November News 2024
Cold Spring Early Learning Center
October Happenings!
It's hard to believe that October has come and gone, but we've been busy! October was Fire Safety Month and we kicked off the importance of fire safety with the Stanford, Milan, and Pine Plains Fire Companies, where students learned about fire safety and climbed through emergency vehicles. Deputy O'Brien and his K-9, Bolt, even made an appearance to talk to us about fire safety. To end the month, we celebrated Halloween with our Senior Parade. Our Cold Spring Cubs even got to parade on the stage while the seniors cheered them on! It's been a fun-filled month and we are ready for more!
Bolt Finding the Hidden Item
Fire Safety
Deputy O'Brien and Bolt
We are Grateful
As we shift into the month of November, we here at Cold Spring are focusing on being thankful and grateful. Our Culture and Climate Committee continues to bring our Cold Spring Cubs Character Board in the main lobby to life throughout the school year. The board will have a theme each month that classrooms will intertwine into their curriculum to build our character. This month is being grateful. Talk with your child at home about what grateful looks like, sounds like, and feels like.
To begin our grateful theme, your support and involvement in your child(ren)'s life has been very appreciated. We can't do what we do without you, and for that, we are grateful! Thank you for all you do to support your child(ren)'s learning world.
Additionally, we want to thank the veterans in our lives for their dedication, time, and commitment. We are able to enjoy our families, our hobbies, and our time together because of you! We are grateful for you!
World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day is November 13th. It was first introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement and is a day to highlight good deeds in our community. Some ways you can spread kindness is by telling someone how awesome they are, or make a card for them and mail it. Spread the kindness and keep it going!
Cold Weather is Coming
It's not entirely welcomed, but it is a fact that cold weather will be upon us soon. Please consider the extra clothes you've sent in to keep in your child's cubby as back up. Summer clothing should be swapped out for fall/winter clothing.
As the cold weather settles in, we will keep an eye on temperatures for outdoor recess. If the "real feel" is below 32 degrees, students will need a coat, long pants, gloves, and a hat/hood to go outside. If the "real feel" is below 10 degrees, outdoor recess will be canceled. Thank you for your attention to this!
Emergency Early Dismissal
On Tuesday, November 26th, the district is planning an Early Dismissal Drill. Students will be dismissed 15 minutes earlier. They will follow their usual dismissal plans, just will be 15 minutes earlier. If picking up your child, please plan on being there 15 minutes earlier. If your child takes the bus, please plan on picking your child up from the bus stop 15 minutes earlier than usual.
Lost and Found
The Lost and Found Box has some items that are missing their owners! Please take a look in the photo to see if you can identify any items that may belong to your child. There's even a garage door opener hanging out. Is it yours?
If your child is missing something and you aren't coming to the building anytime soon to look in the Lost and Found Box, give us a call or send an email and we will do our best to look for it.
Mark Your Calendars
Some important upcoming dates to know:
November 5th- Superintendent's Conference Day (No School for students)
November 6th- BoE Meets
November 8th-
Wear red, white, and blue to honor our veterans
End of Quarter 1- we made it!
Kids Night Out
November 13th- World Kindness Day
November 11th- No School- thank a veteran!
November 12th- Picture Retakes
November 13th- PTA meets
November 15th-
Report Cards come home
PTA School Store
November 20th- BoE Meets
November 26th- Emergency Early Dismissal Drill (15 Minutes)
November 27-29th- Thanksgiving Recess