North Point News
January 12, 2025

Welcome Back, Grizzly Nation!
We hope everyone had a fantastic winter break! This was definitely the longest one I can remember. We can't wait to welcome all of our Grizzlies back tomorrow morning.
A new semester means a fresh start for everyone!
Final Exam Make-Up Days
If a student missed any of their final exams, they will be expected to take them upon their return. We will have our testing center open during WIN Time as well as Grizzly Assist after school in the library with extended hours from 2:30-4:30 pm on January 13, January 14, and January 15. Students need to have final exams completed by Wednesday, January 15, so we are able to finalize athletic eligibility, course changes, etc.
Please Note: Due to all of our snow days, grades will now publish to the Focus Parent Portal on Wednesday, January 15 at 4 pm. Parents can view grades and will have the option to print the report card on their own. The district will no longer email out report cards.
Club Picture Day including Senior Panoramic Photo
Club Picture Day will take place on Tuesday, January 14 in our auxiliary gym. We will begin by calling seniors down for the senior panoramic photo starting at 8 am.
8:00 - Senior Panoramic
8:30 - Band, Color/Winter Guard, Choir
8:45 - Art Club, HOSA, FCA
9:00 - NHS, Best Buddies, STUCO
9:15 - Scholar Bowl, Robotics, FBLA & DECA
9:30 - Special Sports, Guitar Club, BSU
9:45 - Drama, World Quest, Book Club
10:00 - Class Officers (Freshmen Club, etc.), FCCLA, TSA, Brother's Keepers
10:15 - Online News, Broadcast Media, Yearbook
8th Grade Family Night
MARK YOUR CALENDARS...We are excited to welcome all of our incoming freshmen to NPHS on Wednesday, February 5 at 6 pm for our 8th Grade Family Night! We will meet briefly in our auditorium to introduce our team and discuss information on course requests, A+, credits for graduation, etc. This portion of the evening will last approximately 30 minutes. Afterwards, we will have an academic and activities fair in our cafeteria. We will have many of our teachers and coaches on hand to answer questions and share what we have to offer. More info. to come...
Sophomore Meeting with Jostens
Thursday, January 30, Jostens will be with us to meet with all sophomores regarding class rings and letterman jackets at 11:30 am during Den Time in our auditorium. The presentation should only last approximately 30 minutes. Jostens will return on Thursday, February 6 during WIN Time for orders and sizing as well as from 2-4 pm for any parents who wanted to stop by.
Our Administration & Counseling Teams
Mr. Andrew Elemendorf, andrewelmendorf@wsdr4.org - Asst. Principal for Last Names A-G
Mrs. Kristy VanRonzelen, kristinavanronzelen@wsdr4.org - Counselor for Last Names A-G
Mr. Danny Bethmann, danielbethmann@wsdr4.org - Asst. Principal for Last Names H-O
Mr. Kurt Laughman, konradlaughman@wsdr4.org - Counselor for Last Names H-O
Mr. Jim Hieger, jameshieger@wsdr4.org - Asst. Principal for Last Names P-Z
Mrs. Meridith Haley, meridithhaley@wsdr4.org - Counselor for Last Names P-Z
*** Please Note - Mrs. Haley is on maternity leave. Please reach out to Mr. John Stevenson at johnstevenson@wsdr4.org until Mrs. Haley returns in March.
Save the Dates
Here are some important upcoming dates for you to save...
- January 20 - No Classes PK-12 (MLK Day)
- February 5 - 8th Grade Night (6 pm - 8 pm)
- February 10 - Late Start (9:20 am - 2:20 pm)
- February 17 - No Classes PK-12 (Presidents' Day)
- February 18 - No Classes PK-12 (PD Day)
- March 10 - Late Start (9:20 am - 2:20 pm)
- March 24-28 - No Classes PK-12 (Spring Break)
- MARK YOUR CALENDARS: June 1 - Class of 2025 Graduation at the Family Arena at 8:30 pm
What's Happening INSIDE the DEN!
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and Instagram for ALL the latest updates!
Dr. Shelmire - @Dr_Shelmire (Twitter) and north_point_grizzlies (Instagram)
Dr. Adams - @NP_Grizzlies_AD (Twitter) and north_point_grizzlies_ad (Instagram)
Mr. Bethmann - @DBethmann_NPHS (Twitter)
Mr. Elmendorf - @Elmendorf_NP_AP (Twitter)
Mr. Hieger - @NP_Hieger (Twitter)
Contact Information - Dr. Amanda Shelmire
Email: amandashelmire@wsdr4.org
Website: wentzville.k12.mo.us/northpoint
Location: 2255 West Meyer Road, Wentzville, MO, USA
Phone: 636-445-5344