November News 2024
Rolland-Warner 6/7 Campus
Stevens' Scribbles
I appreciate everyone participating in our Parent Teacher Conferences at the end of October and want to remind everyone that your child's schooling is much more successful when there is an open line of communication between the classroom and parents! The staff welcomes your calls and emails, not just when a problem arises, but also to discuss the education of your child on a regular basis!
Speaking of good communication, November brings our Digital Citizenship Week which helps everyone be a good digital citizen. Stay tuned for much more information!
November and December seem to fly away from us with the Holiday breaks causing short months, so I ask that you keep up with your child's progress by logging into PowerSchool and perusing your child's grades. If you need help accessing PowerSchool please feel free to contact the office! Another great resource, other than this newsletter, is our PowerSchool Announcements (Daily Bulletin) which you can access when you log in on your phone by simply scrolling down. This gives detailed information on the daily happenings of the building.
Finally, I wanted to touch on some highlights from October.
- The hallways have never looked better and I was very impressed that the students showed such great respect and the decorations remained untouched for two weeks!
- Pep Club put on a great spirit week!
- The choir sounded spectacular for their fall concert!
- We have fresh honey!!!!
I look forward to a great November and wish everyone a safe Thanksgiving!
Did you Know?
Your Child's Health and Wellbeing - At RW we use a multitude of strategies that usually aren't seen by parents to impact your child's wellbeing!
- Positivity Project Building Healthy Relationships
- Sanitization
- Healthy Meals/Salad Bar Options
- Mental Health Therapist & Social Worker
- Social Emotional Learning in the Classroom with our Counselors
- Health Class during PE
- Opening the Gym/Outside for part of Lunch most days
- Pop and snack machines are off during the day
- Teams of Core Teachers
- Eye/Hearing Testing
- Mobile Dentist
- ALICE and Safety Drills
- Secured Campus/Buzz in System with Photo ID Checks
- Grow To Glow Club - LHS Girls assisting our RW Girls
Mark Your Calendars! NEW 2024/2025!
November 4-8 - Digital Citizenship Week
November 11 - Veteran's Day - We Thank You For Your Service
November 15 - Progress Reports Sent Home Via School Messenger
November 25 to 29 - Thanksgiving Holiday No School
December 23-January 3 - Winter Recess
Parent Advisory Committee
We need you! Please consider joining us for our PAC meeting on Wednesday, November 13 at 10:30 am in the Rolland-Warner Conference Room. We have frank and open conversations about the happenings in the school and plan out fun events for the students at RW. We need help planning and funding some events for the kids like hot chocolate and sugar cookies in December!
Light Up the Holidays Hallways
- At RW we are going to give the students the opportunity to decorate their iConnect doorway and bring led string lights to Light Up the Holidays directly following Thanksgiving!
6 Blue - Alec
Alec is a 6th-grade team blue student at Rolland-Warner with a variety of hobbies and interests! Alec enjoys Chess, video games, legos, reading, cooking, swimming, boating, four-wheeling, and riding the side-by-side. Alec says that Design and Modeling is his favorite class because it’s cool to get to design, measure, and build things at school.
Alec was nominated by our staff for being a hard worker and always giving his best effort. Staff say that Alec leads by example, is kind to his classmates, and frequently contributes to class discussions. Alec is a joy for them to get to work with in their classrooms.
We appreciate you, Alec; keep up the great work!
6 Green
Jaydon is a 6th-grade green-team student at Rolland-Warner with many interests. Jaydon likes playing football, playing videogames, and sometimes reading. Mr. Prill is Jaydon’s favorite teacher because he says that while Mr. Prill is good at teaching, he’s also really funny.
Jaydon was nominated by staff for being kind, and helping other students, and said to also have great leadership skills that staff members are seeing in the classroom.
Thank you, Jaydon, for all the great things you bring here to RW!
7 Blue - Emily
Emily is a 7th-grade student on the Blue team who is active outside of school doing both gymnastics and sideline cheer. Emily’s favorite teacher is Mrs. Furneaux because she’s super nice, and she loves that Mrs. Furneaux lets her students listen to music while they write.
Emily’s teachers say she is the epitome of a student that every teacher desires to have in their classroom. They describe her as being a leader in and out of the classroom, and say that she works hard to achieve her goals.
Keep being a leader, Emily; you make RW a better place!
7 Green - Trenton
Trenton is a 7th-grade student on team Green who enjoys not just his classes at Rolland-Warner, but also plays football, and soccer, and loves watching sports in general. Trenton’s favorite teacher at Rolland-Warner is Mrs. Gilbert because of her kindness and all the fun stuff that she plans.
Trenton was nominated by our staff because he is a leader in his classes and has a positive impact on his peers. Trenton is described as a good kid and he does a great job with helping out and working with the many different personalities in the LINKs program.
Thank you, Trenton, for all that you do to help make RW awesome!
RW Support Staff - Mrs. Prevo
Mrs. Prevo is the substitute head cook/cook’s helper in our kitchen here at Rolland-Warner. She started with the district in September of 2014 at Lapeer High School and then moved to RW shortly after, and we are blessed to have her.
Mrs. Prevo enjoys all kinds of things outside of school such as bowling, camping, playing bingo, and of course, watching Lightning Football!!! She really enjoys sitting around the campfire sharing stories, and lots of laughs with her friends and loved ones.
Mrs. Prevo was nominated by our staff because when someone needed to step in and fill the very large role of head cook she did, and has kept our cafeteria running as smoothly as possible with her team. There is so much planning and hard work that goes into preparing and serving the meals to 500+ students every day, and we really do appreciate the service with the friendly smile all of our kiddos get when they visit our cafeteria.
Thank you so much, Ms. Prevo, for being such a support to us here at RW!
RW Teacher - Mrs. Dodson
Mrs. Dodson is one of our fantastic teachers at Rolland-Warner, whom we currently have to share with the Zemmer building as well. Mrs. Dodson teaches Science, PLTW, and Coding. She enjoys running the ASL and Coding clubs, and getting to know her students in her classes and clubs.
Outside of school Mrs. Dodson enjoys doing crafts, calligraphy, and other artistic activities; she also enjoys watching her daughter dance and being a movie critic with her husband. Fun Fact: Mrs. Dodson’s favorite color is purple and has been since she was five years old.
Mrs. Dodson was nominated by our staff for being an amazing teacher. Staff described her as having great patience with her students (even the ones that could be described as very challenging). Her passion for growing students comes through in her teaching and classroom management, and she encourages all of her classes, bringing out the best in her students. Staff members say that they can tell students really trust Mrs. Dodson as evident by the relationships she’s able to build and not just with students, but with her peers as well, which is why they are so happy to get to work with her.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you, Mrs. Dodson!
Coach's Corner
The role of the learning coach is to partner with teachers to increase student learning through ongoing, embedded professional learning opportunities. These opportunities may include, but are not limited to: co-planning, co-teaching, action research projects, facilitating curriculum work and professional learning communities, resource gathering, reflective discussions, data collection/analysis support, and more.
Curriculum Update
Another approach that might be different from when we were in school is the strategic use of questioning in classrooms. In the past, when we, as students needed assistance, our own teachers likely helped us to memorize steps or showed us how to look up answers. The tasks students are being asked to engage with now are more complex and have many possible solutions. This shift matches our need to adapt to an ever-changing and advancing society. While in the past, many careers involved repetitive tasks and the need to be skilled at memorization, modern society requires us to draw from current resources to create new ideas and apply concepts in innovative ways.
Because of this, today’s teacher is often a facilitator of thinking. While students collaborate to discuss, debate, and draw conclusions, teachers deepen and challenge their thinking with powerful questions. Cognitive learning science tells us that asking questions vs telling or lecturing to students helps learners to retain more knowledge and promotes deeper understanding.
Counselor's Corner
Reach out to us if we can be of any help!
John McCreedy - A-L; (810) 538-2339
Larry Hochman - M-Z; (810) 538-2338
Shannon Holley - Secretary; (810) 538-2334, Ext 223361
Mental Health Specialist
Kevin Knickerbocker - (810) 538-2334, Ext 223321
What is Positivity Project?
This month the students will cover the character strengths of Knowing my Words and Actions Affect Others, Bravery, and Gratitude.
Volunteer @ RW 24/25!!!!
Student Handbook Notes
Each month a couple areas of the student handbook will be highlighted. Don’t forget the full student handbook can be found under the “Parents & Students” tab on our website at http://rw.lapeerschools.org/ This month’s focus is on volunteering and parent pick-ups.
Office check-in is required for all visitors. Please enter through the doors leading into the main office.
Parent volunteers make their school a better place for all students. Please visit our LCS website or come to the main office to obtain the proper documentation and procedures for becoming a volunteer. This must be done at least one month prior to an event to allow processing time. The approval may take up to 30 days and must be completed every three years. Volunteer forms can be found in the office.
Something that the school secretaries are required to do is to check IDs for parents, guardians, and family when they come into the office to check out a student. I know how it can be inconvenient to come into the school from the parking lot and be told you need to go back out to your car to get your ID. For that reason, please bring your ID in with you when picking up a student from school. While this may seem like a hassle, safety is our number one priority, and making sure we are checking IDs is a vital part of this process.
Speaking of volunteering, parents who are new to the middle school know that the opportunities that are available to volunteer are a lot different than the elementary schools. Because students switch classes every 50 minutes, there really is not a “homeroom” where parents can stay for extended time and help work with students on projects like in elementary school. This doesn’t mean we can’t use your help though! Events like the can/bottle drive are a great opportunity to help out. Other opportunities include chaperoning school dances, selling concessions at athletic events, going on field trips, and many other activities. Please check Facebook and the monthly newsletter for updates on what opportunities are available. All volunteers must have a volunteer form on file with Lapeer Community Schools.
Washington DC 2025/26
We cannot wait to start fundraising and announce the details for next year's Washington DC Trip as I know many of you cannot wait as well, however, we are currently reviewing quotes and working to get the best possible trip for the best possible cost for the current 7th graders. Once we have the best possible trip we will seek board approval and then be able to start fundraising and announce the trip! Stay tuned!
Title 1 & 31A Happenings
Did you know that districts are required to monitor that grant funds are only used to supplement, not supplant state and local funds that would be available in the absence of federal funds?
3 presumptions will be considered to determine if supplanting has occurred:
Presumption #1 – Required by Law or Policy: Supplanting is presumed if a state, district or school uses grant funds to pay for something that it is required to provide under other federal, state or local laws—or by Board policy or bargaining agreements.
Presumption #2 – Supported Last Year: Supplanting is presumed if a state, district or school uses grant funds to pay for something it supported last year with state or local funds.
Presumption #3 – Provided to Everyone: Supplanting is presumed if a district uses grant funds to pay for services that the district uses state or local funds to provide the same services in other schools.
Interested in Employment with LCS?
The District is currently hiring for multiple vacancies in our support staff unit. We offer competitive wages, flexible schedules, reduced rates for employee childcare, free admission to athletic events and more! We are currently looking to fill full and part-time vacancies in the following areas:
- Bus Drivers
- Custodians
- Food Service
- Paraprofessionals
- Substitutes in all areas
Please click the link to see all our openings and start the application process. If you wish to learn more about the available positions or how to apply, please call the LCS Human Resource office at (810) 538-1609 or if interested in a position at RW call the office (810) 538-2334 and we can get you headed in the right direction!
Contact HR for more information, email tammy.creason@lapeerschools.org or call 810.538.1609.
Winter 1/2 Sports 24/25
Rich Cross
Associate Principal - Zemmer 8/9 Campus
Middle School Athletic Director
810.667.2413 (ext. 222348)
Megan Parks
Associate Principal - RW 6/7 Campus
Amanda Turner
Attendance/Athletics Secretary - Rolland-Warner 6/7 Campus
810.538.2334 (ext. 223302)
Winter 1/2 Sports Athletic Clearance Process and Parent Meeting & Meet the Coach Night
Winter 1 Sports - Volleyball & Wrestling
Winter 2 Sports - Boys Basketball & Competitive Cheer
Athletic clearances are open for processing with Mrs. Turner in the Rolland-Warner main office and Mrs. Tiffany in the Zemmer main office. If you have already been cleared for Fall Sports this year, then you are all set! Winter 1/2 student athletes will receive a different colored clearance bracelet on the first day of practice/tryouts.
Winter 1/2 Sports Parents Meeting/Meet the Coach Night will be held on Monday, October 21st, at 6 p.m. in the Zemmer cafeteria. Athletic Clearance will not be available at the meeting. However, parents and students can get cleared through the RW/Zemmer main offices anytime prior to the start of Winter 1 practices.
Prior to the meeting, the following items are available in the office or online at http://lapeerlightning.com and MUST be turned into the RW/Zemmer Main Office prior to first practice/tryout:
- All athletes must have a completed 2024-2025 MHSAA Physical (dated April 15, 2024 or after)
- All athletes must have a completed Emergency Card
- All athletes must have a signed Athletic Code of Conduct Card (parent & student signatures required)
*All athletes must have passed at least 5/6 classes during previous academic semester.*
*Please see the Athletic Code of Conduct for information on Eligibility requirements (grades) needed last year and current.*
*Pay to Participate must be paid in full before any athlete may participate in a game/contest/meet.*
*Winter 2 practices will begin after Christmas Break, likely on Monday, January 6th*
Coaches Contact Information
MS Wrestling – Lenny Gosciniak - leonard.gosciniak@lapeerschools.org
Matt Wojciechowski - matthew.wojciechowski@lapeerschools.org
7th Volleyball – Jessica Kirk Jessica.Kirk@lapeerschools.org
Katherine DeCou Katherine.DeCou@lapeerschools.org
8th Volleyball - Taylor Rutledge - taylor.rutledge@lapeerschools.org
Lisa McAley - lisa.mcaley@lapeerschools.org
MS Competitive Cheer – Deanna Michalik - deanna.michalik@lapeerschools.org
7th Boys Basketball – TBD
8th Boys Basketball - Phil Widzinski - philip.widzinski@lapeerschools.org
Practice Times & Locations
MS Wrestling - 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. @ RW Cafeteria
7th Volleyball - 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. @ RW Gym
8th Volleyball - 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. @ Zemmer Gym
MS Competitive Cheer - Tryouts Dec. 16th, 17th & 18th from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. @ Zemmer
7th Boys Basketball - Tryouts Jan. 6th - 8th at (time TBD) @ RW Gym
8th Boys Basketball - Tryouts Jan. 6th - 8th at (time TBD) @ Zemmer Gym.
MS Wrestling
7th Volleyball
8th Volleyball
***Please be reminded that all schedules are subject to updates and changes prior to the start of the season***
Rolland-Warner Contact Information
Wyatt Stevens, Principal
Megan Parks, Associate Principal/Athletics
Kent Meister, Dean of Students
Renee Shrontz, Head Secretary
Amanda Turner, Attendance/Athletics Secretary
Email: renee.shrontz@lapeerschools.org
Website: rw.lapeerschools.org
Location: 3145 West Genesee Street, Lapeer, MI, USA
Phone: (810) 538-2334
Facebook: https://facebook.com/RollandWarnerMiddleSchool
Twitter: @Lapeerschools