Welcome Tigers!
Wildwood Elementary School
Hello Tiger Families!
Welcome to the new school year! I hope you enjoyed your summer and are rested and ready for a great year. My family and I spent a lot of time this summer on lakes, rivers, and the ocean which gave us plenty of time to reflect on and appreciate the beauty around us. It's my hope and intention that every member of our Wildwood family captures the beauty of Wildwood this school year through our collective efforts to elevate each student's academic performance and overall school experience.
This newsletter includes back-to-school information for a smooth start to the 2024-25 school year. Please be sure to read the entirety of this newsletter AND click on ALL the links. Doing so will help you access important information including important dates and events, annual updates for parents, a meal application form, PTA membership, our bell schedule, our online spirit wear store, and more.
School will begin on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. We look forward to seeing you soon!.
Mr. Lynch
NO School Supply Lists Needed This Year - See Below!
- Upcoming Events -
TK Back-to-School Events
Parents meet the teacher and visit the classroom.
- Monday, August 19
- 6:00pm
- Rooms K-1 & K-3
* Your TK child's class placement will be sent to you via email on Friday, August 16.
TK Meet & Greet ~ Parents and TK Students
Parents and TK students meet the teacher, visit the classroom, and build community with classmates through fun activities.
- Tuesday, August 20
- 9:30am
- Rooms K-1 & K-3
TK and Kinder Playdate
Casual playdate at the park to make friends, build community, and have fun! Please bring your own snacks and blankets.
- Tuesday, August 20
- Following the Meet & Greet
- Wildwood Park (adjacent to the school, NOT across the street)
Kindergarten Back-to-School Events
Kinder Back to School Night ~ Parents Only
- Monday, August 19 (Note: This date and time has been revised from our June communications)
- 6:00pm
- Rooms K-2, 22, & 24
* Your Kindergartener's class placement will be sent to you via email on Friday, August 16.
Kinder Meet & Greet
Parents and Kindergarten students meet the teacher, visit the classroom, and build community with classmates through fun activities.
- Tuesday, August 20
- 10:00am
- Start in the Wildwood MPR with a message from the Principal
TK and Kinder Playdate
Casual playdate at the park to make friends, build community, and have fun! Please bring your own snacks and blankets.
- Tuesday, August 20
- Following the Meet & Greet
- Wildwood Park (adjacent to the school, NOT across the street)
Grade 1-5 Back-to-School Events
1st-5th grade students and their families who are new to our school take a guided tour of the school led by the Principal.
- Tuesday, August 20
- 3:00pm
Join us on the upper blacktop to find out which class you are in, purchase 2024-2025 spirit wear t-shirts, purchase spirit wear from years past at a discounted price, and locate your classroom and line-up spot. Mister Softee will be there selling their tasty treats. Starting this year, we will NOT be handing out paper class placement forms at the Teacher Reveal Gathering event. Instead, we will be available to assist you in accessing your Q Parent Portal on your device where class placements will be made live at 4pm this afternoon.
- Tuesday, August 20
- 3:30pm-5:30pm
Grades 1-5 Back to School Night / PTA General Association Meeting
Thursday, August 29
- 5:30pm: 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade B2S Night presentations in classrooms
6:15pm-6:45pm: Principal Welcome and PTA Meeting in MPR
6:45pm: 1st and 2nd grade B2S Night presentations in classrooms
- Important Dates for ALL Tigers -
21: First Day of School ~ (Click here for 2024-25 Bell Schedule)
- 7:45am ~ Campus officially opens to all students. Only students enrolled in Child Care may enter the campus earlier than 7:45am on school days
- 8:05am ~ First bell
- 8:10am ~ Classes begin
23: Coffee with Principal at the Flagpole (8:15am)
23: "You Made It Through the First Week" ALL Grades Play Date
- 2:45pm-5:00pm ~ Wildwood Park (adjacent to the school, NOT across the street)
- This Play Date is not a school sponsored event, just an opportunity for families to connect. The school will not be providing supervision, so please plan accordingly.
29: Back to School Night
- 5:30pm: 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade B2S Night presentations in classrooms
- 6:15pm: Principal Message, PTA General Association Meeting in MPR
- 6:45pm: 1st and 2nd grade B2S Night presentations in classrooms
September, 2024
9/2: No School - Labor Day
9/4: Reflections Kick-off
9/6: School Picture Day
9/27: Back to School Picnic & Movie Night (6:00pm)
Helpful LINKS
- Important CVUSD Information -
Annual Updates
All updates may be completed online via the Q-Parent Connect Portal. Complete details and instructions are available here.
Meal Application Form
School meals for the 2024-2025 school year will be available to all students at no charge. Although all students will receive free meals through the duration of this school year, we request for all families to complete this Online Free / Reduced Meal Eligibility for School Year 2024-2025 form, as this form affects a variety of areas unrelated to school meals, including school funding, college application fees, SAT fees, bus passes and more. Even if your child does not plan to eat school lunches, it is important to fill out this form to help ensure our schools and families receive the available resources.
Student Accident & Sickness Insurance
- School News -
Blue & Gold
Order Your 2024-2025 Spirit Wear Shirt Today
PTA Membership
We invite every parent, student, and teacher to join our Wildwood Elementary PTA to help support our awesome school! Our PTA hosts and funds many school events throughout the year, as well as helps fund essential programs and specialist teachers like computers, P.E., STEAM Lab, TK/K dance, and Art Masters! Please join today HERE.
Campus Safety Assistants Needed!
We have a few more before school, recess, and lunchtime campus supervision slots available and would love to have you join our team. We can help you build a part-time schedule that works for you. If you or someone you know (18 years of age or older) is interested in a part-time, flexible, paid position at the school, please contact Karen Meyer, our wonderful Office Manager, at kmeyer@conejousd.org.
Job Opportunities for the 2024-2025 School Year
Wildwood is currently seeking candidates for the following part-time position for the 2024-2025 school year. If you or someone you know might be a good fit, please reach out to us to learn more or express interest.
Dance/Music Specialist for TK-Kindergarten
3 hours/week
Wildwood was fortunate to provide dance classes for our TK and Kinder classes last year, and we would like to provide dance, music, or performing arts classes again this year for our young learners. If you or someone you know has experience working with children, please contact Mr. Lynch at klynch@conejousd.org. No certification necessary for this position.
Make Your Voice Heard - Become a Wildwood DAC Parent Representative
We are currently looking for 5 parents who are willing to serve on our school leadership team (School Site Council) as District Advisory Council (DAC) Representatives. Don't be intimidated by the long, fancy title. Basically, a District Advisory Council representative attends one 2-hour meeting each month with parent representatives from other CVUSD schools and then shares information from those meetings with the SSC team at our 1-hour meeting in the MPR on the last Tuesday of the month at 4:00pm. DAC representatives learn about programs and services available to student groups within and around our school community and then use that information to make recommendations to our Wildwood leadership teams and administration with the aim of ensuring that all students are supported.
Wildwood currently has openings for the following DAC positions on our 2024-25 SSC team:
- (DAC) District Advisory Council Representative
- (DELAC) District English Learners Advisory Council Representative
- (SEDAC) Special Education District Advisory Council Co-Representative
- (GATE-DAC) Gifted and Talented Education District Advisory Council Representative
- (LGBTQ+AC) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning and Others Advisory Council
To learn more about each positon, click HERE.
To see the CVUSD 2023-34 DAC meeting schedule to get an idea about when these meetings are usually held, click HERE.
To submit your name for consideration for one of Wildwood's open DAC representative positions, click HERE.
Visitors & Volunteers
- Bell Schedule -
Wildwood Elementary
Email: klynch@conejousd.org
Website: www.conejousd.org/wildwood
Location: 620 Velarde Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Phone: 805-492-3531
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WildwoodTigers
Twitter: @WildwoodTigers