Ferdinand Elementary Newsletter
October 11, 2024
Message from Mrs. Winkler
It’s hard to believe we’ve already completed the first nine weeks of the school year! We are incredibly proud of our students for their hard work and the amazing learning and growth we've seen. We are truly blessed with a wonderful community of students, staff, and families who help provide valuable learning experiences, support, and opportunities for our kids. Thank you to all our families for your ongoing support! Report cards will come home on October 25th.
Today, we were fortunate to have our annual visit from the Ferdinand Fire Department as part of Fire Prevention Week. The students always enjoy this opportunity. We also celebrated the end of the nine weeks with a fun event that included a hayride, bouncy house, pumpkin painting, pumpkin bowling, and smores! A huge thank you to our Parent Committee, Teacher Committee, parent volunteers, and everyone who donated snacks. We had a blast!
Next week is Fall Break, and there will be no school. We hope our students, staff, and families take this time to rest and recharge. When we return, we’re excited to host Grandparents Day on Friday, October 25th. More information can be found below.
We look forward to welcoming all of our students back on Monday, October 21st!
Wonder Discussion
This week we talked about Mr. Browne's precept: Your Deeds are Your Monuments
Ask your child if they remember what this means. We discussed how we will be remebered by our actions and how we treat others and not remembered by what we look like, how much money we have, or other ways. People will remember us for the way we act and what we do for others.
If you and your family would like to read the book at home here is a breakdown of where will be in the book throughout the first semester.
By the end of the week around page..
October 25th 148
November 8th 195
November 22nd 242
December 6th 293
December 17th 310Finish the last week before break
Volunteers Needed
If you are able to help with Grandparent's Day, we could use a few volunteers for our stations. Please click the link below to sign up. Thanks in advance!
Attendance Matters
Counseling Connection
Importance of Hydration
This month, I want to focus on hydration and the importance of including water in our every day routine. Each day, our students are active at school during PE and recess. With activity, our bodies require more fluids to give us the energy we need. By promoting hydration, we are helping our students bring their best selves to school to promote their learning and growth.
When we become dehydrated, our minds and bodies cannot perform to their best ability. We become tired, can’t think clearly, and become less attentive. Sometimes, this can create behavior challenges in our students while at school. Please make it a priority to send water, and only water, with your student to school in a water bottle that cannot spill. Please avoid sending soda and sugary drinks, as those do not provide the hydration needed and increases their risk of having a sugar crash.
We talk with the students often regarding health topics to promote our Ranger Ready skills here at school. So this month, let’s work together and push our students to drink 5-6 cups of water every day! Please help remind them that water is best to fuel their bodies to be the best they can be!
Safe Visitor Information - Come to School with Your Drivers License
Note from Mrs. Hauser
I have received almost all of the ILPs that I sent out this past week and the week before. Thank you all for your quick response! The ILPs will be distributed to the teachers and staff who have your child in their classrooms. These individual plans will provide your son or daughter with the support they need in order to better understand everything that is happening in class. Goals have also been set in order to give your son or daughter something to work for. The Individual Learning Plans also provide students with accommodations on state tests. These accommodations will provide them with the support needed for success. So, again, thank you for getting those to me as soon as possible!
I hope all of my students and families have a great Fall Break!
Recibí casi todos los ILP que envié la semana pasada y la semana anterior. ¡Gracias a todos por su rápida respuesta! Los ILP se distribuirán a los maestros y al personal que tengan a su hijo en sus aulas. Estos planes individuales le brindarán a su hijo o hija el apoyo que necesita para comprender mejor todo lo que sucede en clase. También se han fijado objetivos para darle a tu hijo o hija algo por lo que trabajar. Los Planes de Aprendizaje Individual también brindan a los estudiantes adaptaciones en los exámenes estatales. Estas adaptaciones les brindarán el apoyo necesario para tener éxito. Entonces, nuevamente, ¡gracias por enviármelos lo antes posible! ¡Espero que todos mis estudiantes y familias tengan unas excelentes vacaciones de otoño!
Fall Break Highlights
If you have any highlights from your family's fall break you can share them in the following link for the Ranger Report.
Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful
September and October Ranger Ready Skills
Ranger Archery for 4th Graders
Please complete this registration form Archery Registration Form 2024-2025
if your child would like to participate in archery this season. There is lots of information on the registration form. We would like all registration forms back no later than October 20, 2024. We would like to put the numbers together so we can get an email sent out with specific dates and times for practice. Looking forward to a fun and successful year.
Important Dates
October 25th - Report Cards Go Home
October 25th - Grandparent's Day
November 11th - Veteran's Day
December 11th - Christmas Program
December 20th - End of 2nd Nine Weeks
December 20th - Ranger Ready Celebration