Notes and Happenings in the PK-8 and AD world in Wilmot.
This month:
Sixth Grade
5/6 Basketball
New Chromebooks!
Sixth Grade Notes
Some thoughts...
Good afternoon sixth grade parents!
I wanted to take a quick moment and share some things that we are noticing and some thoughts on how we can all make sure we are on the same page!
Sixth grade is a big transition for our students. We are just now finally seeing more organization in lockers and quicker movement from class to class during passing times. This is a huge adjustment from being in one classroom for the majority of the day. One thing your child may benefit from would be a conversation with parents/guardians on how they organize their lockers, how they organize their class work, and what is and isn’t working for them.
Additionally, I have noticed that students who use the old standby “trapper keeper” have a quicker transition from class to locker and then their next class. This reduces the amount of material they need to pack/unpack throughout the day.
Another note- something I am hearing from a number of parents (myself included at times!) is “I ask my child if he/she has homework and they are saying ‘I’m getting it done at school’ or ‘I don’t have any.’” It’s quite possible that they are completing it at school or don’t have any. You can always check the campus portal to see if there are any missing assignments, and you should always feel free to contact the teacher or myself to check on any of this if needed. Ask your child to open their device at home and show you their Schoology, Infinite Campus, or Google Classroom to see what they are currently working on.
And lastly, please encourage your child to be on their best behavior throughout the school day. With added complexity to the day sometimes comes reduced confidence and comfort with their schedule. That tends to result in behaviors- either shutting down, acting out, or “tagging along” with their peers in a negative way. Encourage your child to do their best, even when no one is watching (integrity). And we will do the same, every child, every chance, every day.
Basketball is coming!
Communication with sportsYou
This year, coaches are using sportsYou to communicate with their athletes and parents/guardians. If you're signing a child up for 5th & 6th grade basketball, please download this app and use one of the codes below to join the team and communicate with the coach!
This year's coaches are: Boys- Tyler Hennagir, Girls- Melissa Jurgens
New Chromebooks!
Our new Chromebooks this year give our students new experiences! Check out this "flipped" lesson with their Chromebooks in the 4th grade classroom- this math game is called "Multiples Turn Over."
Homecoming Dress Up Days
Dress Up Days
Homecoming Dress Up Days are:
- Monday
- Pajama Day
- Tuesday
- Tropical Day
- Wednesday
- Holiday Day
- Thursday
- Neon
- Friday
- Spirit Day (Wolves or Grizzlies gear/colors)