Silverbrook Family Newsletter
Vol. 11 No. 14 November 22, 2024
Mission: Empowering ALL Students to be Successful Learners
2024-2025 Theme: Building SuperReaders!
Exciting things are happening at Silverbrook!
Last week we shared the "serious" house photos. This week, we've got the fun photo taken with your child's house. Enjoy!
5 Purple
Ms. Gall-Kannenberg, Mrs. Gatzke, Mrs. Henry, Ms. Herbst, Ms. Green, Ms. Neuser, Mrs. Steller, Ms. White, and Mr. Molenda
5 Orange
Mrs. Morales-Serrano, Mr. Muehlbauer, Miss Mueller and Mrs. Widowski
5 Yellow
Mrs. Baldwin, Mr. Belfiori, Mr. Gayhart, Mr. Gerber and Mrs. Grater
5 Red
Mr. Belfiori, Mr. Gerber, Mrs. Grater and Mrs. Burmeister
6 Blue
Mrs. Dohl, Mrs. Dowe, Mrs. Geib and Mrs. Steier
6 Green
Mrs. Almeyda, Mrs. Kelley, Mrs. Koenigs, Mrs. Nienow and Mrs. Prochnow
6 Purple
Mrs. Koenig, Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Loose, Mr. Michels and Mrs. Stier
6 Red
Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. Zupke
6 Yellow
Mr. Doornek, Mrs. DJ, Mrs. Leidolf, Mrs. Starch and Mr. Vidrio
Silverbrook Office Helpers
Students filled out applications to be chosen for office helper positions. They deliver items and messages to students throughout the day.
Students of the Week
6 Red - Easton Alliet
6 Green - Flynn Sargent
6 Yellow - Connor Crosby
6 Purple - Anna Heimermann
6 Blue - Mason Wells
5 Red - Lydia McKuen
5 Orange - Henry Ohland
5 Purple - Mackenzie Ruffner
5 Blue - Keagan Sickler
5 Yellow - Samantha Schultz
Art - Victoria Willett-Nix
Music - Elijah Hedstrom
PE - Isla Dybul
WL- Conner Sankey
Staff of the Week
This week's Staff of the Week is kind, funny, and thoughtful. He always comes ready to teach and helps his students understand the material taught each and every day. He shows kindness throughout the day to all of his students which in turn helps them to have a great day. Congratulations to the 5 Red Literacy Teacher, Mr. Gerber!
Silverbrook Read-a-thon
Make your child a Silverbrook SuperReader!
It is time to start collecting and turning in your pledge money. A reminder that even if you just collect checks and cash, you need to be registered in Pledgestar in order to participate and have that money be counted. Please have all pledges turned in by 11/26.
Key Dates to Remember:
- November 25-26 - Collect and turn in your pledges and tracking sheet
- December 20 - All School Read-a-thon celebration.
We have had great success with this program and hope your child has a great experience participating in the Silverbrook Read-a-thon this school year!
Silverbrook Book Fair
McTeachers night was a HUGE Success!
Thanks to all staff and families that helped make this night a huge success! We raised $954.96 between sales and tips.
Lost and found
Please take a minute to view our lost and found. If you see anything that belongs to your child, have them pick it up. You may also stop by before (7:30-7:45am) or after school (3:05-3:30pm) to view our lost and found.
Coin Wars Results
Thank you Silverbrook Intermediate students and families!
Bridging Brighter Smiles, the mobile dental program that serves the students of Silverbrook Intermediate wishes to thank the Silverbrook student council for their generous donation of $690.57! Silverbrook students generated this donation through Coin Wars that occurred in late October. This gift helps fund the dental services provided to dozens of Silverbrook Intermediate students enrolled in the program each year. Bridging Brighter Smiles will be at Silverbrook next week performing services for our students.
Dental Clinic at School on Monday, November 25
Bridging Brighter Smiles is holding their next dental clinic at Silverbrook Intermediate 403 on:
Monday, November 25 & 26, 2024
It is not too late to enroll if you are not already enrolled! Get your Back to School smiles ready!
As a reminder we accept enrollments for all students Head Start-12!
Sign up online at:
Professional Dental Services Provided Right at School Include:
- Oral Screening
- Dental Cleaning
- Fluoride Varnish Application
- Dental Sealant Placement
- Silver Diamine Fluoride Application
- Oral Health Education
- Referral Assistance
Forward Health (BadgerCare) Accepted!
(Other Private Dental Insurance Not Accepted)
Funds made available through your FSA/HSA account may be utilized as a form of payment, please check with your carrier for specific terms and conditions.
Not sure if your child is enrolled, or due for care? Call Bridging Brighter Smiles at 262-896-9891, or email coordinator@bbsmiles.org.
¡Reciba atención dental en la escuela!
El programa Bridging Brighter Smiles ofrece:
- Examen Oral
- Limpieza
- Aplicadorde Flúor(decaimiento prevención)
- Selladores(cavidad prevención)
- Fluoride Diamino de Plata
- Educación para la Salud Dental
- Referencia de Ayuda
Bridging Brighter Smiles ofreces servicios de prevención dental en lasescuelas para estudiantes desde Head Start hasta 12 grado.
En promedio, el servicio es dado a los estudiantes participantes dos o tres veces por año escolar.
Recordatorio que aceptamos inscripciones para todos estudiantes de Head Start-12 grados.
Forward Health(BadgerCare) acepta!
(No aceptamos seguros dentales privados)
Fondos disponibles atraves de su FSA/HSA cuenta pueden ser utilizados como forma de pago, por favor revisen con su provedor para terminos y condiciones especificos.
Si tiene preguntas o preocupaciones sobre sus derechos de privacidad contenidos en esta Notificación, favor de contactarse alOficial de Privacidad de Bridging Brighter Smiles al 262-896-9891.
15 Days of Holiday Fun!
The month of December is loaded with opportunities for you child to participate in various holiday activities. Please see attached calendar.
Musical Auditions for Moana
When: December 9th & 10th in the Badger Middle school choir room.
Times: 5pm - 8pm each night but students only need to attend one evening of auditions.
Possible Callbacks on December 11th.
Process: Students will be asked to sing in a group (see song labeled everyone) as well as sing individually (see song appropriate to their respective gender voicing). Students will also participate in a reading of lines to gauge their acting ability and finish off the process with a dancing section to access their movements.
Performance dates are set for March 13th - 16th 2025 with rehearsals beginning in January 2025.
There are instructions explaining things within the google drive which can be accessed using the QR code on the audition poster.. Please see the attached poster for further information and materials regarding this audition opportunity.
Intramural Soccer
The goal of the Silverbrook Intramural Soccer program is to allow students to further their soccer skills in a fun and competitively balanced environment. The program is 4 weeks long, 2 sessions per week, for an hour after school. Early in the program, students will focus on developing and advancing their skills in ball handling and passing. As the program progresses, students will be split by ability level and continue more appropriate development. The last few sessions will provide the students a chance to use their skills in competitively balanced competitions.
To participate, students must : have a completed Clubs and Activities Form, pay the $5 per sport activity fee, and have a completed sign-up form.
Intramural soccer will start on Tuesday, December 3rd and run through Tuesday, January 14th. The program will run on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week from 3:10-4:10. The participants will NOT meet on Thursday, December 12th due to a concert in the gym.
**This program will be limited to the first 40 students that sign up.**
Second Step
Week of 11/25/2024
No Second Step Lessons
Week of 12/2/2024
5th Grade
Unit Description (Empathy and Kindness)
In this unit, fifth grade students learn how to apply their perspective-taking and empathy skills to define and help solve a community problem. Students will learn how to use empathy to make their community better, to identify a problem and a potential solution.
Lesson: Empathy in the Community
Summary: In this lesson, your child will describe how empathy can help someone identify and solve a problem in their community.
Try This at Home: Point out something that has changed for the better in your neighborhood recently. Ask your child why they think that change is helpful. Point out how empathy might have helped someone decide to make that change.
6th Grade
Lesson: Managing Emotions
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will learn and practice several emotion-management strategies to help them make good decisions when they’re feeling a strong emotion.
Question: Ask your child what strategy they like to use when they realize they need to manage their emotions. Share a strategy you like to use and see if it’s also helpful for them.
Upcoming school activities
Week of November 25
Activities and clubs run from 3:10-4:05
November 26
- Intramural Basketball
- Workspace
November 27
November 28
- NO SCHOOL - 🦃 Happy Thanksgiving 🦃
November 29
November 30
- Winter Guard Practice (9:00am-12:00pm)
November 31
- Winter Guard Practice (12:30-5:30)
Week of December 2
December 2
- Dress up as your favorite holiday character
December 3
- Toasty Tuesday - wear your favorite scarf and hat
- Spanish Club
- Intramural Soccer
- Workspace
- Forensics Student Interest Meeting
December 4
- Tree Topper Day - Santa hats, elf ears, reindeer antlers, etc)
- Winter Guard Practice (3:00-5:00pm)
- Strings of Steel
- Trading Card Club
- Math Counts
- Viking Attack
- Bravo!
December 5
- Green and Gold Day
- Intramural Soccer
- Student Council
- Yearbook
- Workspace
- Forensics Parent Meeting (6:00-7:00pm)
- PTO Meeting (6:30-7:30)
December 6
- Favorite Flannel Day