The Tiger Times
West Newton Elementary
Email: sstrube@decaturproud.org
Website: decaturproud.org/westnewtonelementary
Location: West Newton Elementary School, 7529 South Mooresville Road, West Newton, IN, USA
Phone: 317-856-5237
Twitter: @wntigers
Dear West Newton Families,
Welcome back to our West Newton students and families to the 2024-2025 school year! On behalf of the West Newton staff, please know how excited we are to see our students and greet their families at our Meet the Teacher Night on Mon., July 29 from 5:30-6:30pm.
There is important information contained in this newsletter so please review it and contact your child’s teacher, Assistant Principal Mrs. McGuffey, or me should you have any questions.
Online Registration is still open so please click on this link to register: https://www.decaturproud.org/updates. Please call the office at 317-856-5237 should you have any questions or need assistance with registration.
Upcoming dates for the start of school for the 2024-2025 school year:
July 29 = Meet the Teacher Night @ West Newton 5:30-6:30pm
July 30 = First day of school! Buses arrive by 7:25am and leave by 2:25pm each day
Our West Newton staff takes great pride in honoring our Veterans. If you know of a Veteran who is in need of Military Family Resources, please share our West Newton website at WN Military Family Resources so that our veterans can access resources at the following links: Indiana Dept. of Foreign Affairs, Helping Heroes, Marion County Veteran Affairs. Mrs. Amanda Burch is our Military Family Resources contact at West Newton and she can be reached at 317-856-5237, ext. 21206.
The West Newton staff continues to prepare our students to be “Tomorrow Ready”. Thank you so much for partnering with us in our students’ success and for sharing your children with us. #DecaturProud
With Tiger Pride,
Susan D. Strube
Visitors Welcome August 12, 2024
As we begin the new school year, we want to ensure a smooth and productive start for all our students. To give our children the best chance to adjust to their new routines and expectations, we will be welcoming parents into the school after two weeks of school have concluded. Parents are welcome to volunteer, visit, and have lunch beginning August 12th. This time will allow our staff and students to establish a strong foundation for the year ahead. We appreciate your understanding and patience, and look forward to sharing our progress with you soon. Thank you for your support and cooperation in making this a successful year for our students.
Proud to be a WN Tiger!!
Popcorn is $.50 per bag. Popcorn money will be collected all week and the popcorn will be distributed during the students' lunch time. All proceeds benefit the Student Activity fund and the Staff Fund.
Popcorn Friday will take place every week!!
Decatur Township School Police Department, (DTSPD), in collaboration with the Drug Free Coalition, is excited to offer a new diversion program for students found to be in possession of tobacco products,
e-cigarettes, and or vaping devices. DTSPD has also partnered with our local courts in an effort to minimize the use of these products and devices on our campuses. Our students, if found with the aforementioned items, would be in violation of Indiana Code 35-46-1-10.5, Minor in Possession of a Tobacco Product or an Electronic Cigarette or 7.1-5-12-8 Smoking in a Prohibited Area. Each of these would be met with an Indiana citation, also known as a “Uniform Traffic Ticket,” (UTT). When submitted to the courts, the cost of the ticket for this violation is $170.50. This is an actual ticket and will affect your license or the ability to obtain one if left unpaid. Our objective however, is not to create financial hardship, but to have an opportunity to educate students and families on the dangers of vaping and tobacco products. Twice per month, DTSPD officers will present a 1-hour class for students who have opted to accept the terms of the diversion program. The cost of the class for a student attending alone is $75.00. If a student attends the class with a parent or guardian, the class is discounted at a cost of $25.00. Upon the completion of the class, the UTT, or citation, will not be referred to the courts, and there will be no record of the violation. A student may only participate in the program once per school year, and only twice throughout their entire school career.
Indianapolis Public Library: Decatur Branch Programming Survey
Hello Decatur Township community members.
Please share your input on programs you would like to see offered at the Indianapolis Public Library Decatur Branch and what times work best for you and your family. Follow the link to fill out a brief survey. Thank you for your time. https://forms.gle/SMY6iUxCGHUaSbMF9
Distribution of information by a community group in accordance with MSD Decatur policy does not imply, directly or indirectly, that the group's program(s), event(s) and/or service(s) is sanctioned, sponsored or endorsed by the district, the Board of Education or the superintendent."