AMMS Lions Roar
"Recognize the Roar"
Monday, February 3, 2020
Mr. Trey Martin, Principal
Dr. Mimi Gamel, 7th Grade Assistant Principal
Ms. Laurie Chans, 6th Grade Assistant Principal
Ms. Marissa Jonas, Assistant Administrator
Calendar of Events
Feb. 4, 5, 6th - 6th Grade Junior Achievement BizTown
Feb. 5th - 5:30 p.m. Basketball AMMS vs. Ridgeview (Away)
Feb. 10th - 5:30 p.m. Basketball AMMS vs. Holcomb Bridge (Home)
Feb. 11th - 6:30 p.m Orchestra Concert
Feb. 12th - 5:30 p.m. Basketball AMMS vs. Hopewell MS (Home) & Blue Out!
Feb. 13th - Spring Picture Day
Feb. 14th - AMMS Professional Development Day
School Governance Council
Parents and guardians, are you looking for an opportunity to shape the strategic direction of your school? If so, you should consider running for an open seat on our School Governance Council. Interested parents and guardians must visit the following website to submit their Candidate Declaration Forms by February 26th.
7th Grade Rock Eagle Trip
Rock Eagle 4H Center, Eatonton, GA
March 18 – 20, 2020
$190 per student: includes lodging, meals, day & night classes, charter buses
Information and Permission Form
Form is due: Friday, February 7th
All students must have medical insurance coverage to attend the trip. When completing the permission form, have your student's medical insurance information handy. If your student does not have medical insurance, TW LORD is a low-cost option (1-800-633-2360).
Online School Payment - Payment is due: Friday, February 7th
Medication Forms - Due to Clinic: Friday, February 28th.
Please contact Dr. Mimi Gamel ( with any questions or concerns.
Approved Absences
Congratulations Students!
Multicultural Night 2020
This year’s Multicultural Night will be held on Tuesday, March 3rd from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Please join us for this spectacular school-wide event promoting intercultural beauty and understanding.
Please consider representing your heritage or a culture of your choice by preparing a cultural display and/or food samples of that country. To register as a table host, please click on the link:
Hope to see you all there to celebrate your cultures! Please contact Carolyn Underwood with any questions.
AMMS Calendar Information
February 14th AMMS Professional Development Day (Students Off)
February 17th President's Day (School Closed)
March 13th Teacher Workday (students off) (Correction)
Attention 6th Grade Parents - Fernbank Field Trip
The 6th grade field trip will be March 2nd and 3rd!!! Half the students will go on each day. The special exhibit at this time will be Our Senses: An Immersive Experience and the Giant Screen Movie will be Hidden Pacific 3D. We are very excited to offer this opportunity to our students!
The cost of the field trip is $30 per student, which can be paid through OSP, Online School Payment, located on the AMMS webpage.
Signed permission slips and payment were due by Friday, January 31st.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to a wonderful field trip!
Spring Picture Day is February 13th!
Scoliosis Sign Up - Please Help!
6th and 8th grade parents, we need your help on February 26th for scoliosis screenings! If scoliosis is caught early, it can be corrected with bracing. Training will be provided on site. Please sign up below to help with the very important screening. - 6th grade parents - 8th grade parents
Questions please contact Emily Roberts Glahn
AMMS Blue Out
We are gearing up for this year’s Blue Out, where students get to play basketball against a faculty team, all in the name of charity!
Blue Out basketballs will be sold for $1.00 each in front of the Media Center in the mornings. Just like a raffle, students will write their names on the basketballs they purchase and deposit them in the appropriate grade level containers. The more students purchase, the greater their chances of being chosen to play against the teachers.
FIGHT Club members will draw 4 names from each grade level. Those students will play against the teachers in an exciting, action-packed game on February 12th.
Last year over $400 was raised for the American Cancer Society! We encourage both students and teachers to get involved in this fun event.
Where: AMMS Gym
When: Wednesday, February 12th immediately after school
Time: 4:30 p.m. Teacher vs Student Game in the gym
5ish half time dance performance from PE Dance ALL Stars lead by Coach Davis
5:30 p.m. Girls AMMS vs Hopewell
6:30 p.m. Boys AMMS vs Hopewell (after the girls' game)
AMMS Sports Information
AMMS Track 2020
We are so happy that you have decided to try out for the 2020 track team. For those of you that were on the team last year, the process will be a little different this year. The following are some things that you need to know:
• Please complete the packet as required with every line and every signature filled in. You must also provide a copy of your insurance card BEFORE you can try out!
(If you tried out for another AMMS sports team within the past 12 months, you should only have to complete a new concussion form.)
Forms are due by Friday, February 28, 2020.
• Try-outs will be March 3-5th after school until 5:00 p.m.. Rides must arrive on time for pick up. All three days are MANDATORY unless pre-approved by the coaches. The top 3 fastest times in the 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m and mile will make the team. The top two will run in the meet and the 3rd runner is an alternate.
• The meet is scheduled for SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 2019 AT MILTON HIGH SCHOOL LOCATED AT 13025 BIRMINGHAM HWY, MILTON, GA 30004. This is the one and only track meet that we will have for the season. Please make sure that you can attend before you try-out.
• Practice days are TBA but will be two days a week after school until 5:00 p.m.
Questions please contact Coach Shelnutt at or Coach Lloyd at
Community News
Advanced Placement Night at Johns Creek High School
What: AP Night at Johns Creek High School
When: Wednesday, February 12th 6:00 p.m.
Where: JCHS Cafeteria
Join us on February 12th at 6:00 p.m. in the JCHS Cafeteria to learn more about the Advanced Placement courses offered at JCHS. Hear an overview of the AP program and attend course-specific information sessions with AP teachers. This event is open to parents/guardians and students. If you have specific questions about placement in AP classes, please contact your child’s current teacher or counselor. We expect a large crowd, so please make plans to carpool! Overflow parking is available at State Bridge Crossing Elementary School.