Trailside Academy
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September 2024
24-25 Trailside Staff Crew! This photo was taken at Mapleton's annual welcome back. We were encouraged to dress in a way that represents our school culture. We chose to dress as a construction crew, since we are always working together to build toward our vision of meaningful student work, mindsets for success and ownership of learning!
A Strong Start to the 2024-2025 School Year!
We have so enjoyed welcoming our students to another great year of learning. Students are well into their first units. We hope you are feeling connected to the classroom with the weekly update that teachers are sharing about learning topics and goals. To access these updates and other important school announcements, be sure to connect with us on Bloomz! Download the app and join your child's class with a code. Please call or email the office, TrailsideOffice@mapleton.us ir 303.853.3040, if you need help getting connected.
Arrival and Dismissal Support
Thank you so much for your assistance with safe and efficient procedures for arrival and dismissal. Overall, things are much improved. We've consistently been dismissing all students in less than 10 minutes! A few items to note:
- If you arrive early to dismissal, please consider the impact of idling cars on our neighbors. Turning off your car reduces the exhaust they are exposed to.
- Even if the line is moving slowly, it is important to drive in the designated lane. The through-lane doesn't open until after the exit from the parking lot. Pulling out of the line early creates unsafe traffic patterns.
- Students should be picked up in the Hug-and-Go area by the field. Stopping to let students in cars before the Hug-and-Go puts students, staff and families at risk. Please continue pulling forward to meet your student. This includes exiting your vehicle to help with a car seat. The Hug-and-Go is the safest place to help students get in their car seats.
- Please continue to respect all staff on duty with orange vests and stop signs and follow their directions. We appreciate your attention at busy times to promote student safety.
Upcoming Events
- Sept. 19 - No PK (Tuition Childcare Open)
- Sept. 17 - 8th Grade Fieldwork to Adams County Career Expo
- Sept. 20 - No School (Tuition Childcare Open)
- Sept. 23 - No School (Tuition Childcare Open)
- Sept. 25 - SAAC at 5:30pm (see below for more information)
- Sept. 26 - Leader of the Pack Assembly
- Oct. 3 - Fall Picture Day!
- Oct. 4 - Fun Run and Fall Festival!
- Oct. 9 and 10 - Fall Conferences
- Oct. 11 - Mapleton Homecoming! Early Release at 12:55
- Oct. 11 - No PK (Tuition Childcare Open)
- Oct. 14 and 15 - No School (Tuition Childcare Open)
- Oct. 16 - 4th Grade Fieldwork to Clyfford Still Museum
- Oct. 18 - 2nd Grade Fieldwork to Dinosaur Ridge
Students celebrate our strong start to the year at an Attendance celebration today!
Attendance Awareness Month!
September is Attendance Awareness Month!
The 2024-2025 school year is off to a great start, with well over 90% attendance school-wide throughout the month of August. We celebrated with an extra recess, complete with fun music and bubbles. But that's not all - we will keep celebrating great attendance all year long. For more information, please visit Trailside's Attendance Matters webpage. Let's work together to make sure every student is in class, on time, every day!
Trailside PIE Update
What is PIE?
Partners in Education (PIE) is a school-based volunteer group made up of parents and guardians with the mission to make our school an even better place for our students to learn and grow. Basically, it’s Mapleton Public School’s version of PTA, and best of all, as a Trailside family, you are already a part of PIE. There are no fees, dues, or obligation. Just show up to a meeting or sign up to volunteer.
Thank you to the families that came to our meeting last week. Check out our website, TrailsidePIE.com, for meeting minutes, spirit wear order forms, a calendar of events, and much more!
Room Parent Information
Room parents have been assigned and an introductory email has been sent out, please check the email address you provided if you filled out a form to be considered. These classes still need room parents: Ms. Conrad PM (Pre-K), Ms. Zimbelman (Pre-K), Mr. Ramsey (5th) and 8th grade. Please email TrailsidePIE@gmail.com for more information or to volunteer.
Treat Trolley
Sunshine Committee is organizing the first Treat Trolley of the year on September 13th, at 8:00 am. You are invited to participate or donate, check out the link to sign up. This is a fun way to celebrate our teachers and staff and thank them for all their hard work! Sign up here!
Library Information
Thank you for your dedication and for helping to make our library a wonderful place for the community. We are still in need of additional volunteers to cover some shifts. Please take a moment to review the schedule, and let us know if you are available to volunteer.
Water Only in Classrooms
This expectation, along with many others, is outlined in our Student and Family Handbook. Please take a few minutes to review this document and talk with your student.
SAAC - Another way to get involved!
Every quarter, ALL families have the opportunity to participate in SAAC - School Advisory and Accountability Committee. The purpose of this group is to review the school improvement plan, school budget and spending, and provide input. This year, we will be offering childcare and light refreshments! Meetings begin at 5:30pm, and Spanish translation will be available. Add the dates to your calendar:
- Sept. 25
- Dec. 18
- Mar. 12
- May 14
Chromebook Chargers
This year, Mapleton is asking families to purchase replacement chargers if students lose the one assigned to them. Most students are leaving their chromebooks at school to charge. However, if your student brings their charger home, please be aware of this change in policy.
SEL and Sources of Strength
This year, Trailside teachers will use Sources of Strength to support students' social emotional development. Sources of Strength is a framework that takes a strengths-based approach to building resilience and good mental health. Teachers recently participated in lessons from unit 1 together to prepare to implement them in the classroom. Consider asking your student about their sources of strength in each of the 8 categories shown on the wheel and share about how your sources of strength support you!
Trailside Academy
Email: TrailsideOffice@mapleton.us
Director: Jessie Massey, masseyj@mapleton.us
Website: www.mapleton.us/trailsideacademy
Location: 2300 West 67th Place, Denver, CO, USA
Phone: (303)853-3040