Tawanka Times
2nd Grade
The children then displayed their traps in their classrooms and went on tour throughout the 2nd grade pod to view one another’s creations!
K'Nex Challenge
Preston Hanisch, Jayarein Touch, Kyle Cramer, Kara McMullen, Kaitlyn Wolf, Madelyn Hammon, Luke Millward, and Owen Magee attended the K’nex Challenge hosted by the Bucks County IU 22 on March 8, 2019. The challenge preparation began in January as they had to create a machine that could move 3 objects at least 6 inches across a table. A “crane” had to pick up the object, move it 6 inches and set it back down. The machine was encouraged to be environmentally friendly. Madelyn Hammon and Katie Wolf chose to use solar power and Preston, Jarayein, Kyle, Kara, Owen and Luke chose to use battery-operated motors to power their machines. This was the first time Tawanka has attended the K’nex Challenge and we competed against 64 teams. They utilized every weekly minute during K’nex Club, class and recess to build the best machine to meet the challenge requirements. Their hard work paid off as both teams were nominated for at least one award. Kaitlyn Wolf and Madelyn Hammon brought home the Best Teamwork for Tawanka. As a group, we learned how important it is to work together and have fun!!
Mrs. Ross's Second Grade class and Mrs. Gartenmayer's 4th Grade class met with their buddies to work on a fun spring project using their 1 to 1 technology. Using all the words to describe spring, they created a word art picture. They really enjoyed learning how to use this neat website. The two classes will meet again next to work to complete their project and print their pictures.
The Tawanka Third Grade celebrated our “Character Counts” theme again this trimester. Each teacher awarded eight worthy students in the respective categories of: Respect, Honesty, Responsibility, Perseverance, Courage, Citizenship, Positivity & Cooperation.
Mrs. Tryon's Award Winners
Respect- Savannah Palmer
Honesty- Matthew Briggs
Responsibility- Kieran Griffis
Perseverance- Selena Morsi
Courage- Max Newbold
Citizenship- Ryder Bruno
Positivity- Olivia McAndrew
Cooperation- Braydon Rinella
Mrs. Randle's Award Winners
Respect- Kole Resh
Honest- Joy Peterson
Responsibility- Adyson Freitas
Perseverance- Cael Harner
Courage- Adam Frydlewicz
Citizenship- Parker Van Wert
Positivity- Reagan Duckworth
Cooperation- Olivia Evans
Mr. Wyatt's Award Winners
Respect-Jeremy Gripp
Honesty-Logan Yeager
Responsibility-Kenzo Ferreira
Perseverance-Tyler Davis
Courage-Ella Marie Dinda
Citizenship-Devorah Dailey
Positivity-Aubrey Davis
Cooperation-Steven Daino
Mrs. Davis' Award Winners
Respect-Joshua Jophy
Honest- Madisyn Sarcewicz
Responsibility- Madelyn McVaugh
Perseverence- Elijah Lyashenko
courage- Juliette Simmons
citizenship- Reegan McCormick
positivity- Emma Brambani
cooperation- Nia Loiacono
Mrs. Sylvester's Award Winners
Respect- Tiffany Coppola
Honesty-Sy Kavitsky
Responsibility- Catie Melhuish
Perseverance-Madden Lerner
Courage-Layla Wiley
Citizenship-Owen Cassidy
Positivity-Saul Sanchez
Cooperation-Samuel Murray
Mrs. Millevoi's Award Winners
Respect- Reagan Hunter
Honest- Chloe Coombs
Responsibility- Chelsea Stoneback
Perseverance- Jack Birmingham
Courage- JP Krawczyk
Citizenship- Makenzie Hannon
Positivity- Eric Clarke
Cooperation- Travis Wilhelm
Box Top Winners
They were the winner of the box top contest!!
Mrs. Tryon's 3rd Grade class came in second place.
Both classes got pizza parties!
Kickball Winners
Congrats to the Twins for winning the 4th grade intramural kickball season. Twins players: Ryan Charlton, Koen Lowney, Henry Seckinger, Caden Craig, Luke Marchesano, Kara McMullen, Maddie Hammon and Taylor Teneglia. Not pictured Jeremy Jones. Also a special shout-out to Kara McMullen for making a team spirit head-band.
K-2 Engagement Night
350 very happy kids and parents enjoyed a rotation of activities!!
Thank you to the staff who took their time to organize this fun event!
Healthy Me Club had their first meeting this morning – the kids spent time working in their journals, they played a team building trust game, and started some new friendships.
The Harlem Wizards visited our gym to have some fun with the children and to promote the big game against The Neshaminy Staff. The game will take place in Gym 3 at Neshaminy High School Saturday, April 6 at 7 PM.
In addition to its high anthocyanin content, blood oranges are low in calories, an excellent source of Vitamin C, and a good source of fiber and potassium.
The kids were excited to try this fruit.
#StandUp Neshaminy is hosting the Sunset Challenge 5K & 2K running race at Maple Point Middle School on Friday, May 10 at 6:45 pm. Runners, students and families are all encouraged to join this fun competition! The race course is certified and will be electronically timed by RunBucks, LLC.
All pre-registrations include a race t-shirt. Banners will be awarded for the highest participation rate and fastest average times for Neshaminy elementary schools in the 2K race, and middle schools for the 5K race.
To register, please visit www.neshaminy.org/sunsetchallenge.
All visitors MUST scan their driver's license in the Kiosk when they enter the visitor's door.
All clearances MUST be on file in the office to attend any in-school activity during school hours including class activities, field day and field trips. Click on the link below to view info on how to obtain your clearances.
Please see flyers below for the Title 1 Parent Workshop Invitation.
Any Tawanka parent can attend. Please print and fill out form if you are interested and return to Mrs. Gross by Thursday March 7th.
Click link below to print flyers