Glenwood Community Update
November 3rd, 2024
Greetings InvestiGators!
This is Principal Bennett with your community update.
Topics Include - Daylight Savings Time, Q1 Student Services, 3rd Grade Field Trip, Teacher Workday & Report Card Distribution
Daylights Savings Time
Q1 - Student Services Newsletter
11/4 - 3rd Grade Field Trip to UNC Women's Basketball Game
11/5 - Teacher Workday / Election Day
No school for students on this day
11/8 - Report Card Distribution
Dental Care Event
Contact Nurse Traci for questions and enrollment.
Lost & Found
We are starting to see an increase in the number of items in lost and found by the carpool entrance. None of the items have student names on them. Please check the lost and found when you are on campus.
District Message
Orange County School Bond: Voters in Orange County, NC, will decide on a $300 million school bond in the upcoming election. If approved, this bond will provide essential funding for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools and Orange County Schools, focusing on key projects over ten years to address critical school construction and priority needs.
New website! Click here to access more detailed information about the bond and the proposed projects.
Need 2024 Bond Education Materials to share? Request them here.
Early voting will start on October 17, and Election Day is November 5.
Upcoming Dates & Events
11/11 - Veterans' Day Holiday - No School
SIT Meeting
Tuesday, Nov 19, 2024, 03:30 PM
Glenwood Elementary School, Prestwick Road, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Thanksgiving Holiday Week (No School) 11/25 - 12/1
Quick Links
Here Comes the Bus
Download the Bus App! CHCCS uses “Here Comes the Bus”, an app that enables you to see the location of your child’s school bus.
Here’s what to do:
- Look for “Here Comes the Bus” wherever you download your apps, or visit
- Use the District Code: 86446
- Enter your student's identification number. Refer to previous years’ report cards or other school documents. Or, you must contact your school.
- No bus tracking service is 100% accurate.
- Bus substitutions are sometimes made. This can affect the accuracy of the Here Comes the Bus app.
- If you do not receive an app notification, do not assume the bus isn't coming. If in doubt, call the CHCCS Transportation office at (919) 942-5045.
Attendance & Illness Process
We have had an increase in student absences due to illness. For absences that exceed 3 consecutive days a note will be recommended from a pediatrician. Please keep the following information in mind regarding illness
When your children are sick:
- Please keep your student home from school if they have FEVER >100.1 (CHCCS Policy), VOMITING or DIARRHEA
- Students can return when they are fever, vomit and diarrhea free for 24 hours (without use of medications)
- It is always recommended to contact your pediatrician for a medical assessment when your child is sick to determine the proper treatment plan.
- Please email your child’s teacher, Mrs. Jones (attendance) and Nurse Traci so we can provide guidance and support for your family.
- We no longer quarantine or isolate for COVID-19. A negative test is not required to return to school. (Could test positive for 3 months)
Glenwood Library FAQ
Dismissal Procedures
Prestwick Road
Make sure that for arrival and especially the dismissal process you use Prestwick Road. This will allow space for our buses and the Fire Department to navigate traffic smoothly.
Carpool Numbers
Our flier and video below share more information about our dismissal process.
For afternoon dismissal, our school uses a number system. Families will keep their numbers for the entire time they stay at Glenwood. When new siblings join our community you will simply communicate this to our staff and they will be added to our database. Likewise, if you regularly carpool with a family on a consistent basis, you may include other students. It is essential to ensure you share the number with guardians who may pick up your student as this will help maintain the traffic flow.
Our staff will assist the first few weeks of school with distributing numbers as needed.
Follow us on Social Media
Location: 2 Prestwick Road, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Phone: 919-968-3473
Twitter: @GlenwoodGator