New Year Letter
17th January 2025
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back from the Christmas break. I hope that you and your family are refreshed and looking forward to a successful term.
School Assemblies
We have returned to school with Mr O’Donoghue, Head of School running morning assemblies this week speaking to the students about the school’s recent School of the Year Award, all the amazing things that Cardinal Pole does which helped us to secure this award and how they can achieve their own rewards in school. (see below)
Thank you for your support with our charity collections that took place during Advent. They proved extremely successful and we collected a large number of items for the Hackney Foodbank.
We welcome a new Science Teacher to Cardinal Pole Catholic School this year, Mr Cutteridge, we wish him every success in his new Department.
Parent Letters
You will have noted from this letter that we are now using a new system to share school letters with you. This new system will enable you to view the letter more easily from your mobile phone and will also allow you to translate the letter into your “home” language if necessary. We hope that you find this update useful.
A reminder that students are to wear plain black coats only. These coats should not have any logos or fur on them, if found, they may be confiscated.
We are acutely aware of the current cost of living crisis and would welcome any donations from parents/carers of pre-loved uniform or other equipment which could be passed onto those in need. Please leave any items you wish to donate with our school reception. I am also sensitive to the financial difficulties families are facing and therefore if the school can help at this time, please email enquiries@cardinalpole.co.uk and your request will be dealt with in confidence.
Key Dates
Saturday 18th January 2025: Study School for Year 13 (Sociology and Chemistry students)
Thursday 23rd January 2025: Year 10 Parents' Evening
Saturday 25th January 2025: Study School Year 11 Drama and Science and Year 13 Psychology students
Tuesday 28th January 2025: Head of School's Parent Forum 1.30pm
Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th February 2025: Year 11 GCSE Drama Performance
Monday 10th February 2025: Year 11 & 13 Mocks all week
Monday 10th February 2025: Year 12 AP1.5 Exams
Monday 10th February 2025: In-School Rewards Week
Monday 17th - 21st February 2025: Half Term
Yours in service,
Mr A Hall
Contact Us
Website: https://www.cardinalpole.co.uk/
Location: 205 Morning Ln, London E9 6LG, UK
Phone: 020 8985 5150