Greetings from Groveport Elementary
March 15, 2024
Principal Message
Dear Groveport Elementary Families,
The 3rd nine weeks Report Cards are available on Progress Book on Tuesday, March 19th. It is hard to believe we are starting the 4th nine weeks of school and summer will be here before we know it, but it isn't here yet. We have a ton of learning that still needs to be done, so please remind your child to continue to work hard and give their best effort every single day.
One final reminder about the Literacy Night and Brain Break Live Show. It is going to be super fun and we hope to see your family tonight 5:00 - 7:30 (Literacy Activities 5:00-7:30/Brain Break Show at 6:00).
Have a great weekend!
April Bray
614.836.4975 (school #)
614.309.3250 (cell #)
Focus on Learning
I-Ready Personalized Instruction - Last week the average percent of lessons passed overall for reading was 81% and time on task was 90%. The lesson time on task percent overall for math was 87% and lessons passes was 88%. Shout to the following classes for having the overall best for their grade level for lessons passed and time on task.
Reading = Ms. Clark, Mrs. Jahn, Mrs. Martin, Ms. Matteo, Mrs. McGonigal, and Mr. Yurasek's HR
Math = Ms. Clark, Mrs. Jahn, Mrs. Tomblin, Ms. Matteo, Ms. Fravel, and Ms. Wolf's HR
Attendance = This week's average attendance was 92.6%. Still haven't met our goal yet and we are down a little from last week. If your child isn't sick, please make sure they are at school everyday and on time next week.
Please enjoy the pictures below of our students learning :)
Groveport Elementary Career Day
Love your profession?
Want to share?
We need you here!!
We need YOUR help for our 2024 Groveport Elementary Career Day! Parents and/or community members are invited to voluntarily share their career choices with our 4th and 5th graders on Wednesday, May 22nd..
Guest speakers will address 4th and 5th grade classrooms for 20 minutes. Sessions will be from 9:30 - 12:30 a.m. (presenter schedules may be different based on student interest)
Please complete the following form and return to Mrs. Lloyd, school counselor’s office. Or complete online at https://forms.gle/jY2JfLpWwvfd4gMz9.
A confirmation email regarding the schedule and format suggestions for your presentation will be sent to you. Presenters will be accepted on a first come and preferred student career interest basis.
Thank you very much for your time and support. We greatly appreciate it!
Mrs. Lloyd
It is not too late to order your 2023-2024 yearbook! Please visit the online sale site, book.hrimaging.com to order yours before March 20th! There is a message that will appear in an orange banner on the page if you have already ordered one. The price of the book is $17.00.
You Should Join Band!
Our 5th grade students should have brought home some information about how to join 6th grade band. Instrument Fitting Nights are on April 16th and 17th at Middle School Central. You only need to come one day, and you can pick whichever time slot works best for you!
Any questions? Email Ms. Ninic!
Is your child missing their coat, sweatshirt, hat, lunchbox, shoes, glasses, phone, headband, watch, or water bottle? Ask them to check the lost and found or stop in one day before spring break and check for any lost items. If not claimed by March 28th, we will be donating the items over spring break.
Happy Birthday To You!
Mark Your Calendar
19th = Report Cards Published
28th = 2 hour early release
29th - April 7th = Spring Break
8th = No School (Solar Eclipse)
10th = Student Council Meeting
15th = Spring Picture Day
16th = OST ELA Part 1 (3rd and 5th grade)
17th = OST ELA Part 2 (3rd and 5th grade)
18th = OST ELA Part 1 (4th grade)
19th = OSt ELA Part 2 (4th grade)
Lunch Choices
Monday = Mashed Potato and Chicken Bowl
Tuesday = Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Wednesday = Macaroni and Cheese
Thursday = Chicken Nuggets
Friday = Sloppy Joes
Thank You Pledge of Allegiance Helpers
Tuesday = Jace Weaver
Wednesday = No School
Thursday = Jordyn Gygi
Friday = Akemi Webber
About Us
Email: april.bray@gocruisers.org
Website: gocruisers.org/groveportelementary
Location: 715 Main Street, Groveport, OH 43125
Phone: 614.836.4975
Facebook: facebook.com/GroveportES
Twitter: @april_bray