RVE Staff Bulletin
Updates For The Week of Dec. 2
Important Upcoming Dates
Monday, December 2 (Day 4)
- Staff Meeting 2:15 in MPR (Agenda below)
Tuesday, December 3 (Day 5)
- Sped PLC 2:15 in Sped Meeting Space
Wednesday, December 4 (Day 1)
- iTeam 2:15 in Large Conference Room
Thursday, December 5 (Day 2)
- Student Support Team 9:30 in Shawn's Office
- Equity Team 2:15 in CARES Room
Friday, December 6
- Professional Development Day (No Students)
- LEGO Robotics After School 2:15-4:30
Lightning Round of Quick Reminders
- Nurse Lisa's lunch break will be from 12:15-12:45 each day. Please make a note of it and do not send students to the nurse's office during that time unless it is an emergency.
If you want a laminated behavior referral QR Code for the inside of your lanyard/badge, please see Jen Cole. She has extra copies of it.
Agenda For Monday's Staff Meeting
Click here to see the running agenda. On the agenda for Monday's meeting:
1. Riverview GLOWs
2. Equity Micro-PD with Mauri
Dec. 6 Professional Development Day Details
Friday, December 6 is a staff development day for all licensed staff. Folks will be focused on CAREIALL work or their alternative plan. There is a scheduled live zoom from 7:45-9:45 and all modules from unit 4 should be completed by that morning.
However, since this was originally a "FLEX Day" it is not included in the dedicated work days that were guaranteed to paraprofessionals through the Meet & Confer process. As a result, paraprofessionals do not need to report to work that day. Also:
- January 10 is a staff development/CAREIALL day that IS a work day for paras
- February 14 is a staff development/CAREIALL day that IS NOT a work day for paras
Stay Focused on CAREIALL Work; It Is Important!
I completely understand how busy everyone is this time of year and how much is on everyone's plate. That said, I want to remind everyone to put forth their best effort on the CAREIALL work we will be doing together on Friday. Our collaborative learning around best practices in literacy development are having a significant and systematic impact on our school and the learning of our students. It is happening! Don't lose focus! Let's keep the momentum going!
I appreciate everyone's commitment to this ongoing professional development.
Project Based Learning/Showcase Discussion Follow Up
Thank you to Christine Sell and the rest of that team for leading a thoughtful discussion around the future of our annual showcase. In case you missed it (or wanted a refresher) you can click here to see what each group shared in response to some thought provoking prompts.
Clarification On Process If/When An Injury Occurs at Work
If you are injured on the job you should call the SFM work injury hotline at 855- 675-3501 as soon as possible after sustaining the injury. You can call anytime 24/7 including weekends and holidays. You will talk to a nurse at SFM. They will document details of the injury and recommend treatment options. If/when you ever have to do this, please send Shawn an email as well to let him know that the incident occurred and how it occurred.
You can click here for more information from the HR website.
Farmington Area Education Foundation Now Accepting Grant Applications
The Farmington Area Education Foundation is nowaccepting grant applications for the 2024-2025 school year. Any ISD 192 staff member may apply for a grant. Applications should be submitted to your building principal no later than December 20, 2024. Click here to find the application form and learn more.
The Farmington Area Education Foundation’s mission is to support and enhance innovative educational opportunities by fostering community involvement and financial support for students in ISD 192.
Some examples of grants that have been awarded in recent years include VEX robots at Boeckman Middle School (2023), graphing calculators at Farmington High School (2023), storytelling kits at Farmington Elementary School (2022), maker space materials at Akin Road Elementary School (2022), reef and jungle room equipment at Riverview Elementary School (2022), and wi-fi signal expansion district-wide (2021).
Thank you to the Farmington Area Education Foundation for their ongoing support of our learning community!
Community Education Summer Proposals Due January 15
If you are interested in partnering with Community Education to run an enrichment class or club for youth or adults during the Summer of 2025, proposals are due January 15, 2025!
What a partnership with Community Education looks like:
- We work with you to establish dates, times, price, budget, and reserve all necessary facilities.
- We advertise classes and clubs on our website, social media, email, school newsletters, and our Community Education Fall Catalog (which is mailed to 12,000 Farmington Area Residents and Businesses).
- We can manage supply orders for your class and will process all hiring and payroll through the district’s HR.
- We also manage all registrations and fee collections, customer service for participants, and help manage any other logistics related to the class!
- Classes and Clubs receive a 70/30 partnership, which means:
- 70% of the revenue goes towards supplies and instructors of the class (this includes payroll tax).
- 30% of the revenue from the class goes back to the district to cover facilities and administrative costs.
Interested in offering a class? CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT YOUR PROPOSAL!!
Please reach out to Enrichment Coordinator, Sarah Erickson at serickson@farmington.k12.mn.us with questions.
Scan or Click QR Code To Submit a Behavior Referral
About Riverview: A Learner Centered Community
The mission of Riverview Elementary School, a learner-centered community that transforms the future of learning, is to ensure each individual continuously grows emotionally, socially, and academically to have a positive impact in their communities through:
- Honoring the diverseness of our communities
- Learning experiences driven by passions, sparks, and interests
- Reflection on the learning process and real-life experiences
- Collaborative relationships, trust, and open communication
Our Objectives:
- Each learner continuously demonstrates academic and personal growth.
- Each learner develops the skills to understand how they learn best.
- Each learner possesses the skills to advocate for themselves and others.
- Each learner continuously explores personal interests and passions to drive their learning.