3rd Grade
September 2024
Welcome to Third Grade!
Meet the Team
Pictured from left to right: Ms. Cooley, Mrs. Auret, Mrs. Persico, Mrs. Hill, Ms. Speight, Mrs. York, and Mrs. Severino.
Important Dates
September 16th - Half Day: Character Day
September 26th - End of First Grading Period
September 27th - Parent/Teacher Conferences (no school for students)
September 30 -October 6 - Fall Break
October 8 & 9 - Check-in 1
October 10th - Schiele Museum Field Trip
October 16 & 17 - Check-in 1
October 21 & 22- Engineering Artemis (on campus with Discovery Ed)
October 26th - Boo Bash
November 1st - Camp Thunderbird
November 11th - No School
November 27 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break
December 3 & 4 - Musculoskeletal Marvels (on campus with Discovery Ed)
December 12 - 3rd Grade Performance
December 20 - Half Day and End of Second Grading Period
December 22 - January 3 - Holiday Break
What We're Learning
In addition to learning expectations and procedures we will be working on the following:
Math: Multiplication & division, addition and subtraction within 1000
Reading: Main Idea, Context Clues, Theme & Nonfiction Text Structure
Science: Economics
Writing: Students are focusing on sentence structure
During the month of September we will be focusing on being adaptable in situations that may arise in and out of the classroom.
Ice Cream Days
Monday - Auret
Tuesday - Speight
Wednesday - Severino
Thursday - Cooley and York
Friday - Hill and Persico
Book Checkout
Monday - Severino
Tuesday - Persico and Speight
Wednesday - Cooley and York
Thursday - Hill
Friday - Auret