Hetherington Herald
Family bulletin from Monsignor Hetherington School
The Hetherington Herald: October 7-11, 2024
😀Weekly News for October 7 - 11, 2024 😇
Morning Prayer: 5Yap
Enviro Stewards: 2VanSteelandt
Monday, Oct. 7 (Day 5)
- Just another magic Monday
Tuesday, Oct. 8 (Day 6)
Wednesday, Oct. 9 (Day 1)
- Pizza Fun Lunch, pre-order Click -> Healthy Hunger
Thursday, Oct. 10 (Day 2)
- EDO Fun Lunch, pre-order Click -> Healthy Hunger
Friday, Oct. 11 (PG Day)
- No classes / no school / no students
- Professional Growth Day
Absent? Changes in Pick-Up??
Absenteeism & Changes in Pickup
For students that will experience a change in pickup, please communicate these with the office via phone. 403 500 - 2036.
Absenteeism needs to be reported to the school via phone, 403 500 - 2036
The school can supervise students for 15mins before and after school, from 8:40-3:40pm. Of course, during emergencies or late busses, we will ensure children are safe and supervised.
Other Hetherington news
Thanksgiving showcase from 5A!
early BBQ service for a very special alum
4M Recyclers
service throughout the school!
Mrs Yepes and her students on Orange Shirt day!
Every Child Matters
Bus Transportation
Bus Transportation
We hope the changes that have been made to our routes and buses will help our students get home faster and with more reliable service. Thank you for your patience.🙂
🚨 If there is an emergency afterhours, please email Mr. Rosgen
Other inquiries please email - monsignor.hetherington@cssd.ab.ca
Starting Tuesday, October 1st. Bus #16 will be moving to STOCK Transportation and will be split to bus #16 and Bus #18. The new Bus Route Schedule was sent home via Sept 26.
We encourage you to create your account with BusPlanner under the parent portal option from the main page. Access to BusPlanner web can be found by selecting the following link https://ccsd.mybusplanner.ca/Default
BusPlanner Parent Guardian Access
- If you are listed as a contact for your child, then you will be able to use this to create an account to see your child’s transportation information. BusPlanner Web will also provide tools to assist you regarding school information and address eligibility calculators. It will also allow you to sign up for automated alerts regarding route updates and changes.
- You must insure when creating an account that you are using the same email address you provided us.
- District Code of QMME and Route Number of 5004 (Bus #04), 5005 (Bus #05), 5009 (Bus #09).
- FirstView App
- School access code of 5102CRCSSD for bus #16 and bus #18.
- BusZone
Waiting for the bus!
Lunch circles on Orange Shirt day.
Waiting for the bus with Mr. Rosgen
grows and learns in our Catholic faith so that while centered in Christ they may learn
their full potential.
4M Recyclers
Service throughout our school!
The Beautiful Catterpillar
1Y - September's Hetherington Artwalk showcase!
Intro to patterns
Calgary Catholic School District: One stop read!
One stop read! Here is the weekly bulletin from our Chief Superintendent, Dr Bryan Szumlas.
A big occasion for us to show our thankfulness for Catholic education is coming this month. We will celebrate Catholic Education Week during the week of Oct. 19-25! The theme this year is Testify! Share the Reason for Your Hope! During this week, we are all asked to share our reasons for choosing publicly funded Catholic schools to work and thrive in and to unite across our province in prayer and thanksgiving.
Need to plan ahead for holidays, child-care for non-school days, etc?? Check our our District school calendar.