KAMSC Newsletter
August 16th, 2024

A Note From the Director
Just a quick reminder that KAMSC's first day of school is Tuesday, August 27th. We look forward to seeing all of the smiling faces in the hallway and hearing the buzz of student voice! Please be extra diligent at drop off/parking for safety and encourage your student drivers to lock their car doors and remove valuables from their cars. Remember, no school Friday the 30th or Monday the 2nd for Labor Day weekend. We hope to see all families at our open houses on September 4th here at KAMSC.
Heather Kortlandt
Director, KAMSC
Attendance Reminders
If you student is going to be absent from school you must notify both your partner school and KAMSC (if they are gone all day) and always KAMSC if they are gone during their KAMSC classes. Please remember that attendance is vital as the content moves fast and we want students to have as much of their classroom experience as possible. To notify KAMSC call (337-0004) or email kamsc.office@kamsc.org.
Code of Conduct
KAMSC follows the KPS code of conduct for student discipline. Please be advised of it. Specific behaviors we would love your help with talking with your child about at home are:
- Academic Integrity - cheating is rampant in many high schools today with the influx of AI tools at the disposal of students. We need students' own authentic work being handed in. Keep in mind that the real lesson here is that the person who does the learning is the person who does the work. Students ultimately cheat themselves out of learning in these scenarios.
- Bullying- We know that with so many human interactions happening from class to class and in between that students will be navigating their interpersonal/social skills. Please remind them that choosing to be nice is always the best choice. True bullying is pervasive in nature and is disruptive to the learning environment, but if we all treat each other with kindness daily, we won't venture into this territory.
- Name calling/inappropriate language - Words matter. At KAMSC we are so lucky to come together from so many different households, partner schools and backgrounds. We must be very thoughtful about the words we use so that everyone here feels safe and welcomed.
Old News...
Preparing for the First Day of School
Please note that the first day of KAMSC is Tuesday, August 27th, which differs from your child's partner school start date. If you have questions about:
1. Transportation to and from KAMSC - contact your partner school's office
2. Lunch - lunch will start the week of September 3rd linked here is a sign up list for those who would like a sack lunch from KPS.
3. Medications - please make sure you have filled out the appropriate KAMSC office paperwork for this and drop that and the medication off in the office prior to the first day of school or as soon as possible between 8am-3:30 pm
Drop off/Parking Procedures and Reminders
If you are dropping off or picking up your student at KAMSC, please do so at the Vine Street entrance. Please find a safe place to pull over and then have you student proceed to the Vine street entrance. If students are driving themselves:
1. They need to acquire a parking pass from the KAMSC office - please fill this out
2. They need to park by the El Sol playground off of Dutton Street (but then walk to Vine street entrance)
3. They should be reminded to not keep anything valuable in their car and to keep their cars locked at all times.
4. The building will have a campus security officer at the Vine Street entrance during times of arrivals and dismissals.
Important Dates
Aug 27 - First day of school at KAMSC
Aug 30 - No school
Sept 2 - No School
Sept 4 - KAMSC open house - 9th & 10th grade 6-6:55 pm 11th & 12th grade 7-7:55pm
Sept 11 - 9th grade mixer - 6-7:30 - 1st floor Chenery Lobby