News from the Nest
Strength. Determination. Knowledge.
Happy Friday!
Dear Families,
Virtual teaching is a new world for us, but we are so thankful to have the training, resources, and platforms available to our staff and students to help everyone be successful! There are a couple great ways you can help your students succeed while learning at home:
- Help your scholar(s) follow their classroom schedule. Every teacher's schedule is posted on Blackboard, and the fully virtual schedule was condensed to avoid back-and-forth learning times on the computer. Help your child log-on at the appropriate time each day and make sure they are in attendance for all of their core classroom instruction.
- Provide a peaceful environment conducive to learning. Kids learn best when they are able to focus on the tasks at hand. Minimize disruptions by having the TV and gaming systems turned off (or out of sight/hearing range from your student(s)), holding adult conversations away from the working student(s), and having kids set up in a place where they are not tempted to go back to sleep (i.e. have them work at the kitchen table or a desk instead of on their bed or a couch).
- Support your child with technical issues and directions only. While it can be so tempting to help your student(s) come up with the correct answer, it is counter-productive for their learning. Our teachers are skilled at walking students through their thinking and helping to correct misunderstandings; however, they can only do that if they know the process your child/ren followed independently. Don't hesitate to let your child/ren answer incorrectly so that the teacher can see their actual performance and help them make growth in the concept.
All students have or will take MobyMax placement tests in three subject areas: mathematics, language arts, and foundational reading. It is imperative that students complete these placement tests without the support of adults or older siblings. MobyMax is an incredible learning platform that uses the results of placement tests to help students fill in gaps in their knowledge and grow at their own pace. Students use MobyMax during independent work times and small group instruction, and if they have help on the placement tests, then the independent assignments they are given will be too difficult for them to do independently. Please encourage your student during their work time by reinforcing the idea that they should "do their best." None of their scores will be used for punitive purposes; all scores are used to help students grow.
Please let me know if you have questions about any of this and if you need any assistance at all.
I wish you all a wonderful week!
For you, our parents, who are so vital to the well-being of our scholars and school community <3
December Character Trait- Student of the Month
Our December character trait is "punctuality!" Talk with your child about what it means to be punctual, and help them with being on time to their classes each day!
Two of our former Students of the Month showing off their new yard signs:
Good work, boys! We are so proud of you!!
Laptop Care and Tips
All of our scholars have received devices for virtual learning. Below are a few tips to ensure the technology devices are not accidentally damaged or lost.
- Ensure the case remains on the iPad or Chromebook.
- Ensure food and drinks are not around the technology devices.
- Ensure scholars are stationary when using the iPad or Chromebook.
- Monitor data usage. (Make sure hotspots are turned off and disconnected when not being used for school work.)
- When lessons have concluded for the day, ensure the scholar places the device in the same location each day.
- Ensure the technology devices are plugged into the charger at the end of the day in order for the scholars to have a fully charged device for the next school day.
If you have any questions, please call the office at 810-768-3860.
Boys & Girls Club
Have Questions? Contact Us Today!
Location: 3196 Pasadena Ave, Flint, MI 48504
Phone: 810.768.3860