School News
May 13, 2024
Shining Stars for May
Ms. Kelley - Emree
Mrs. Reynolds - Dathan
Mrs. Gullidge - Keltyn
Ms. Dobbs - Dawson
Ms. Schmidt - Kelly
Music - Georgia (second grade)
PE - Axle (fourth grade)
Technology/Library - Hudson (third grade)
Spanish - Trenity (fifth grade)
Memory - Emerson (fifth grade)
We will be going to Pizza Pie Cafe on Wednesday, May 15. Congratulations!
Chapel - Wednesday, 10:50
This week our preschool classes from our Child Development Center will help us with chapel.
Fourth quarter offering will be going to the Kerrick Family.
Everyone is welcome
We love our families! We had a wonderful week, the doors were amazing, the snacks, lunch, were delicious and the relaxation and pizza was a great way to end the week.
From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!!
BBQ Sign Up
If you are planning on coming to the BBQ make sure you have signed up.
We need a head count by Tuesday, May 14 by 3:00 PM. We will not accept names after that time.
School BBQ - Friday, May 17
Friday, May 17 will be the last day for hot lunch. We will have a wonderful lunch hopefully outside.
Baked Beans
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Assorted Drinks
Students can use their regular lunch account. Adults and all children not part of the school the cost is $5.00 per person. We hope you can join us for lunch.
Cold Lunches - May 20-22
All students will need a cold lunch Monday, May 20 through Wednesday, May 22.
Last Day of School - Wednesday - May 22 All Day
Chapel will be at our regular time of 10:50 AM in the sanctuary.
We have various graduations planned throughout out the day, please see schedule below.
Graduation Times: Wednesday, May 22
Full Day Kindergarten - 1:00 PM
Fifth Grade - 2:00 PM
Half-Day Kindergarten - 6:00 PM
Free Summer Lunches- Starting in June
The USDA National Hot Lunch program is offering free lunches throughout the summer for children in the Magic Valley. They are hosted at various places in the valley.
Text - 304-304 in the send area and then all capps FOOD in the message area to find the place nearest you.
It will not start till June.
Calendar for May
May 17 - All Scholl BBQ
May 22 - Last Day of School