
If you haven't already ordered your book, you may want to soon. The earlier you can purchase one the cheaper they are. Jostens automatically turns on personalization, but you can turn it off if you prefer not to have it or would like to save money. You can order your book here.
From the Classroom & Beyond
Isotopes in Motion at MSU
On 11/14, Mr. Miller and his Applied Chemistry students took a trip to MSU. The class saw a performance called "Of Equal Place: Isotopes in Motion" at the Wharton Center, learning about the work being done at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). They were also able to visit Abrams Planetarium and get some MSU Dairy Store Ice Cream!
SJHS Represented at National FFA Convention
The FFA National Convention was an unforgettable adventure for Parker Theis, Daniel Glew, Arianna Neller, Emma Burnham, Isabella McPherson, Addie Wilson, Laeken Blank, Chelsea Moinet, Sophia Hagerman, and Evey Bertram! The journey kicked off bright and early on October 22nd as they hit the road to Indianapolis, joined by the Blissfield, Ida, Whiteford, and Dundee Chapters. Along the way, they made stops at the University of Northwest Ohio and Unverferth Manufacturing Co., learning about everything they offer to the agricultural industry.
Day two was packed with excitement—students rocked their FFA gear, attended leadership contests, toured Ozark Fisheries and Anderson Apple Orchard. Students also had a blast at the Rodeo located at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. On day three, they enjoyed shopping at exclusive shops, meeting kids from other states, attending leadership training, making many new friends, meeting celebrities, and even going DuckPin Bowling with Milan FFA.
The trip wrapped up with a sweet stop at Spangler Candy World, where they learned all about the candy-making process. For the seniors, National Convention was a special, bittersweet moment marking the beginning and end of an unforgettable chapter in their FFA journey. “Each and every one of us will carry the memories of this incredible event with us, forever grateful for the people that made this possible. They gave us the chance to be part of something special that we will talk about for years to come!” said President Emma Burnham.
Wood Technology I
(Above and Below) Students in Wood Technology I celebrate a successful trimester of making boxes. They came up with many unique designs that will catch your eye!
More News from Metals & CTE
(Above): With the support from State and County grant funds through CCRESA, SJHS was able to purchase a new Jet Brand Vertical Mill. This state of the art machine has digital readouts for X,Y, and Z axes along with multiple other built in features. This mill will support the learning of students in Metals I and Metals II and will easily prepare them with the skills and familiarity with equipment that they will see in the industry. Mr. Billings emphasizes that care and maintenance of equipment that helps to make the equipment last and be used by multiple generations of learners. This new addition replaces a piece that was over 40 years old and is a welcomed upgrade!
(Below): Each Year, Kiwanis honors students of the year in their monthly meetings. This is typically delegated by department. This past month, the Career Technical Education Department (Metals, Welding, Family Consumer Science, Business, and Drafting) chose to honor Lauren Maneval for Family Consumer Science, as well as posthumously honor Tryston Bancroft (Class of '24) as one of their Students of the Year. Tryston's mother accepted the honor on his behalf.
SJHS Alumna Succeeds in Welding
Recent graduate, Haley Dassance ('23), is being showcased by her employer for her skills and work ethic. While in high school, Haley worked as a welder at one of the area machine shops, Olympian Tool. Once she graduated from high school, she continued to weld at Olympian. She then began college courses, going to Merrill Welding institute in Alma. There, she finished her degree requirements in just 8 weeks as opposed to the typical 12. Upon graduation, she received strong recommendations from her professors to continue working at Merrill, a company with strong military and industry ties. Haley was has been chosen to be one of the company representatives in a short amount of time. She has been featured in some of their advertising, showcasing her skills and work ethic. This growing company has recently been purchased by another company and is now named Keel USA.
Positivity Project
Each week, during Monday's seminar students will be experiencing brief grade specific lessons through a character education program called, "The Positivity Project".
The Positivity Project (P2) is dedicated to empowering students to build positive relationships and become their best selves. Positive psychology’s 24 character strengths serve as its foundation. Ranging from bravery and perseverance to integrity and gratitude, the character strengths are classified and described in the 800-page book Character Strengths and Virtues. These strengths aren’t about ignoring the negative. Instead, they help us overcome life’s inevitable adversities.
Families are encouraged to follow along with the below calendar as we explore these strengths that are present in all of us. P2 for Families is a great resource that allows families to do that. The password is "p2".
P2 Calendar
SEP 16–20: Curiosity
SEP 23–27: Teamwork
SEP 30–OCT 4: Open-Mindedness
OCT 14–18: Integrity
OCT 21–25: Creativity
NOV 4–8: Bravery
NOV 11–15: Gratitude
NOV 25–29: Kindness
DEC 9–13: Self-Control
DEC 16–20: Optimism
Winter Athletics
Winter Sports
Winter season competitions are underway! See the Redwings in action by checking out the most up to date events at https://stjohnsathletics.com/main/calendar/
Daily Attendance & Participation
Students involved in athletics and activities must be in school ALL DAY to be eligible for practice and/or competition. Doctor appointments, funerals, college visits, and school events will be excused. All other absences would need prior administrative approval.
A few clarifications:
- In order to participate in athletics/activities on a day that a student is absent they must produce documentation of one the the following: doctor appointments, funerals, or college visits.
- In other words, merely being "excused" by a parent from school, DOES NOT make a student eligible to participate in after school activities.
- The thinking is that if a student is too unwell or other unable to attend all classes, then the same should apply to athletics. Note the outstanding circumstance noted above.
Trimester Eligibility
Please remember that students must pass 4/5 classes each Trimester to be eligible for participation in Athletics and Activities.
From the handbook:
"The student must have passed 66% of the credit load for work taken during the last regular trimester of enrollment, and have passed at least four (4) out of five (5) trimester courses. A student who fails to pass 66% of the credit load - (4) out of five (5) - trimester courses at the end of any trimester period shall be ineligible for the next 60 school days unless the deficiencies are made up. Eligibility may be reinstated during the next trimester when the school accepts the credit."
Eligibility Dates
In addition to timester eligibility, current grades are also checked throughout the trimester following the same 4/5 policy above. A student will be ineligible until their grades improve to fit the criteria. Those dates are:
12/5 1st Tri Grade Check for Trimester Eligibility
12/12 Eligibility Check
1/16 Eligibility Check
2/6 Eligibility Check
2/27 Eligibility Check
3/20 2nd Tri Grade Check for Trimester Eligibility
3/27 Eligibility Check
4/24 Eligibility Check
5/15 Eligibility Check