Cedar Crest Intermediate
August 4, 2023

May 3, 2024
A Messages from Mrs. Williams
CCI Families,
This week's newsletter is chalked FULL of information!
- 6th-Grade Dance Details
- Incoming 6th-Grade Band Meeting
- 5th-Grade Field Trip Chaperone sign-ups DUE MONDAY
- Field Day Details
- School supply kits are available for purchase until May 19 for 2024-2025 CCI Students. Click here for more information. Use Code: 44421
- April Rangers of the Month
- May Menu
- MANY Student Engagement Opportunities
Have a wonderful weekend!
Cassie Williams
May Ranger Ready
Complete this form to give a student or staff member a SHOUT OUT! We have so many wonderful students and staff members. Let's give them some love!
Camp Crest 2024
News from Nurse Waninger
✍🏻Cedar Crest School Supplies 2024-2025📝
5th Grade Newsletter
Please be sure to have BOTH of these forms on file with SED.
The last day to notify Mrs. Rogier of your intentions to chaperone is Monday, May 6.
Thank you!
For information about your child's bus route, please contact Dr. Jamie Pund. Please call 812-817-0900 extension 5 for the Superintendent's office or email jamie.pund@sedubois.k12.in.us.
PTO President: Brittany Scherzer
Online Safety
May Menu🍎
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE State of Indiana Launches SUN Bucks INDIANAPOLIS – The state of Indiana today announced that applications for the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (SEBT) program, also known as SUN Bucks, are now open. SUN Bucks is a new benefits program that provides families a one-time payment of $120 for each eligible school-aged child to help purchase groceries during the summer. This ensures that students continue to have access to healthy meals beyond the school year. The benefits will be provided to eligible families on a separate EBT card and mailed directly to their home. Benefits can be used at authorized retailers, like grocery stores and farmers markets, to purchase healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, meats and other protein sources, whole grains and dairy. These benefits are available in addition to free meals that children of all ages can get at SUN Meals sites in their communities. Most eligible families will receive these benefits automatically and local schools will communicate eligibility to parents and families. Some parents will need to apply. The following households need to complete the online SUN Bucks application:
April 22, 2024
New benefits program aims to ensure students maintain access to healthy foods during the summer
Children are eligible for the program if:
Volunteer Information
School Calendar
5/7: Last Day of Release Time
5/10: Move-up Day/6th-grade Dance (7:30-9:30)
5/14: 6th-Grade Preparing for Adulthood Talk after Release Time
5/15: JA in a Day
5/17: Field Day
5/20: Seniors visit CCI
5/21: 5th-grade field trip
5/22: Sixth Grade Field Trip
5/23: Awards Ceremony/Last Day of School
⚽6th-Grade Boys Interested In playing Jr. High Soccer⚽
🎾 FP Youth Summer Tennis Camp 🎾
🏃🏻♀️Junior High Cross Country🏃
Junior High Cross Country Sign-ups kick-off now! JH XC is open to all incoming 5th graders - 8th Grade. Please make sure to scan the QR code to join our Band app. This is to keep you informed on Summer Training, Official Practice start dates / times, and our race schedule.
Also, if you haven’t already, please make sure to complete Final Forms soon. This will allow coaches to see who has completed their athletic physicals as well as show the coaches their roster of athletes. This link will guide you through the process if you’re new to Final Forms: https://drive.google.com/.../1rOxWXGzbevp1WaR0S.../view
If you have any questions regarding Junior High XC, please reach out to Coach Andrea Atkins.
Thank you!
Ranger Readers
CCI Readers have created read aloud stories for younger Rangers! If you have littles, CHECK THEM OUT! Click HERE!