RPS Update
August 30, 2024
RPS Update 2024- 2025…. ALL IN!
Dear Families, Faculty, and Staff,
We kicked off the start of the school year with our annual convocation where we formally announced our year's theme, “all in.” The theme for 2024-25 is intended to focus our entire school community on a common goal that anchors the work we will do throughout the year. It highlights our commitment to “all”; not some, not most, but all. I have full confidence that we are all in and invite every member of our community to join in our commitment and the fun. Here is one of the most magnificent moments of this year’s RPS Convocation…. I can’t stop replaying it!
We began the week with a late night at the Board of Education table where we discussed the draft 2024-25 District Priorities. We recognize the heavy lift that will take place across the year, and are incredibly excited about the work ahead of us. You will learn more about the District Priorities through a variety of modalities across the year; stay tuned!
Wow! We opened two accessible playgrounds this week for the students at Barlow Mountain and Ridgebury Elementary Schools. We cut the ribbon on Tuesday, and recognized all who supported creating spaces where each of our students can be “all in”; where no one is left out. We are proud of how our community came together to make this happen.
During the opening days of school, we had two significant events impact our schools, serving as a reminder to communicate our weather emergency procedures and schedules- you can find our process here. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the leadership and staff of RHS and Farmingville Elementary for their flexibility, creativity, and willingness to be all in as they teamed up to ensure our students could return to school in a clean and welcoming environment.
The Central Office team made the most of the opportunity to be in our schools, riding our buses, eating with our students, and spending time with our teachers. I can say that it has been a wonderful, fresh start to the school year.
This is the time of the year when you will be inundated with communication from schools, the District, and PTA’s. We will try to balance how much is sent and when. And, please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Susie Da Silva, Ed.D
Quote of the Week
When you have a strong culture, you have an army, and when you have an army you can do anything.
—Steven Bartlett, Diary of a CEO
Important District News and Reminders
Curriculum Corner: Elementary Spanish Starts This Week!
Overheard: "This is my new favorite class ever!"
On the first day of school, Scotland third graders are speaking Spanish. They are singing, counting, and playing games in Spanish. It’s the new District World Language teacher’s first day at Scotland Elementary and Jill Quattrocchi (pronounced Kwa Tro Kee) is making the most of each thirty-minute lesson.
Before joining Ridgefield Public Schools, Ms. Quattrocchi worked as an elementary Spanish teacher for Greenwich Public Schools, where she also served as the district elementary world language learning facilitator. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and Spanish, a Master of Arts in Teaching, and a certificate in administration.
Her experience and organization show. She works with all students, grades 3-5, in the same fun and efficient lesson meant to expose elementary students to a new language. She speaks almost exclusively in Spanish, showing students how much they can learn if they listen, repeat, and participate. Students seem excited—smiling, laughing, trying new words, introducing each other, singing a Spanish rendition of “Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes,” and playing “Simon Says.” A Scotland student was overheard saying, ""This is my new favorite class ever!"
All elementary students in Grades 3-5 will receive language instruction on a six-day rotation this year. The District expects to hire another World Language teacher next year. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting new addition to the Elementary curriculum. Bienvenida, Ms. Quattrocchi!
Playgrounds Open at Barlow Mountain and Ridgebury
Two schools! Two new playgrounds! On Monday, Barlow Mountain and Ridgebury Elementary families gathered with elected officials and town employees for back-to-back ribbon-cutting ceremonies for new accessible playgrounds. At both schools, Superintendent Dr. Susie Da Silva explained to the assembled young students that now their playgrounds will be accessible for all Ridgefield Public School students. She encouraged the public to see the new playgrounds after school or on the weekends.
First, Barlow Mountain Elementary Principal Rebecca Laus snipped the ribbon at her school with Bobby the Bobcat mascot, and the BMES community on hand. Then, Ridgebury Principal Mary Scalise opened up her playground. Soon students were swinging, sliding, and climbing on the Ridgebury playground.
State Representative Aimee Berger-Girvalo addressed the Ridgebury audience of staff and families by reminding them that she was a former parent and Ridgefield Intensive Special Education (RISE) paraeducator at Ridgebury. She explained that this day was particularly special because in her tenure some of the students receiving RISE services couldn’t play on some of the equipment. Ms. Berger-Girvalo, RPS Assistant Superintendent for Special Services Dr. Elizabeth Hannaway, and their teams earned recognition for their hard work receiving grants to support the project.
Ridgefield’s Director of Public Works and his team deserve credit for completing the Ridgebury playground over the summer and the Barlow Mountain playground by the end of this week. Plans for a new playground at Scotland Elementary are already drawn up, with another ribbon-cutting expected this fall. Branchville Elementary completed a new accessible playground with support from their PTA last year.
The RPS playgrounds, school parking lots, and grounds are maintained by the Town of Ridgefield in collaboration with District Leadership. Selectperson Rudy Marconi said, “This week's ribbon cuttings exemplify what our town and schools can accomplish together and the community’s commitment to inclusivity. Thank you to all that made this happen.”
September Calendar
Please check your school calendar for Back to School and other important events.
October Calendar
In and Beyond the Boardroom
The past week has been busy for the RPS Community and that's particularly true for Board of Education members. Board members attended New Teacher Orientation, Convocation, both Playground Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies, a BOE retreat, and regular meeting on Monday that stretched to three hours. Thank you to our dedicated BOE members for their stewardship, time, and dedication to our students and staff. One of the BOE's perennial interests is how to effectively communicate with its community/constituents within the confines of their policies. This is a reminder that there is Public Comment at the beginning and end of every meeting. The BOE webpage contains meeting agendas, supporting materials, and recordings of meetings. Please also email the BOE with your concerns and priorities.
Recent Recognitions
Michael Hougasian Is GOAT!
The Hartford Yard Goats minor league ball team selected East Ridge Middle School social studies teacher Michael Hougasian as its Educator of the Game. He threw out the first pitch—a strike. Congratulations!
Check Your eBackpack
Please help RPS go green by checking your students' e-Backpack weekly for important information. Organizations that meet the RPS policy may submit their request for inclusion to cmelagrano@ridgefieldps.net
The HeART of RPS
RPS is All In on the Arts. The elementary art team spent some of its professional development time installing the All-RPS Art Show, which will be held at East Ridge again on October 8 for the North Side Schools (Barlow Mountain, Ridgebury, Scotland, and Scotts Ridge) and October 9 for the South Side (Branchville, Farmingville, Veterans Park, and East Ridge). RHS will be invited on October 8 and 9. More info about this District-wide celebration of creativity to come!
RHS Athletics
RHS fall sports are underway. Please check the Athletic Department's website for game schedules, tickets, schedule updates, college recruiting information, parental support, and more.
Let's go, Tigers!!!
Photo: Athletic Director Dane Street and recent-hire trainer Rachel Marino.
Join the PTA!
PTAs are the lifeblood of RPS—pumping with vitality and creativity, and integral to what RPS does every day. From the celebratory back-to-school bashes to spirit runs to in-school and extracurricular enrichment to substantive support for teachers' passion projects, communication, school beautification, quality of life (staff lunches and coffee carts), and SO much more, the support our PTAs have for students and staff lift us up. Parents, teachers, and staff, please join your school's PTA to show, "We're All In!"
Photo Credit: Kelly Debald, PTA Council Co-Chair
More Photos from the First Days
RPS Is All In!
The Administrator Retreat brought District leaders together prior to the start of welcoming new teachers for important professional development and time to engage in the most important issues from mental health to school security and safety, special education, technology, and supporting students and staff.
Students Leaders Step Up and Pitch In
Before the school year, RHS student leaders help out by cleaning up the Butterfly Courtyard, speaking at Convocation, and helping with Freshman Orientation. Thank you!
Momentous Beginnings
Whether you're a parent sending your child to kindergarten for the first time or to the high school for the "last" first day or a new teacher or veteran educator, the first day of school every year can feel momentous. For most, the days were filled with joy. For some, tears. Here are some photos from around the district. A special thank you to all our bus drivers, custodians, food service workers, security, secretaries, and facility crews for the important work you do every day!
Endless Summer Love for RPS
Thank you to those who submitted photos of how you loved RPS this summer! Here are a few, including the Olympian Gabby Thomas meeting the RPS Teacher of the Year Lisa Whelan on the Today Show Plaza. It's not too late to share the love. Tag RPS or email photos to Alison Pratt.
Instant O'Karma
Students from East Ridge and Scotts Ridge with East Ridge teacher Jaime O'Karma at Convocation. They sang beautifully to a standing ovation. See the video link in Dr. Da Silva's letter above.
Third Grade Vibes Trending
We Are Family?
Assistant Superintendent Dr. Liz Hannaway and kindergartener Colin Z. aren't related but they could be. Precious photo!
RPS Update Outtake
Happy Labor Day! Have a Great Long Weekend
We would love to hear from you! Families and staff can submit stories, comments, or corrections to RPS Communications. Please follow us on Social Media with links below.