Saint Mary School Weekly Newsletter
February 13, 2025 - Volume 6, Issue 24
Thoughts from Mrs. Ambrosio
You are precious in my eyes. I honor you and love you.
- Isaiah 43:4
Dear Parents,
The week we return from break on February 25, Ben Tracy, from Safe Social Network, will be presenting to parents and students. Ben is a leading speaker on digital citizenship, online safety and responsible social media use. Please make every effort to join us at 8:00 in the school Hall to learn more about navigating these issues with your children.
Today we will be sending home results from the second IReady diagnostic to parents of students in grades 1-8. You will find a sealed envelope in your child’s backpack. We are pleased with the growth we have seen from our students and classes as a whole since the September diagnostic. If you would like to discuss your child’s results, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. Students will continue to work on their adaptive learning paths in school each week and will take the third diagnostic assessment in the spring.
I hope your Valentine’s Day is filled with love, kindness, sincerity, and maybe a few chocolatey kisses from one of your little ones. We head into February vacation at the halfway point in the month, and when we return it will almost be March and spring will be around the corner. Enjoy your time off next week.
God Bless,
Tomorrow at SMS
Dress Down Day Friday, February 14
All students may bring in a $1 donation that will be split between Malta House and Ann's Place, and dress down in pink, red, or Valentine's Day-themed clothing.
K-5 Valentine's Day Parties
Pre-K through 5th grade will celebrate Valentine's Day with class parties this week. K-5 parties will be on Friday, February 14.
Early Dismissal Friday and Winter Break
Just a reminder that Friday, February 14 is an early dismissal day. K-8 students will be dismissed at 10:30 am and Preschool students will be dismissed at 11:00 am. Next week is Winter Break (February 17-21). See you back on February 24.
A Peek at our Week Back After Winter Break
February 24-28, 2025
- Monday, February 24 - Music Kids; Afterschool Enrichment: Storytime and Crafts; Comic Kids
- Tuesday, February 25 - Ben Tracy Presentations; Band
- Wednesday, February 26 - Optional Middle School Mass
- Thursday, February 27 - Preschool Open House; Afterschool Enrichment - Cooking and Canva
- Friday, February 28 - Music Kids
A Note from the Nurse
Note from the Nurse: Keeping Kids Safe in Cold Weather
As the winter temperatures keep fluctuating we want to ensure our students stay safe while still enjoying outdoor play. Our guidelines recommend indoor recess when the temperature is below 20°F or the wind chill falls below 20°F. This is because "Feels like" temperatures at or below 20°F can significantly increase the risk of frostbite and hypothermia, which can develop quickly in children.
We understand the importance of outdoor time for students. However, we can't control the weather! To help us keep kids safe and comfortable, please make sure your child comes to school dressed appropriately for outdoor play on colder days. Thank you for your cooperation!
General News
March Hot Lunch Orders due February 23
Hot lunch for March is now open. It will close February 23 at midnight.
Grade 8 Class Fundraiser - Pizza Lunch
We are offering Planet Pizza for lunch on the second Tuesday of each month when we host the senior citizen lunch. These days hot lunch is not available from our school. One slice is $4.50 two slices is $9. Planet Pizza lunch will be served on March 11. Students from grades TK-8 may order. Deadline for February orders is Tuesday March 4. We can NOT accept any orders after March 4.
You will get an email confirmation of your order.
Please click here to order.
Interested in Playing Boys Lacrosse?
Ridgefield Academy invites Saint Mary School boys in grades 6-8 to play lacrosse this spring. Season runs from March 24 - May 29, 2025. No fee for Saint Mary School students. Interested? Please contact: Beth MacInnes, Athletic Director, Ridgefield Academy 203-894-1800, ext 107, bmacinnes@ridgefieldacademy.org
Bishop Scholarship Fund Open
- Student eligibility includes incoming Kindergarten-Grade 8 only.
- Apply online via FACTS Grant & Aid application and complete all questions relative to Bishop's Scholarship Fund. ($35 FACTS application fee required)
- Application requires the entire 2023 or 2024 IRS Federal tax return along with 2024 W-2s. If applicants do not receive W-2s, then they must submit their entire 2024 tax return.
- If applicants do not file taxes, they should contact the Internal Revenue Service at 1-800-908-9946 and request verification on non-filing.
- Deadline to apply - March 15, 2025 for families with a child currently enrolled in K-8 at any of our Diocesan schools; April 15, 2025 for families new to our schools.
- Award E-Notification – early May for current families; late May for new families
Legos for Love to LA Drive
From February 10-28, SMS will be collecting gently used loose Legos. The legos will be traded in to a donation facility that will give us money for the legos wich will be donated to help those affected by the fires in LA. Start looking for any pieces you have to donate! There will be a large bin by the main entrance to the school.
Green Team Used Battery Collection
Green Team will be hosting a used battery collection from through February 28th. Each battery should be placed in an individual plastic bag. We will reuse the plastic bags if we are able. There will be a bin in the science lab for collection. All of the batteries will be taken to the HRRA to be either recycled or disposed of properly.
HSA News
HSA Meeting MInutes Posted
Did you miss the last HSA meeting and Coffee and Conversation? You can click here for minutes and a copy of Mrs Campo's presentation on Supporting Your Child's Learning and Support Services at SMS.
Guest Speaker Coming to SMS on 2/25!
- The presentation will be recorded and the link will be shared after the event.
- Can't make it and have a question? Please submit questions via this link and we will ask for you.
Invites Coming Soon for Mother Son Night!
Capstone Corner
SMS Talent Show
Save the Date! The Legendary Talent Show is returning to SMS on Wednesday, March 26th at 6:30 pm! Students in grades K-8 are invited to show their gifts and talents! Audition will be held on March 13th after school! Acts should be rehearsed and 2 minutes or less. Look for a sign-up in the coming weeks!
The Talent Show is being brought to you as the capstone project of Parker Whitbeck.
Free K-5 Math Homework Help and Tutoring
For my Capstone Project I am starting an afterschool program to provide free math tutoring and homework help to interested students in grades K - 5. For more details and to sign up, please click here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0549AFAA2DA4FD0-54222596-smsmath
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at dunleavyr25@smsridgefield.org
Thank you! Ryan Dunleavy
Community News
Winter Break Summer Camp
Our own Coach G is running a soccer camp during Winter Break February 17-21 from 8:30 am- 12:00 noon for kids aged 6-12, held right at SMS. Visit https://www.strive.soccer/ for more information and to register.
Food Drive for Family and Children's Aid
Please support Parishoner Katie DIckson's snack drive for the children who attend programs at Family and Children's Aid in Danbury. The drive will run from February 24-28, and there will be a bin outside the main office.
St. Mary Parish Mardi Gras Potuck for Young Families
Friday, February 28 from 6-8 pm in the Saint Mary Hall. Enjoy jazz music, a childrens Lenten craft, and an ice cream sundae bar! Bring an entree, side or salad to share and BYOB. Water and juice boxes provided. Please click here to RSVP
Immaculate HS Youth Baseball Clinic
Immaculate High School is hosting a Winter Baseball Clinic for kids aged 7-12 in March. Registration is required and spots are limited. Email Coach Simone to register at coachdavesimone@gmail.com
CT March For Life
The St. Mary Parish Respect Life Committee along with the Knights of Columbus are proving a bus to take people to the CT March for LIfe in Hartford on March 19, 2025. The bus will depart from Saint Mary School at 10:15 am and return at 4 pm. Please register at www.smcr.org
Join us at Immaculate’s Blue & White Gala!
You're invited to Immaculate's annual Blue & White Gala on March 29! Register now and get ready for an unforgettable evening of dinner, dancing and exciting auctions, games and prizes! Best of all, celebrate with our amazing Immaculate community and support a fantastic cause. Raffle tickets for a $10,000 prize are on sale and ONLY 350 tickets will be sold. $100 per ticket. The drawing will be held at the gala but the winner need not be present to win. Purchase your raffle tickets here! Immaculate will honor Rev. Michael L. Dunn '82 with its Lifetime Achievement Award and The Baker Family (Raymond & Diane posthumously and Andrea '84, Ray '86 & Mark '90) at the event.
Family Movie Night Suggestions
To help families spend time together and share common experiences, the Leadership Institute of the Diocese of Bridgeport provides recommendations for Family Movie Night. Each week, a new recommendation and explanation are available. Click here for recent suggestions, including this week's suggestions, "The Little Prince".
High School LInks
While most Open Houses are complete. below find links to High School Admissions Pages of schools
- Immaculate High School, Danbury
- Fairfield Prep (boys only), Fairfield
- Notre Dame Prep, Fairfield
- Convent of the Sacred Heart (girls only), Greenwich
- Canterbury School, New Milford
- Kennedy Catholic, Somers NY
- St. Joseph High School, Trumbull
- Cardinal Kung Academy, Stamford
- Lauralton Hall (girls only), Milford
- Iona Prep (boys only), New Rochelle
- Fordham Prep (boys only), Bronx
About Us
Email: dowdinga@smsridgefield.org
Website: www.smsridgefield.org
Location: 183 High Ridge Avenue, Ridgefield, CT, USA
Phone: 203 438 7288
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StMaryRidgefield/