Mustang Minute
February 10th 2025
Students & Parents
West Families,
Please check our calendar below to view our upcoming events. Also, you will see some of our students' talent on display below.
1) Credit Recovery Hours - The deadline to make up hours for excessive absences for the first semester is March 7, 2025. Please reach out to your child's Assistant Principal if you have questions.
2) Please continue to encourage your student to be at school. As a reminder, all students (9th-12th grade) begin the spring semester eligible for exemptions from final exams. Student attendance is one of the main components to qualify for exemptions from final exams in May.
3) Class of '25 Parents - We had our first graduation meeting at Reed Arena at the end of January. You will be getting a "Know Before You Go" sheet from us in the coming weeks. Graduation is on May 24th at 8PM in College Station.
You can reach me anytime at jmorley@magnoliaisd.org
Thank you,
Jason Morley
Culture Champ
Congratulations to Volleyball Booster club Scholarship winners
Lauren Brown & Sydnie Mullins
All proceeds for Finke's 5K run go towards scholarships for children of Magnolia ISD emloyees
Sign up here https://form.jotform.com/Finke_Run/5K
West Debate Society Competition
The West Debate Society competed at Waller High School. In LD debate Jeffrey Foglesong and Fiona Fox tied for 1st. In prose interpretation, Daniela Ramirez placed 4th and in persuasive speaking, Daniela Ramirez placed 6th. In Soapbox, Clinton Smith placed 3rd. In Storytelling, Alondra Amador placed 3rd, and Ryanne Campbell placed 5th. And in Radio News, Daniela Ramriez placed 2nd, Aaron Bell placed 6th, and Clinton Smith placed 7th. With all of these finalists, the West Debate Society placed 2nd in Speech and Debate overall and tore through the tough competition. Way to go mustangs!
College Signing day
Congratulations to Chanice Jones, Alex Becker, and John Sigler.
Mag West Cadets rifle crew
At the end of January Magnolia NJROTC’s Marksmanship Team competed in the Area 17 Three Position Air Rifle Championship and claimed first place in the Team Sporter category and earning a bid to compete at the Navy National Championship this month. The team faced tough competition from a strong George Bush High School team, but persevered in the end with strong performances from Mag-West seniors Jacob Wymore and Madison Aughe, and junior Ina Rodriguez. The NJROTC Marksmanship Team currently has three cadets from both Mag-West and Mag-High training to compete at the 2025 Navy JROTC National Championship match February 16th – 18th in Anniston, Alabama against 40 other NJROTC teams from across the nation and overseas. Congratulations and Full Speed Ahead!
Cheer Send Off for Nationals
JV Boys Golf 2nd place
The Fillies
The Fillies Dance Team will be having their Contest Showoffs in the Main Gym on Wednesday, February 12 at 6:30 PM. Admission is free! Come out and support the Fillies as they showcase all of their contest routines. The Fillies will be competing February 8, February 15 & March 1 locally & then will be headed to Honolulu, Hawaii for Nationals during Spring Break!
Culinary Arts made Foccacia bread
Culinary Arts made Foccacia bread
Culinary Arts made Foccacia bread
Happenings On Campus
Parents are able to email the Attendance Office at the following address. Include your student's full name and student ID# mwhsattendance@magnoliaisd.org
Monday, February 10th
- Girls Soccer JV vs. Klein Cain @ MWHS 5pm
- Girls Soccer V vs. Klein Cain @ MWHS 7pm
- MWHS VG Golf District Preview @ Margaritaville
Tuesday, February 11th
- Boys Basketball @ Klein Collins 4pm
- JV Tennis Tournament @ MHS
- VB Golf Dist. Preview @ Margaritaville
- JV Baseball vs. Lake Creek @ MWHS 6:30pm
- Soph Baseball vs. Lake Creek @ MWHS 4:30pm
- Varsity Baseball @ Lake Creek 5pm
- Softball JV @ Klein Forest 4:45pm
- Softball V @ Klein Forest 6:15pm
Wednesday, February 12th
- Fillies Perfomance 6:30pm
- Soccer Boys JV @ Klein Cain 5:45pm
- Soccer Boys JVB @ Klein Cain 4:30pm
- Soccer Boys V @ Klein Cain 7:30pm
Thursday, February 13th
- Softball Varsity Tournament @ Katy TBA
- Track & Field JV Meet @ A&M Consolidated HS 4pm
Friday, February 14th
- JV Baseball @ Cy Falls 6:30pm
- Soph Baseball @ Cy Falls 4:30pm
- Varsity Baseball vs. CyFalls @ MWHS 4pm
- Tennis V @ College Station HS
- Track & Field V Meet @ Cy Fair HS 9am
Saturday, February 15th
Soccer Boys JV @ Klein Forest 10:30am
- Soccer Boys JVB @ Klein Forest 9am
- Soccer Boys V @ Klein Forest 12pm
Class of 2025 Important Dates
4/9/2025- Top 10% Reveal- Competition Gym
4/23/2025- Top 10% Banquet- Magnolia Event Center
4/26/2025- Senior Prom- Event Center
5/23/2025- Graduation Practice- Small gym
5/24/2025- Graduation- Reed Arena- 8 PM
Mustang Market
The Mustang Market is in need of snack items:
peanut butter crackers, granola bars, cereal cups, oatmeal cups, chips, etc.
Please consider donating items to help the Mustang reduce food insecurity.
Donations can brought to the Counselors office or to the Receptionist. Thank you for your consideration.
Bus Driver Recruitment
Senior information
Assistant Principal:
Zach Lytton zlytton@magnoliaisd.org
Lisa Domengeaux ldomengeaux@magnoliaisd.org
Junior Information
Assistant Principal:
Samantha Zarazua Suttles szarazua@magnoliaisd.org
Laura Cunningham lcunningham@magnoliaisd.org
Jennifer Cabello jcabello@magnoliaisd.org
Guidance Advisor & Dual Credit:
Carrie John cjohn@magnoliaisd.org
Sophomore Information
Assistant Principal:
Last name A-L George Kelley gkelley@magnoliaisd.org
Last name M-Z Kendal Shelton kshelton@magnoliaisd.org
Last Name A to Ga: Krista Dyer kdyer@magnoliaisd.org
Last Name Ge - O: Jason Davis jdavis2@magnoliaisd.org
Last Name P - Z: Kelly Kilpatrick kkilpatrick@magnoliaisd.org
Guidance Advisors:
Beatrice Esparza besparza@magnoliaisd.org
Michelle Minjarez mminjarez@magnoliaisd.org
Freshman Information
Assistant Principal:
Last name A-L: George Kelley gkelley@magnoliaisd.org
Last name M-Z: Kendal Shelton kshelton@magnoliaisd.org
Last Name A to Ga: Krista Dyer kdyer@magnoliaisd.org
Last Name Ge - O: Jason Davis jdavis2@magnoliaisd.org
Last Name P - Z: Kelly Kilpatrick kkilpatrick@magnoliaisd.org
Guidance Advisors:
Beatrice Esparza besparza@magnoliaisd.org
Michelle Minjarez mminjarez@magnoliaisd.org
Want to be a MWHS MVP?
We want you!
The Mustang Volunteer Parent ie. the MVP's is a group of parents that supports the school as needed.
Some of the things we do are... sell tickets, serve lunches to the staff once every 9 weeks, help with the 12 Days of Christmas, and many other volunteer opportunities. There are NO meetings! You will receive emails for volunteer opportunities. Our goal is to spoil our MWHS staff!
If you would like to join the MVP's please email the following information to Stacia Norris stacianorris5@hotmail.com
Your name
Your student's name
Your student's grade level
Most Valuable Fan
These students are nominated by a teacher for doing something positive for Magnolia West High School. Thanks to our outstanding students who made this week's fans list:
Liliana Chapparo
Raymiya Schmitz
Hayden Stebbins
Matthew Tollenare
Curtis Rayburn
Athletic Ticket App
Fans please download the new app for MISD tickets HomeTown Fan
Best High Schools Award
Magnolia West was honored to received the U.S. News & World Report's Best High Schools award at the MISD Board Meeting on Monday, September 11th.
National Assessment of Educational Progress
What is NAEP?
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), often called The Nation’s Report Card, is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what students in public and private schools in the United States know and are able to do in various subjects. Since 1969, NAEP has been a common measure of student achievement across the country in math, reading, science, and many other subjects. Depending on the assessment, NAEP report cards provide
national, state, and some district-level results, as well as results for different demographic groups.
NAEP is a congressionally mandated project of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), located within the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences.
NAEP data are also used in special studies conducted by NCES. These have included comparisons of proficiency standards across state assessments; insights from high school transcripts,
including courses taken and credits earned; and in-depth looks at how different demographic groups perform across different types of schools.
OnRamps works with high schools across Texas to give students the opportunity to earn college credit—helping them save both time and money.
Offering 17 dual enrollment courses in Science, Math, Technology, English Language Arts (Rhetoric), and History. Students are enrolled in both a high school course and a college course, held on the high school campus.
2024-25 MISD District Calendar
MWHS Bell Schedule
Attendance Requirements in Texas Schools
MWHS Academic Profile
Parents Stay Connected with MISD
Frontline Video for Parents in Spanish - This video explains how to login to Parent Self Serve to see grades and attendance in Spanish!
Magnolia West High School
Email: jmorley@magnoliaisd.org
Website: https://mwhs.magnoliaisd.org/
Location: 42202 Farm to Market 1774, Magnolia, TX, USA
Phone: 2812522550