News and events
December 4, 2023
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday December 5 - 8: Coin Drive
Friday, December 8: Start of tri celebration
Monday, December 11: PTO meeting
Friday, December 15: Book Swap
Monday, December 25 - Tuesday, January 2: No school, Winter Break
Wednesday, January 3: Return to school
Monday, January 15: No school, Holiday
A message from the principal
Dayton Families,
During the first trimester of school, our students focused on achieving rigorous academic goals, strengthening their social emotional skills and building their classroom communities. To celebrate all we’ve accomplished in this first trimester and the beginning of our second trimester, we have a special day planned for Friday, December 8. The theme: Our Dayton Eagles Rock! We are proud of our Eagles and look forward to celebrating with them on this day and beyond.
During the month of December, our school-wide focus is empathy. Character Strong defines empathy as “understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings.” We encourage you to check in with your child about empathy. Look for, and discuss ways it impacts our world and our relationships. Want even more information about empathy? Check out these additional resources to support your conversations at home:
Kindergarten Family Connection
Thank you for your continued partnership.
-Mrs. Wippler
Report card information will be shared with families by Monday, December 11, 2023. Watch for a special edition of the news on how to access your child's report card online.
February Conferences
Save the date for conferences in February. Sign-up will come in January.
Thursday, February 8
Monday, February 12
Tuesday, February 13
Congratulations to the Dayton 2023 Kindness Poster Winners!
Ellie, Grade 5
Elvina, Grade 4
Oliver, Grade 3
Hudson, Grade 2
Max, Grade 1
Michaela, Kindergarten
December Specialists Highlights
Highlight: Fourth Grade Ming Vases
This trimester, fourth graders are exploring how art communicates ideas, feelings, and information. They studied vases made during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and learned about why these cultural and artistic artifacts have sold for upwards of $74 million. During the time period, artists developed new technologies and techniques related to pottery work–the symbols included on these vases represent wealth, luxury, and prosperity. Students created their own vases incorporating natural symbols and used collage techniques to create cherry blossom branches.
Fifth grade has been learning about Google sheets and all the things it can do including entering data and creating graphs. They will be creating timelines about American history. Fourth grade will continue their learning about Google slides. Students are researching a state, recording information, and learning the tools in Slides. Third grade students are finishing up a report in Google Docs. Student researched an animal and then typed a report about. They will continue to investigate the tools used in Google Docs and how to format a paragraph correctly.
First grade will discover PebbleGo, a research site. Students will use it to investigate an animal or person of their choice. Kindergarteners will continue to learn about Seesaw. They will create a project about themselves.
Students at Dayton Elementary have been working extremely hard learning about the world around them! Kindergarteners will begin their Marble Run Engineer Module where they will focus on using force to make objects move faster. First graders are starting their Animal Reporters Module and will focus on animal parts and how they are used. Second grade students are working on physical science. They are engineering and testing towers for strength. They will then look at reversible and irreversible changes. Our Third graders continue their work on The Ultimate Playground and bring magnetic games to life! Fourth graders continue their work with maps focusing on Satellite-Produced images and understanding population distribution. Fifth grade students are learning about explorers. They will research an explorer, not studied in class, and create a report to share their findings.
November was a busy month of learning in the library! Kindergarten - 2nd graders have continued reading Star of the North nominee books. Third graders learned about Destiny Discover, our online library catalog for Dayton. This system allows students to see which books they have checked out, put items on hold, and search for books in our library. Fourth and fifth graders reviewed this amazing tool as well, and practiced searching for books. In December, we will focus on makerspaces! Makerspace activities are a time for exploration, challenges, creating new things, and working together. We have many activities for students to choose from. Some of our craft and exploration activities require craft materials and other consumables. Look for a way that you can help support our makerspaces coming soon!
As always, we are singing, moving, playing instruments, reading, writing and creating music. Each trimester we focus on learning about Pitch (the high and low in music), Rhythm (the short and long sounds and silences) and Form (how music is organized) Each class time your students are improving in the music skills!
Happy Holiday!
In December, we are working on strength, core, and balance. Activities will include tumbling, gymnastics, stations, and strength challenges. Have a relaxing break!
Dayton Elementary PTO
2023/2024 Dayton PTO Meetings
12/11: 6:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
1/8: 6:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
2/12: 6:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
No meeting in March
4/8: 6:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
5/13: 6:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
Childcare will be provided for school age children!
We still have open board positions that we are looking to fill!
Volunteer News
December PTO Meeting *Childcare Provided in the gym - Monday, Dec. 11th 6:00-7:15p
Thank you! Lunchroom Helpers: Ashley Barnes, Kara Boespflug, Linda Borchardt, Hayley Haron, Colleen Liegakos, Page Peterson, Becca Phillips, & Leigh Westphal
Enrichment programs
(provided by the Parent Involvement department of dist. #11)
In November we kicked off “K-Skill builders” which provides 10 minutes of 1:1 support with a trained volunteer. Skills include tracing letters, letter names & sounds, sorting and finding letters, reading aloud, counting, and building number recognition. The current volunteer is a retired school teacher herself who dedicates her Thursdays from 11:35 a.m. -1:25 p.m. We appreciate Mrs. L!
We are looking for more volunteers to provide this service to Kinders on the following days:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday 11:45 a.m -1:00 p.m. A weekly recurring volunteer is preferred. No experience necessary, training & materials are provided.
Challenge Reading
Do you enjoy a good book? Want to be a part of a book club?
If you answered yes, I encourage you to share your passion with like-minded children at Dayton Elementary. We are kicking off the “Challenge Reading” enrichment program for January - But we need your help. You choose a book from a pre-selected list of age-appropriate chapter books & lead discussion.
Groups meet either before school or after school 1x/week for 4-8 weeks.
If you would like more information please contact Christina Cagle (VSC) or by phone at 763-506-2230
Book Swap
Once per month Dayton Elementary has a book swap.
This is a time to bring in a book or two to exchange for something new.
Who: Open to all students of Dayton Elementary
What: Bring in a gently used book or two to exchange for something new to read
When: Friday, December 15, Jan. 19, Feb. 16, March 8, April 12, May 31
Time: 9:15 - 9:30 am
*Donations are always welcome, just drop off books in the front vestibule labeled for the book swap.
Dayton Elementary participates in the Box Tops for Education, so please scan your receipts. It helps raise money for our school! Click here to learn how.
Parent Education and Family Engagement
Hello Dayton Elementary Families! My name is Stacy Handeland and I am the Parent and Family Educator for your school.
Parenting is not an easy job and we are here to support you. There are many resources through Anoka-Hennepin that address common parenting questions and concerns. Online recordings, Parenting tip sheets and one-on-one support is all available through our website:
Please contact me anytime!
Bus app: FirstView bus app
Anoka-Hennepin families have access to their students’ bus routes through the FirstView bus app. The app monitors regular school bus routes in real-time. And, it’s free for parents/guardians and students.
While Anoka-Hennepin buses have an excellent on-time performance record, inclement weather, traffic delays, and driver shortages may impact routes. The FirstView bus app provides bus arrival times, anticipated length of any delay, an estimated arrival time and if a substitute bus is being used on the route. Email, push and/or text notifications can inform families of such information instantly.
Go to to learn more or download FirstView from the Apple or Android app stores.
Quick Information
Absences and Late Arrivals (Attendance line is open 24/7)
Report absences and late arrivals by calling the attendance line OR by entering online. Attendance must be reported to the attendance office. Teachers can be notified only as a courtesy.
Log into My Student Information or the ParentVUE app. Refer to these step-by-step directions for more information.
Change in Dismissal (Please CALL the main office by 3:00 p.m.)
Student Release from School
District guidelines require us to verify the ID of anyone picking up a student from school. Only parents or guardians are permitted to leave with students without verbal or written parent permission. It does not matter if they are an emergency contact.
Please call the school office at 763-506-2200 if someone else is picking up your child. All students leaving school during school hours will be signed out at the school office.
*We do not call children down for early dismissal until the parent/guardian arrives. Please plan accordingly for a little wait time.
Student Morning drop-off
Drop-off occurs from 9:15 am to 9:30 am. Students may enter the building at 9:15 am, when the first bell rings. Please do not drop your child(ren) off at school before 9:15 a.m. There is no supervision if students arrive before 9:15 a.m.
First Student Bus Co.
763.421.5785 First Student Champlin (regular routes to/from Dayton Elementary)
763.421.3199 First Student Anoka (students receiving special education transportation)
Please save these Bus Company numbers for use when the school office is closed. The bus company dispatch can locate and communicate with drivers on bus routes.
This e-newsletter is published by Dayton Elementary School, supported by the Anoka-Hennepin communication and public relations department. Questions, comment or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.