Dublin High School Newsletter
Week of September 3, 2024
A Note From Dr. Overstreet...
The first days of school have been awesome!! Students have arrived to the new school year with great enthusiasm and joy to be among their friends and back into the routines of school. I cannot say enough about our students, teachers, and support staff for the work they have done over the first two full weeks of this new school year to make this start another remarkable opening.
Our number one goal this year is "High Achievement and Success for All Students!" That means working collectively with the teachers, staff, and the administrative team to provide students with the best classroom instruction and educational services in a safe and secure environment. As we settle into the expected routines, rituals, and procedures of the school day, there are a few reminders embedded in this first newsletter of the school year. First and foremost, I am extremely proud to say that the new Cell Phone Policy is going extremely well. Students have remarkably embraced the new cell phone policy very well.
Also, as we teach and use the language of "workforce readiness," please have conversations with your student(s) about time management as it relates to getting to school and class on time. Moreover, we extend workforce readiness conversations with our students to what we consider "presentation and image" which means proper dress for school as well as for the workforce. Dublin High School is a College and Career Academy High School. The WAY, Workforce Accelerating Youth is the new College and Career Academy." Therefore, the rules and expectations of the school including regular attendance are related to workforce readiness qualities that are designed to prepare our students for post-secondary opportunities after graduation.
Again, I couldn't be more proud of how our students have embraced this new school year. Moreover, I look forward to working with you, our parents and school community during this new school year.
Have a great week, and don't hesitate to call or email me if you have questions or concerns.
"Going Beyond the Gold...Dream Big, Achieve Bigger!"
Dr. Michael Overstreet
Go Irish!
Reminder: Dublin High School New Cell Phone Policy
To improve the academic learning environments for all students and staff. We have a responsibility to have better social/emotional well-being and instruction in the classroom for all our students. Recognizing that cell phones have become a distraction, the use of Personal Electronic Devices, such as cell phones, smartwatches, and other electronic devices at Dublin High School will be prohibited during the school day starting September 3, 2024. We have selected this date to give our staff extra time to educate students on the reasons for this change and to allow students time to adjust.
What will that mean?
· During the school day, all cell phones and personal electronic devices must be out of sight in backpacks or purses.
· If parents/guardians need to contact a student during the day, they should call the Dublin High School Front Office at (478) 353-8040.
· In the event of lockdown situations, at the appropriate point, students will be allowed and encouraged, by the person supervising them, to use their cell phones to contact their parents.
· Accommodations will be made for students who require a personal electronic device for medical assistance.
During class time, cell phones must be stored in a Cell Phone Pocket Chart Storage that will be provided in each classroom. Students will be required to place their cell phones in the designated Cell Phone Pocket Chart Storage upon entering the classroom and keep them there for the entire class period. Cell phones must be turned off. Students will collect their cell phones at the end of the class period
During transitions in the hallway, cell phones must be kept in book bags or purses. They are not to be kept in pants, jackets, or shirt pockets. Cell phone accessories (headphones, chargers, air pods, earbuds, etc.) are to be kept in book bags or purses as well.
Violations of this policy will result in the following disciplinary action:
· First Offense: Warning/Parent Conference with Administrator.
· Second Offense: 3 days of ISS.
· Third Offense: 5 days of ISS.
· Continued violations will result in additional disciplinary action.
We wanted to share this information as early as possible so that students and families may know the efforts we are taking to ensure all students have a safe and predictable learning environment.
We also invite our Fighting Irish families to join us in our efforts to minimize the use of Personal Electronic Devices by supporting our teachers and having conversations about this with their students at home. We will be sharing more information and resources in the coming weeks.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Dr. Michael Overstreet via email at michael.overstreet@dcsirish.com or by calling (478) 353-8040.
Student Drivers: Parking Requirements to Park on Campus!
All student drivers must register their vehicle with the school office, pay a $15.00 registration fee, and have a current year parking decal. Proof of insurance and a valid driver's license must be provided. Students who drive to school must follow the rules of the school for driving and parking. Student drivers will be assigned a designated parking space for the entire year. Student parking enforcement will begin Monday, September 9th.
Clear & Mesh Bookbags Only Allowed on Campus!
Book Bag Policy: DHS Student/Parent Handbook
For safety reasons, students are only permitted to carry MESH or CLEAR book bags to class. Certain book bags may be deemed too large and if so will be prohibited from being brought to school. All book bags must be carried. No rolling book bags are permitted on campus without prior authorization from administration. If a student is a member of a DHS Athletic team, they will be allowed one team bag to carry his/her sports equipment. They will be encouraged to place these items in a locker or a designated location assigned by a coach or administrator until the end of the school day.
Leadership/Scholarships Opportunities
Student Government: Any student interested in serving as a representative on Student Government should see Mrs. Brewer in Room 407 as soon as possible for application.
Applications are due by Wednesday, September 4th at 8:00 AM.
Homecoming Court: If you are interest in running for Homecoming Court, please see Mrs. Wardlaw in Room 405 to register as a candidate. This opportunity is open to both male and female students who wish to present their class as underclass representatives or serve on the Senior Court. All interested candidates must be registered and ready to begin campaigning by Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
From the Guidance Office to The Class of 2025!
Class of 2025!
Just some helpful tips/information to start off a great senior year!
College Applications:
Submit your college applications through the following platforms.
Most applications require a fee unless you have an application waiver. I have some application waivers, but only certain colleges accept them. November is Georgia Apply to College Month, 90% of GA colleges/universities will be free during November! DHS will host a College Fair in November. Last year we had over 15 colleges/universities attend.
Transcripts: (After you apply)
You may release your own transcripts on GAFutures.org. You can send it to up to 10 schools. (Georgia Schools Only)
Common App - Please allow up to 7 days for your profile and transcript to be uploaded after applying.
Please email me for any other transcript requests.
Community scholarships generally open in December so make sure you check your email and the scholarship rack (outside of guidance) frequently.
Here are some great scholarships & sites to look at and apply for some national scholarships.
Bill Gates Scholarship - Due date September 15th
Coca Cola Scholarship - Due date September 30th
Scholarship Sites
HOPE Scholarship is awarded based on your HOPE GPA. Students must have a 3.0 or higher HOPE GPA, complete 4 rigor classes, and attend a Georgia college/university.
Zell Miller Scholarship is awarded based on your HOPE GPA, test scores, and class rank. Students are eligible for the Zell Miller Scholarship: 3.7 Hope GPA, 4 rigor classes, 1200(SAT) 25(ACT) score. Valedictorian & Salutatorian are automatically eligible for the Zell Miller Scholarship if they have the following: 3.0 Hope GPA & 4 rigor classes.
For more information please see the following link ---> https://www.gafutures.org/hope-state-aid-programs/hope-zell-miller-scholarships/hope-scholarship/
ACT/SAT Waivers:
ACT/SAT Waivers for the 24-25 school year have not arrived yet. Once they arrive you will need to sign up to receive one. They are first come first serve, so make sure you are checking your email daily.
You can register for the SAT/ACT on the following websites.
Please pay attention to the deadlines!
We will have the ASVAB on September 17th! Please sign up if you are interested in going to the military after high school.
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 2nd: Labor Day Holiday
Tuesday, September 3rd: Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball AWAY @ Bleckley Co 5:30 PM
Thursday, September 5th:Dublin High School Lady Irish Volleyball AWAY @ Northside-Warner Robins @ 5 PM; Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball HOME vs. Central-Macon 5:30 PM
Friday, September 6th: Dublin High School Fighting Irish Football HOME vs. Washington Co 7:30 PM
Tuesday, September 10th: Irish Cross Country AWAY @ Warner Robins 4:30 PM; Dublin High School Lady Irish Volleyball HOME vs Northside/Southwest-Macon @ 5 PM; Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball AWAY @ Dodge Co. 5:30 PM
Wednesday, September 11th: Senior Transcript Review Day in DHS Auditorium (9 AM for Students with Last Names beginning A-M / 1 PM for Students with Last Names beginning N-Z)
Thursday, September 12th: Dublin High School Fighting Irish JV Football HOME vs. Bleckley County 5 PM; Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball AWAY @ East Laurens 6 PM
Saturday, September 14th: Irish Cross Country AWAY @ East Laurens 9 AM
The Way College and Career Academy!
Accelerated Career Pathways offer qualified students a unique path to high school graduation. Students choose to simultaneously earn a high school diploma and a college Associate of Applied Science Degree, Technical Diploma, an approved program that leads to licensure, or two (2) approved Technical Certificates of Credit (TCC’s) in a specific career pathway. Accelerated Career students will utilize the “ACE” Grant to cover their pathway of choice, and must be enrolled in a TCSG institution. Students interested in pursuing Accelerated Career pathways should contact their high school counselor or any of the 22 Technical College System of Georgia’s colleges.
First Semester 2024-2025 Event Dates
- September 12th - 13th Governor's Workforce Summit
- September 17th - Industry Appreciation Breakfast @ DHS
- September 19th - Career Academy Board Meeting
- October 17th - Career Academy Board Meeting Night
- October 25th - Career Academy Night @ DHS
- November 7th - Dublin Middle School Career Day
- November 18th - Susie Dasher Career Day
- November 21st - Career Academy Board meeting
- November 22nd - Hill Career Day
- December 9th - Career Academy Holiday Showcase
- December 19th - Career Academy Board Meeting
Dublin High School 2024-2025 Local Governance Board Members
Local School Governance Teams are also known as LSGTs work with school leadership and the community to help determine the long- term direction of the school, design innovative solutions to increase student achievement, and serve as school ambassadors to the local community.
General Governance Team Responsibilities:
- Adopt the school improvement plan and updates
- Review progress on the school improvement plan
- Participates in the identification of instructional programs, operational processes, resources and innovations to improve student achievement
- Provide input into the annual budget and may approve
- Participate in hiring of the Principal in the case of a vacancy, and may have input into performance goals and provide feedback on the performance of the Principal
Dublin High School Local School Governance Team:
- Shakira Wiggins-Oliver - Parent
- Jackie Curtis - Business/Community Member
- Cylina Anderson - Parent
- Michael Overstreet - Principal
- Cynthia Scott - Teacher
- Valerie Godfrey - Business/Community Member
- Teresa Devoe - Parent
- Asia Morris - Business/Community Member
LSGT Meeting Dates
- September 19, 2024
- October 24, 2024
- November 14, 2024
- December 12, 2024
- January 16, 2025
- February 20, 2025
- March 20, 2025
- April 24, 2025
- May 8, 2025
Student Picture Gallery!
About Us
Email: michael.overstreet@dcsirish.com
Website: https://dhs.dublincityschools.us/en-US
Location: 1127 Hillcrest Pkwy, Dublin, GA 31021, USA
Phone: 478-353-8040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhsirish
Twitter: @dublinhighga