Cougar Clips
17 May 2024
Happy Friday Kipling Families,
It is so hard to believe that we are down to the final three weeks of school. With our state testing finished and our final curriculum units heading to completion, we are spending extra time every day focusing on the expectations and community-building we have worked on all year. Our Cougar Pride, the behavior expectations we pride ourselves on, have guided our conversations and relationships since last August. No matter what date the calendar reads, no matter how many days of school we have left, we are going to work tirelessly to build upon the successes we have achieved and the tremendous growth our students have realized. Please help us at home by reviewing school-wide behavior expectations and encouraging your child to bring their best self to school. Every day I am impressed by the kindness and caring nature your kids possess, and I know with your partnership we will have a fun and positive conclusion to our year.
All my best to you and your families over the weekend.
Mr. Matthew O. Lombardo, NBCT
Kipling Elementary School
Kipling PTO
Hello Kipling Families!
Please visit our website for all things PTO.
Please see the flyer below for School Supplies info:
Soul Mates Running Club
Hello 3rd-5th Grade Kipling Families!
Tomorrow, May 18th, is the first ever Kipling Sole Mates Running Club End of Season 5K event at Deerfield High School's track from 9am-11am. Heather Sepper and Kellie Cacioppo have forty Kipling students on their team. Nineteen of which are third graders, and twenty-one fourth and fifth graders. We would love to have a big turn out to this event to show these Kipling kids our support as they run their final 5K (3.1 miles) of the season.
If you are free that Saturday, and would like to stop by to cheer on your child's classmates, take some pictures at the photobooth, and have some fun, please join us! Many Kipling staff members will be there, and anyone is welcome to attend to cheer on our team. For more information, send an email to Mrs. Sepper at hsepper@dps109.org or Mrs. Cacioppo at kcacioppo@dps109.org. Thank you!
Student Council Presents…Move During Lunch on Thursday 6/6
The Kipling Student Council would like to host a movie during lunch on Thursday, June 6th. Our movie is to be determined based on a student vote. Marla's lunch is offering Love's ice cream as a special treat on this day. If your child would like to order a special treat for this event you need to order through the website by May 28th at 12:00pm. You may also pack your student a special snack, bag of popcorn or candy in their lunch if you would like.
Please reach out to Mrs. Thurman (lthurman@dps109.org) if you have any questions.
A Message from the Shepard PTO
It's time to order your child's 6th-grade school supply kit! Click HERE to purchase your school supply kits for Shepard Middle School. You must either update your profile on the North Shore Coalition website or create a new one. Shepard school supply kits are delivered directly to your home in July & beginning of August.
You can find school supply lists here (click on Shepard Middle School) or on the Shepard website at ShepardPTSO.org. Questions? Please email ShepardSchoolSupplies@gmail.com.
We are looking for parents to participate in the PTSO. Are you interested in serving on the PTSO at Shepard Middle School? Please email shepardptso@gmail.com for more information.
LMC Announcement
Shout out to Ms. Thurman for creating the first ever Multilingual section in the Kipling LMC! There are books in over nine different languages ready for checkout because of her dedication and commitment to inclusive practices and her passion for making sure everyone in our school feels welcome, supported, and cared for. We have books in nine different languages:
-Chinese, Dutch, Hebrew, Korean, Polish, Serbian, Spanish, Russian, and Ukrainian
Common Sense Media Video from Ms. Thurman
The Library Information Specialist team came across this resource and I felt compelled to share it with families in hopes of providing insight, support, and advice in navigating and supporting healthy and productive student use of technology and social media at home.
This week's videos: What is TikTok?Students NOT Returning to Kipling Next School Year
This form is for current Kindergarten-4th grade students who will not return to Kipling for the 2024-2025 school year. All student records will be transferred to the new school over the summer. The new school must submit a request for records via fax or email. Please submit one form for each of your children who are NOT returning to Kipling.
District 109 Communication
Instrumental Music
3rd grade families,
Thank you so much for those who were in attendance at this week's virtual instrumental music open house! If you were unable to attend, our instrumental music website has been updated to include a screencast of our webinar as well as the slide deck from our presentation.
We're excited to share that our instrument fitting signups are LIVE! Please take a moment to secure a 15 minute time slot for your child at next week's instrument fittings using this link. These will take place at Caruso Middle School from Tuesday, May 21st to Thursday, May 23rd and we hope to see you there.
If you have any questions, please direct them to eim@dps109.org and we will be happy to help!
-The DPS 109 Instrumental Music Team
Middle School Health Forms
A newsletter was emailed to our 5th grade families reminding them to have all proper health forms completed before entering middle school. These newsletters were emailed out by your future building nurse, you can review it here.
Deerfield Park District and Community News
Park District Before and After Care
The Deerfield Park District holds before and after-care programs in our school. All questions should be directed to the park district (847-945-0650).
Upcoming Important Dates
-Wed 5/22: Kindergarten Music Show, 5:30pm
-Mon 5/27: No School; Memorial Day
-Wed 5/29: Field Day! (Students and Staff Only)
-Fri 5/31: PTO 5th Grade Lunch Picnic and Evening Celebration
-Thurs 6/6: 5th Grade Fly Up Day at Shepard
-Fri 6/7: 5th Grade Breakfast before School
-Fri 6/7: Final Day of School; 11:40 Dismissal